Hypocritical DNC
The Democratic National Convention continues to try to limit the voters’ voice of Michigan and Florida, while still asking for their vote in November. The voters had nothing to do with the internal rules of the Democratic Party. The voters had nothing to do with the changing the date of the primary. So why should the voters of two states be excluded from the Democratic process.
Why would anyone from Michigan or Florida vote for Obama? He was the one who stood in the way of the revote. He stood in the way of all the votes being counted because he was afraid it would help Clinton. The DNC helped their heir apparent by denying Michigan and Florida voters their Constitutional right of representation.
Suddenly DNC realized that they would need Michigan and Florida to win the White House that they began to make nice. They are holding hearings to give both states reconsideration. As I write this, Florida’s delegates have been seated with only a half vote. The DNC is telling Florida that your citizens are not equal to the rest of the country--that the people of Florida will be denied their Constitutional rights as equal citizens.
The debate on Michigan has just started. The proposed “compromise” is to give Obama delegates won by Clinton and to also give cut the weight of each delegate to half. Once again, the DNC has their fingers on the scale. It is in Democratic Bylaws that delegates can’t be shifted from one candidate or category from one to another, which is exactly what is proposed. The compromise would take four delegates be taken from Clinton to Obama; in addition, all of the uncommitted delegates would go to Obama. In Michigan, 55% percent of the votes went to Clinton. Obama received none because he chose to take his name off the ballet. Undeclared received 40% of the votes. Each of the delegates will only receive a half vote.
Senator Clinton as reserved her right to challenge the committee‘s decision. For months, the DNC has been corrupting the system by systematically supporting Obama over Clinton due to gender bias. The good old boys would prefer to have a penis in office instead of the best candidate. I would hope that if the DNC continues to subvert the political system by not fully seating the Michigan and Florida delegates, then I would ask Senator Clinton to run as an independent.
The committee has voted. The voters in both states have lost part of their citizenship. So now, the DNC will be courting these same voters in November. What hypocrites! If they think the voters in either state will just forgive and forget, they are sadly mistaken.
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2008 Presidental election, Clinton, Obama, feminism, Feminized Values, guest blogger, politics, Democrats, real clear politics, cnn politics, American Politics, real politics, women in politics, hilary clinton campaign, hilary rodham clinton, hilary clinton for president, barack obama, obama girl, facts about barack obama, obama for president, Theresa Chaze, democratic candidates for 2008 elections, republican elections 2008 whos running for president, 2008 us democratic party elections results, feminism, modern feminism, liberal feminism, definition of feminism, politics of feminism, the view politics feminism, Michigan Voters, Theresa Chaze, uppity women, gender bias, gender bigotry, Father Michael Pfleger, Howard Dean, independent voters
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Honor Due: Book Trailer
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In the Major's old world, it was kill or be killed. Whoever had set the mission for the young stranger hadn't told him what kind of predator he hunted. Older didn't mean soft as the hunter becomes the prey in D. H. Brown's Honor Due
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Authors: A New Ebook on Writing and Marketing Your Book

Authors: A New Ebook on Writing and Marketing Your Book
From Blank Page to Book Shelves--How to Successfully Create and Market Your Book is a new ebook, which shares writing tips, and marketing strategies, which will make your publishing experience more successful. The marketing information includes how to effectively use SEO keywords in press releases, chose a publisher and low cost to free promotional options, while sharing writing tips.
The first part of the ebook gives basic writing tips. From plot organization to creating conflicts, this ebook help authors understand the basic structure of both short stories and novels. In addition, there are chapters on characterization and sensory writing, which help the authors draw in their readers into a multi-dimensional reading experience.
The second part of the book includes the importance of protecting the rights of the author, not only by copyrighting the work, but choosing the proper publishing venue. Safeguarding a work can be done easily and inexpensively; if done properly it insures that it will be legally protected. Choosing the correct publishing format and publisher can also make or break a book’s opportunities to reach the reading public.
Marketing and Promotions is explained in the third part of the ebook. It describes how the publishing venue affects how a book can be best advertised not only to readers, but also to bookstore owners. In addition, it lists low cost or free promotional ideas that can be used both on and offline. Search Engine Optimization makes press releases more effective; using the correct key words in the proper format will efficiently attract the attention of the search engines, thereby raising the article or site higher in the rankings and drawing more traffic to it.
