Our of the Shadows and Into the Light
A Modern Day Book of Shadows.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Light is a modern day Book of Shadows. The rituals are not based on one tradition, but are written to be inclusive. In addition, it gives a brief explanation of what Wiccans and to some extent Paganism believes.
There are chapters on the basics:
Building an altar
Holy water
The general topics include rituals of:
Within these chapters, there are rituals to invoke the Harpies, break karmic ties, and healing issues with prosperity. There are also essays on praying for peace, raising your Kundalini, working with the elementals and being more aware of what you are manifesting.
Unlike many Book of Shadows, Out of the Shadow and Into the Light has information that will be valuable no matter how much experience the person has. It opens the door for you to walk through to find you best and highest self.

The Coyote Springs Police believe the fire put an end to his murderous rampage. Anna knows that they are wrong. The Goddesses have shown her his spirit rising from the ashes that once was his home. They give her banishing ritual and ask her to perform it in the center of his power. Unprotect and uncertain, she waits for his spirit to once again stalk the night. She climbs the hill, not knowing if she will have the strength or time to banish him.

After attending a local Pagan festival, Alyssa finds herself to be a target of Sheriff Deputy Nevel's violent obsession. Her complaints are ignored. Her friends and coworkers are harassed. No one in in her life is safe from persecution. Alyssa doesn't understand why he and his comrades singled her out. In desperation, she performs a karmic ritual so that she may understand his hatred of her. Instead of a message, her soul takes her spirit back to the time when the Goddesses and Gods of old had not yet given way to the Christos and clan traditions could mean life or death. Nict For Ure Selfe (Not For Ourselves) a suspenseful tale of betrayal as traditions and love are tested by the changing times and greedy men whose lust for power continued into their next incarnations
Celtic Goddess reach through time to balance a karmic wrong.
Sisters, Mothers, Daughters--Tales of the Relationships Between Women
http://www.amazon.com/Sisters-Mothers-Daughters-Tales-Relationships-ebook/dp/B001D45YLC/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_7Sisters, Mothers, Daughters-Tales of the Relationships Between Women uses the fantasy genre to explore the complicated and ever changing relationships between women. Other worlds, differing religions, and political view points come together as women explore themselves and their life’s path. Sometimes controversial, sometimes frightening this collection of short stories reveals the multi-dimensional spirit of the every changing woman.
And Freedom for All
Politically relevant and controversial, And Freedom For All, projects into the future what life will be like once the religious right has gained power over the United States. Laws are in acted and interpreted according to their Christian doctrine, leading to the over turn of Roe vs. Wade and to a great division between the states. Pregnant by a man who sees her more as possession than a partner, Daphne asks childhood friend, Melanie to help her to escape to a free state.
It’s My Funeral, I’ll Disco if I Want
In It’s my Funeral, I’ll Disco If I Want, Resa has prearranged her own funeral according to her Wiccan beliefs. Caroline, her spirit guide to the Summerland and long time friend, arrives to escort her to the other side, only find that Resa refuses to leave until after her funeral. Instead she wants to watch as her frustrated birth family is forced to accept in death what they couldn’t accept about her in life.
Seize of Honor
Seize of honor is an other worldly tale of how Kelly O’Dell accidentally killed the children of the natives she is attempting to communicate with them to save her people
These are only examples of the tales told in Sisters Mothers Daughters as women strive to understand themselves and each other. Each of these women must look to their own hearts and ask themselves--am I strong enough?
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