Saturday, April 13, 2019
Formulas can't predict accurately predict film audiences
Never Can Say Good-bye video one sheet from Theresa Chaze on Vimeo.
Investors and distributors have been making decisions on which projects to support based on a formula that more often than not proves to be inaccurate at the box office. True profitability comes from innovation that is based on the courage of being first. Those, who follow a successful concept, are tardy to the party. Never Can Say Good=bye takes the ghostly genre to a place it has never gone before. Join our team and become a leader, who changes the direction of the industry.
Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have reincarnated as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.
#featurefilms #paranormal #ghost #supernatural #producing #marketing #filminvestment #filmdistribution
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