From Blank Page to Book Shelves--How to Successfully Create and Market Your Book can’t guarantee to place an authors on the New York Times best seller‘s list; however, it will help improve their writing skills and understanding of the business end of the industry. Currently, this ebook is available at www.theresachaze.com for $7.00.
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If I was Head Writer of Days of Our Lives--Part 15
The beautiful spring evening has brought out the Salemites. EJ is sitting on the edge of the fountain, sadly tracing the dedication plate that reads, "In loving memory of John Black. Beloved husband, father and friend. His loving spirit remains alive in all the lives he has touched." Ava walks up the path, seeing him, she walks up to him and sits on the other side of the dedication plate.
I want to be like him.
He’s dead.
Not any more.
What do you mean, not any more?
It was one of my father’s little games. Once again, he stole a life. It seemed to be his hobby. Taking people’s lives and using them.
You aren’t responsible for what he did.
(Standing and walking away from her)
Yes. I am. I helped him. Ava, I’ve done terrible things.
Like I’m one who could throw stones.
If you knew--
I would love you any way. You will always be my hero.
(Shaking his head)
You wouldn’t stay that.
(Walking to him and taking his hand)
Tell me.
I’m too ashamed.
Look at me. EJ, look at me. What do you see in my eyes?
Someone who doesn’t exist any more.
Yes. He does. You’ve just forgotten. But I haven’t. I still remember who you truly are. Every new beginning starts with an ending. You’ve done things you aren’t proud of. So have I. Do you think any less of me?
You don’t understand.
What don’t I understand. What is the worse thing you’ve done?
I can’t.
EJ, you can. Trust me.
Trust? What’s that?
The courage to have faith in another.
(The words rush out)
I raped Samantha Brady. I loved her and she didn’t love me. But I thought I could make her love me. Father wanted an heir with a Brady woman. It was nothing until I met her. She was so alive and beautiful. And she was a Brady. I could make my father happy and find love at the same time. But she loved Lucas. No matter what I did, she always went back to him. No matter how he hurt her...
So you thought that if you hurt her more, she would love you?
You hate me.
I don’t hate you.
How can you not? I hate myself. I love her but when I look in her eyes I remember--the hurt and betrayal I saw in her eyes. Sometimes, I still see it. I want her to love me like I love her.
If you loved her, you would never have hurt her like that.
She said she forgives me.
Forgiveness is different than love.
In time--
In time, what? Do you think she will forget? Can you?
I can make it work. I can’t give up.
You don’t have anything to give up.
She’ll forgive me.
You said she already did. Is there something else? EJ, you can’t force someone to love you. You can’t lie or manipulate them into caring. Love doesn’t work that way. I love you for who you are in here. You didn’t have to con me. I loved you for you. I wanted you to be happy. That’s why I didn’t follow you. Maybe that was a mistake. But I thought that is what you wanted and I wanted you to be happy. That is what love is.
(Placing her hand on his heart)
You are a kind and honorable man, who used to make me feel safe and loved. You helped me find reasons to smile after my mother died. You were my handsome knight who road upon steed to save me. You gave me the strength to think I could have a life of my own. To be someone besides my father’s daughter.
I’m not that man any more.
Yes you are. You just have to remember to be EJ not Stephano’s son. He twisted and manipulated you in the name of love and family loyalty.
That’s no excuse.
No excuse. An explanation. You are still responsible for what you did. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t fix what you broke.
Look a movie theater. Let’s go.
My life is falling a part and you want to go to a movie?
It’s Indiana Jones.
I don’t feel like it.
Is there anything you can do tonight to change anything?
My treat.
Like I haven’t heard that before.
(Holding up her purse)
I didn’t forget it. I’ll even buy you your own bag of popcorn.
As if I touch yours with all the salt you put on it.
You’re the one to talk--Mister I want popcorn with my butter. You’re getting up in age, buddy. You might want to start watching your cholesterol.
Ha, Ha. You’re just as old as I am.
But I wear it so much better.
