
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Celebrate Our Historic Victory with the Veterans’ Pentacle Quest!

Celebrate Our Historic Victory with the Veterans’ Pentacle Quest!

Celebrate Our Historic Victory with the Veterans' Pentacle Quest!

Advocate a Pagan Chaplain in the U.S. Armed Forces!

Keep the focus on the VA to accept Thor's Hammer of the Asatruar
and the Druids' Awen symbol!

Join us in front of The White House for a
Pagan Religious Rights Rally and Ritual!

Wednesday, July 4th, 2007!
Lafayette Square Park
Washington, DC
Outside the White House and the Department of Veterans Affairs

Set-up between 10am and Noon
Speakers begin at Noon
Ritual begins at 2pm and transitions to...
Spirit Drum Circle until 5pm
Event ends at 5pm
Roster of Speakers:

Rev. Barry Lynn - Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Rev. Selena Fox - Lady Liberty League and Circle Sanctuary
Diana L. Paxson - The Troth, Fellowship of the Spiral Path
Rev. Michael Akins - Military Pagan Network
Rev. Robert Lee (Skip) Ellison - Ar nDraiocht Fein
Rev. Marcia Drewry - Sacred Well Congregation
Stephen McNallen - Asatru Folk Assembly

Caroline W. Casey - Visionary Activist Astrologer and Radio Host
Special Guest Diana L. Paxson, Pagan Elder and acclaimed author, will
lead a ritual to invoke the Founders of our nation to work with us to
protect the liberties they established and the land they loved.

Spirit Drum Circle after the ritual facilitated by Mz. imani, shaman
of the drum and founder of Conscious Collaborations. Through the
voice of the drums, our ritual intent will travel into the hearts of
the world, invoking harmony, justice and religious freedom for all.

This rally and ritual is organized and sponsored by Caroline Kenner
and Chesapeake Pagan Community. For more information, email:

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