
Friday, May 24, 2019

Preaching the Three E's - Educate. Entertain. Empower

Three Time Best Selling Author/Medium Out In Full Force With “Rebel Witch: A Memoir”

(April 23, 2019) There seems to be no stopping this firecracker, Vanessa Hogle. Three-time Best selling author, with her books in the top 100 Amazon in three genres (paranormal, travel, self-help), is one gal you should know! What makes this unstoppable force stand out is the fact that she did not pursue any speaking engagements or interviews; all her appearances have been from those folks who have found and sought her out.

Rebel Witch: a Memoir, Vanessa's 4th book release is May 31, 2019, and covers in layman's terms, tarot, magic, investigations, psychic sensitivity and many other pertinent topics. Hogle explains each in detail, with personal experiences, so that the reader can find, believe in and utilize their own personal power. Hogle says, “My goal is to educate, entertain and empower.”

Vanessa is doing just that, and by preaching the three E's is sharing her story, getting her message out there. In addition, Hogle has consulted with law enforcement on previous missing person cases continues 'remote viewing' for different organizations and home investigations.

Past works include Soulscapes (April 2015), Giving Up the Ghost (August 2015), Walking With Ghosts (2017). In addition, Hogle is featured in 5 other books.

Giving Up the Ghost reached the top 100 Amazon bestsellers in ghost and hauntings, channeling and self-help.

Walking With Ghosts reached the top 100 Amazon bestsellers in paranormal, adventure and travel.

Three books spending multiple weeks in the top ten on Amazon

In the last 4 years consulted for or investigated over 300 cases worldwide

In the last 2 years sold over 400 personal creations and commissioned pieces to include hand sculpted jewelry, free-standing sculptures, and paintings

Consulted on “Leave It or Die” episode on Animal Planet's show “The Haunted”

Hogle has done this all while being a single mom working full-time as a dental assistant! Currently holding down 2 jobs, and gearing up for filming her documentary Hidden Gems this summer, Vanessa is one busy and tenacious gal. What one may not know or be aware of is that Vanessa had endured numerous hardships that would have caused many to lose hope: a high school dropout who went back to night school at the age of 21; a rape survivor and survivor of a brutal assault by a stranger; was homeless for two months living out of her car; had six miscarriages and has one living child, and endured emotional and physical abuse in relationships after her divorce. Vanessa truly believes all of this happened for a reason, and that reason was to make her the person she is today hellbent on making other people see their worth.

Not only have her books spent many weeks in Amazon top 10 in those genres, but to date, Hogle has also become quite a YouTube personality. She has appeared on many media platforms like Blogtalk radio, multiple podcasts, and YouTube with shows such as Beyond The Strange, Miami Ghost Chronicles, Stories of the Supernatural, multiple appearances on Spaced Out Radio, Necromancer Live, Paranormal Collaboration, Paranormal King, multiple appearances on Paranormal Connection Radio, Our Paranormal Stories and extensive appearances on Paranormal Zone TV. See attached for an extensive list.

Her books are published by Mike Ricksecker of Haunted Road Media, and Hogle also appears as co-host with Ricksecker on Edge of The Rabbit Hole, a weekly podcast live stream interactively researching and uncovering supernatural secrets and lost knowledge from throughout the ages, covering a wide range of locations and topics, all supernatural, paranormal, and historic in nature.

Catch Vanessa among the speaker lineup at Haunted Road Media's second annual ParaCon and author event June 1st at Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, IL.

For more information and booking interviews, please contact Rochelle Arjmand of Arjmand Communications PR & Entertainment at 312-780-1465,

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have reincarnated as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.

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