That you do.
The restaurant is full. Doug and Julie stand off to the side of the bar with Maggie.
Maggie, what did you do? Advertise day and night.
I didn’t have to. It’s all word of mouth.
I didn’t think anyone would remember.
Doug, how could they forget? You helped them celebrate some of the best times of their lives.
It’s been such a long time.
I heard your rehearsals. You have only gotten better. Albert said he was impressed.
What does he know, his just a kid.
A kid who graduated from Juilliard with honors. He not only plays the piano, but he is also a composer.
You see. It’s not just me who thinks you are fabulous.
And me.
Chloe and Philip walk up.
I’m here.
You’re not Liz or Roberto, but you’ll do.
Am I missing something?
Doug’s a little nervous. It’s been a long time since he sang in front of a crowd.
I’m still here.
That’s silly. Doug, you have an amazing voice. I’m going to learn a lot from you.
Maggie, have you seen my father? He said he was going to be here tonight.
Leave him alone. It can wait until tomorrow.
They were at the bar waiting for their table. I don’t see them. Maybe they went out on the terrace?
I’ll go look.
Philip, don’t you dare.
I wonder what that was all about?
Who knows? Doug you almost ready?
Caroline and Victor walk up.
Hi Doug, Julie. We’re all happy that you are back.
Maggie, thank you for making room for us. .
Philip is looking for you.
I saw them when they came in.
Victor insisted that we duck down the hallway.
They weren’t invited.
Chloe is auditioning tonight.
Nicole walks up behind them.
Victor, cheating on me again I see.
How did you get in here?
I just dropped your name.
Nicole, we are totally booked tonight.
I saw that. Giving away free booze.
Philip and Chloe return from the terrace.
Oh look. A family gathering. I just have to stay.
There they are.
Philip not tonight.
Chloe came up with brilliant idea.
Are you sure you can talk about it in mixed company.
Hi Philip. Chloe.
Is there nowhere I can go to get away from you two harpies?
Let’s start the show. I think it’ll be safer up there.
Good idea.
I’ll get Albert.
Julie and Doug walk toward the piano.
This is a very special night for a lot of people. This is your one and only warning not to ruin it for them.
There will be no trouble. You have my word.
Maggie walk to handsome man in his twenties who was sitting in a small back booth. Together they walk towards the piano.
He’s cute.
Forget it Nicole. He wouldn’t be interested in a tramp like you.
What does that say about you?
You’re a mistake that soon will be dealt with.
(Walking over)
Your table is ready.
Good timing. Don’t follow us.
It’ll just take a minute.
Chloe, I hope you get the job so you can move out of my house.
Thanks. I think.
Chloe are you going to be a working girl again.
Like you have room to talk.
Let’s just go to the table.
Good idea.
Philip starts to follow. Victor stops him.
Go back to your she-devils. You wanted them. You deal with them.
If you want any peace tonight. You’ll listen.
Make it quick.
A national telethon to raise money to add on wings to existing hospitals. It would be cheaper and easier to add on instead of building new facilities.
They would also eventually benefit the members of the communities not just vets.
The two of you want to do something to aid the returning vets. What a wonderful idea. I’d like to help.
Me too. I’d made a lot of contacts in California.
On your street corner, no doubt.
That wasn’t necessary.
No really. I help build Mythic from the ground up.
Fine. You can help.
You’ll need all the help you can get. Now go talk about it some place else. Caroline, our waiter is getting impatient
He leads her toward the other side of the room.
Victor, what you up to?
With any luck, they actually get some work done before they kill each other.
They sit at the table as the house light dim slightly and the piano starts to play
I would like to welcome you to Chez Rouge. As most of you remember Doug Williams.
The crowd applauds.
Doug’s Place was like no other. Filled with joy, love and music, it was where many of us fell in love and celebrated our special events. We were all saddened when it closed. It was like loosing a part of the family. Although Chez Rouge will never take its place, we can recreate a little piece of it. I give you Doug Williams.
Maggie hands Doug the microphone. He kisses her on the check and she steps off the stage. Immediately she goes behind the bar.
I’m amazed by how many of you remember. It was long ago or was it yesterday.
