
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Don't Curse the Messenger: Free Prosperity Ritual

Don't Curse the Messenger: Free Prosperity Ritual
Theresa Chaze

With the challenging financial times that many of us are going through, it is easy to loose track of the blessings that we have and continue to receive. How many times have we reluctantly gotten the mail, dreading or even cursing the bills that we are certain that will be there. And sure enough, there are bills. The universe provided exactly what we expected. We asked. The universe delivered. However, if we changed our perspective by focusing on finding blessings, the universe would just quickly provide the them.

If every day, we looked to our mailbox as a source of income that is what it would become. By being grateful and blessing the source, we would not only make our mailboxes a prosperity source, but also open our lives for miracles appear. As silly as it may feel, if you thank your mailbox or computer or bank account--whichever way your money comes to you for the financial help and support, you will increase what you are given. This doesn't mean you can sit on your behind and do nothing; however, if you live in the moment and do your best, while keeping your perspective positive and open, you will allow the Divine to bless you.

Three Gem Mailbox blessing

What you will need:

Citrine-connected to the Divine
Rose quartz--representing love
Any green stone--representing healing and prosperity.

Hold them in your hands and say:

I call the Divine
to create prosperity that is mine.
With healing, hope and love
I accept the blessings from above.
Through this portal and all others
I accept financial blessings from soul sisters and brothers.
Let miracles manifest and ever flow
so that my prosperity continuously grows.

After blessing them with the spell put them in your mailbox. Every day make a point of thanking them. In addition, you can write the spell on a posty and place it on your computer so that it will also be a portal for prosperity.

There are more prosperity rituals, as well as love, protection and healing, in my Ebook of Shadows, Out of the Shadows and Into the Light.. It is a Wiccan book of wisdom for the novice and experience worker. It is available at

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