(To the bartender)
Is the cameral working?
I think so.
Maggie picks up the phone and dials.
Alice is sitting in her chair with a laptop computer on the table in front of her. Doug is on the screen. She picks up the phone.
Hello. Hi Maggie. Yes. I have it. Doug looks wonderful.
The camera zooms on the screen.
I would like to start with a very special song, dedicated to two very special people. They opened hearts and their family to me. With out them I wouldn’t have met and married the love of my life. Tom is no longer with us and Alice couldn’t be here in person tonight, but this song was special to them. I dedicate it to them and all those who found a love that will last always
Doug starts singing Always. As he does, the camera pans around the room. The audience joins in. They are not only enjoying the music, but the memories that accompany it. Hope and Bo sit together at a table, holding hands. Maggie joins Mickey at their table. Victor and Caroline sit at their table. She reaches out and takes his hand. Victor encircles his hands around hers. Marlena and John sit at another table. Marlena is remembering fond memories. John looks uncomfortable and moves his hand away. At the bar, Roman watches them. Marlena reaches out to take John’s hand. John focuses on the ring. He’s suddenly uncomfortable.
(Whispering to Marlena)
I gotta get out of here.
I’ll go with you.
No stay here.
John walks out. Roman waits for a moment then follows. The song is nearly over.
Pulling out from the screen to see, Alice caressing Tom’s face in the picture.
Not for just an hour. Not for just a day. Not for just a year. But always. Always. Tom.
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Days of Our Lives, Angelique, Barabas, Bloopers, collins, Soapnet.com, Soap Opera News and Updates, Soaps.com, Days of Our Lives Fan Site, Dark Shadows, daytime TV, ghosts, horror, Quentin, real life vampires, soap operas, fiction, fantasy novel, best fantasy novel, daytime TV, soap operas, daytime serial, romance, love in the afternoon, Charmed, witch, witches, witchcraft magic, witch hunts, religious bigotry, religious ignorance, freedom of religion, reincartion, soul mates, new storylines, Alison Sweeny, Renée Jones, Peter Reckell, Kristian Alfonso, Deidre Hall, Bryan Dattilo, Drake Hogestyn, James Scott, Thaao Penghlis, James Reynolds, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hunley, Tanya Boyd, Bill Hayes, Susan Seaforth Hayes, gothic romance, Theresa Chaze, magical fantasy, soap opera fan, fan fiction, Spoilers, Synopsis, Recaps, Characters, alternative reality, Salem, Sony Pictures Television Soaps, soap opera spoilers, soap opera updates, soap opera digest, soap opera, soap opera awards, daily recaps of soap operas, soap opera central, soap opera weekly, soap opera news, soap opera scoops, male soap opera stars, soap opera recaps, daytime soap operas trivia, soap opera websites, days of our lives spoilers, dustin's days of our lives, days of our lives soap opera, days of our lives cast, cast for days of our lives, days of our lives youtube, days of our lives story spoilers, days of our lives cafe, bio of days of our lives cast, what will happen on days of our lives, days of our lives cast and crew
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The beautiful spring evening has brought out the Salemites. EJ is sitting on the edge of the fountain, sadly tracing the dedication plate that reads, "In loving memory of John Black. Beloved husband, father and friend. His loving spirit remains alive in all the lives he has touched." Ava walks up the path, seeing him, she walks up to him and sits on the other side of the dedication plate.
I want to be like him.
He’s dead.
Not any more.
What do you mean, not any more?
It was one of my father’s little games. Once again, he stole a life. It seemed to be his hobby. Taking people’s lives and using them.
You aren’t responsible for what he did.
(Standing and walking away from her)
Yes. I am. I helped him. Ava, I’ve done terrible things.
Like I’m one who could throw stones.
If you knew--
I would love you any way. You will always be my hero.
(Shaking his head)
You wouldn’t stay that.
(Walking to him and taking his hand)
Tell me.
I’m too ashamed.
Look at me. EJ, look at me. What do you see in my eyes?
Someone who doesn’t exist any more.
Yes. He does. You’ve just forgotten. But I haven’t. I still remember who you truly are. Every new beginning starts with an ending. You’ve done things you aren’t proud of. So have I. Do you think any less of me?
You don’t understand.
What don’t I understand. What is the worse thing you’ve done?
I can’t.
EJ, you can. Trust me.
Trust? What’s that?
The courage to have faith in another.
(The words rush out)
I raped Samantha Brady. I loved her and she didn’t love me. But I thought I could make her love me. Father wanted an heir with a Brady woman. It was nothing until I met her. She was so alive and beautiful. And she was a Brady. I could make my father happy and find love at the same time. But she loved Lucas. No matter what I did, she always went back to him. No matter how he hurt her...
So you thought that if you hurt her more, she would love you?
You hate me.
I don’t hate you.
How can you not? I hate myself. I love her but when I look in her eyes I remember--the hurt and betrayal I saw in her eyes. Sometimes, I still see it. I want her to love me like I love her.
If you loved her, you would never have hurt her like that.
She said she forgives me.
Forgiveness is different than love.
In time--
In time, what? Do you think she will forget? Can you?
I can make it work. I can’t give up.
You don’t have anything to give up.
She’ll forgive me.
You said she already did. Is there something else? EJ, you can’t force someone to love you. You can’t lie or manipulate them into caring. Love doesn’t work that way. I love you for who you are in here. You didn’t have to con me. I loved you for you. I wanted you to be happy. That’s why I didn’t follow you. Maybe that was a mistake. But I thought that is what you wanted and I wanted you to be happy. That is what love is.
(Placing her hand on his heart)
You are a kind and honorable man, who used to make me feel safe and loved. You helped me find reasons to smile after my mother died. You were my handsome knight who road upon steed to save me. You gave me the strength to think I could have a life of my own. To be someone besides my father’s daughter.
I’m not that man any more.
Yes you are. You just have to remember to be EJ not Stephano’s son. He twisted and manipulated you in the name of love and family loyalty.
That’s no excuse.
No excuse. An explanation. You are still responsible for what you did. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t fix what you broke.
Look a movie theater. Let’s go.
My life is falling a part and you want to go to a movie?
It’s Indiana Jones.
I don’t feel like it.
Is there anything you can do tonight to change anything?
My treat.
Like I haven’t heard that before.
(Holding up her purse)
I didn’t forget it. I’ll even buy you your own bag of popcorn.
As if I touch yours with all the salt you put on it.
You’re the one to talk--Mister I want popcorn with my butter. You’re getting up in age, buddy. You might want to start watching your cholesterol.
Ha, Ha. You’re just as old as I am.
But I wear it so much better.
That you do.
The restaurant is full. Doug and Julie stand off to the side of the bar with Maggie.
Maggie, what did you do? Advertise day and night.
I didn’t have to. It’s all word of mouth.
I didn’t think anyone would remember.
Doug, how could they forget? You helped them celebrate some of the best times of their lives.
It’s been such a long time.
I heard your rehearsals. You have only gotten better. Albert said he was impressed.
What does he know, his just a kid.
A kid who graduated from Juilliard with honors. He not only plays the piano, but he is also a composer.
You see. It’s not just me who thinks you are fabulous.
And me.
Chloe and Philip walk up.
I’m here.
You’re not Liz or Roberto, but you’ll do.
Am I missing something?
Doug’s a little nervous. It’s been a long time since he sang in front of a crowd.
I’m still here.
That’s silly. Doug, you have an amazing voice. I’m going to learn a lot from you.
Maggie, have you seen my father? He said he was going to be here tonight.
Leave him alone. It can wait until tomorrow.
They were at the bar waiting for their table. I don’t see them. Maybe they went out on the terrace?
I’ll go look.
Philip, don’t you dare.
I wonder what that was all about?
Who knows? Doug you almost ready?
Caroline and Victor walk up.
Hi Doug, Julie. We’re all happy that you are back.
Maggie, thank you for making room for us. .
Philip is looking for you.
I saw them when they came in.
Victor insisted that we duck down the hallway.
They weren’t invited.
Chloe is auditioning tonight.
Nicole walks up behind them.
Victor, cheating on me again I see.
How did you get in here?
I just dropped your name.
Nicole, we are totally booked tonight.
I saw that. Giving away free booze.
Philip and Chloe return from the terrace.
Oh look. A family gathering. I just have to stay.
There they are.
Philip not tonight.
Chloe came up with brilliant idea.
Are you sure you can talk about it in mixed company.
Hi Philip. Chloe.
Is there nowhere I can go to get away from you two harpies?
Let’s start the show. I think it’ll be safer up there.
Good idea.
I’ll get Albert.
Julie and Doug walk toward the piano.
This is a very special night for a lot of people. This is your one and only warning not to ruin it for them.
There will be no trouble. You have my word.
Maggie walk to handsome man in his twenties who was sitting in a small back booth. Together they walk towards the piano.
He’s cute.
Forget it Nicole. He wouldn’t be interested in a tramp like you.
What does that say about you?
You’re a mistake that soon will be dealt with.
(Walking over)
Your table is ready.
Good timing. Don’t follow us.
It’ll just take a minute.
Chloe, I hope you get the job so you can move out of my house.
Thanks. I think.
Chloe are you going to be a working girl again.
Like you have room to talk.
Let’s just go to the table.
Good idea.
Philip starts to follow. Victor stops him.
Go back to your she-devils. You wanted them. You deal with them.
If you want any peace tonight. You’ll listen.
Make it quick.
A national telethon to raise money to add on wings to existing hospitals. It would be cheaper and easier to add on instead of building new facilities.
They would also eventually benefit the members of the communities not just vets.
The two of you want to do something to aid the returning vets. What a wonderful idea. I’d like to help.
Me too. I’d made a lot of contacts in California.
On your street corner, no doubt.
That wasn’t necessary.
No really. I help build Mythic from the ground up.
Fine. You can help.
You’ll need all the help you can get. Now go talk about it some place else. Caroline, our waiter is getting impatient
He leads her toward the other side of the room.
Victor, what you up to?
With any luck, they actually get some work done before they kill each other.
They sit at the table as the house light dim slightly and the piano starts to play
I would like to welcome you to Chez Rouge. As most of you remember Doug Williams.
The crowd applauds.
Doug’s Place was like no other. Filled with joy, love and music, it was where many of us fell in love and celebrated our special events. We were all saddened when it closed. It was like loosing a part of the family. Although Chez Rouge will never take its place, we can recreate a little piece of it. I give you Doug Williams.
Maggie hands Doug the microphone. He kisses her on the check and she steps off the stage. Immediately she goes behind the bar.
I’m amazed by how many of you remember. It was long ago or was it yesterday.
(To the bartender)
Is the cameral working?
I think so.
Maggie picks up the phone and dials.
Alice is sitting in her chair with a laptop computer on the table in front of her. Doug is on the screen. She picks up the phone.
Hello. Hi Maggie. Yes. I have it. Doug looks wonderful.
The camera zooms on the screen.
I would like to start with a very special song, dedicated to two very special people. They opened hearts and their family to me. With out them I wouldn’t have met and married the love of my life. Tom is no longer with us and Alice couldn’t be here in person tonight, but this song was special to them. I dedicate it to them and all those who found a love that will last always
Doug starts singing Always. As he does, the camera pans around the room. The audience joins in. They are not only enjoying the music, but the memories that accompany it. Hope and Bo sit together at a table, holding hands. Maggie joins Mickey at their table. Victor and Caroline sit at their table. She reaches out and takes his hand. Victor encircles his hands around hers. Marlena and John sit at another table. Marlena is remembering fond memories. John looks uncomfortable and moves his hand away. At the bar, Roman watches them. Marlena reaches out to take John’s hand. John focuses on the ring. He’s suddenly uncomfortable.
(Whispering to Marlena)
I gotta get out of here.
I’ll go with you.
No stay here.
John walks out. Roman waits for a moment then follows. The song is nearly over.
Pulling out from the screen to see, Alice caressing Tom’s face in the picture.
Not for just an hour. Not for just a day. Not for just a year. But always. Always. Tom.
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Days of our Lives,
daytime TV,
soap operas,
Theresa Chaze
Friday, May 30, 2008
African American Women Win Nothing With Obama
African American Women Win Nothing With Obama
Father Michael Pfleger is just the newest example of how Obama judgment should be called into question. His sexist and racist comments were not taken out of context. There is no reasonable context that would justify them; the comments were hate filled not only of women but also indiscriminately of all white people. There are good and bad--wise and ignorant people in all religions, genders, and ethic backgrounds. To paint with broad strokes only reflects badly back on the speaker and has nothing to do with the subject of the discourse. Everyone sees the world through their own personal experience; our past colors the way we see the present and the future, leaving us all to see the world subjectively and in many cases unrealistically.
When I first saw Obama at the Democratic convention, I thought he was amazing. His speech showed a wise soul who wanted to be a positive force in the world. That person started the campaign; however, it has been a long time, since I saw him. He quickly changed into just another member of the good old boys club. The day after the West Virginia elections only confirmed how much he has changed. Showing up in Michigan with John Edwards was not a coincidence. It was a planned event to upstage Clinton's big win. It was their way of putting that uppity woman back in her place. Immediately, the media and the DNC jumped on Obama's bandwagon discounting both West Virginia and Kentucky’s over whelming support for Clinton and once again demanding that she concede the nomination. They continue to claim that Obama is the nominee without considering that the voters refuse to follow their lead.
While in previous elections DNC focused on the popular vote instead of the delegates, during the nomination process they have done just the opposite. The numbers have been manipulated on both sides, but none as great as those involving the popular vote. Michigan and Florida votes have been cast aside solely because of who would benefit from them. If Obama had been the beneficiary, there simply would never have been a question of those votes being included. Nor would the DNC or the media have started calling for the Obama to step aside when there was only a 26 delegate difference as the did to Clinton. Their gender bias has revealed how little respect there is for women. If the situation had been reverse, there would have been riots in the streets with claims of racial bigotry. Yet when it comes to gender, women are expected to shut up and do what they are told. How shocked they must have been when Clinton said no and to continued to fight. How dare that uppity woman!
What confuses me even more are the African American women who are Obama’s staunch supporters as if they will actually win something if he becomes President. No matter what color skin or ethic background, all women are seen the same. In 1870 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted voting rights to African American males only. African American women like all the other women didn’t get the right to make a difference until August 26, 1920 with the 19th Amendment. It took another fifty years for woman to achieve full citizenship under the constitution. So why are African American women celebrating Obama? They will gain nothing by his winning. However, since women’s glass ceiling is lower, Clinton’s winning will smash both and African American women will win twice.
Guilt by associate is not valid measuring stick in a single case. Everyone makes mistakes in their associations. It is not the individuals that need to be focused on, but the growing list of long term close associations that promote hatred, bigotry and fear among people. Pfleger is just the newest and clearest example of Obama mindset. His mocking of Clinton exposed is racism and gender hatred. It was more than a personal attack on Clinton, but an attack on women. He degraded all women without exception. Yet you see women in the congregation cheering him on. There is no all of anything when it comes to people. Whites are no more all bigots any more than African Americans are all the negative stereotypes. Any student of history will tell you that white women were just as much property of their husbands as the slave field hands. With very few exceptions, they had not rights, no voice and whatever property they did hold going into the marriage immediately became their husbands. Just because the bird lives in a pretty cage doesn’t mean it has any freedom.
Pfleger claimed that Clinton felt entitled to the nomination because she was white and President Clinton’s wife. He totally discounted her decades of service, her education and experience. She never claimed she entitled or guaranteed anything. It was the media who claimed that she was going to be the sure winner. Never once did she try to pervert the process by declaring herself the winner--unlike Obama has already done. She has worked hard both on the campaign and with her Senatorial duties. While Obama is to busy campaigning to grace the Senate with his presence, Clinton has found a way to do both. But then again most women learned how to multi-task before there was such a word.
As an individual, I will not vote for Obama. The great man I saw and would have voted for a few years ago, no longer exists. Nor will I vote for McCain. He is equally bigoted against women. I will either write in Clinton or not vote for a President.
Technorati Tags:
2008 Presidental election, Clinton, Obama, feminism, Feminized Values, guest blogger, politics, Democrats, real clear politics, cnn politics, American Politics, real politics, women in politics, hilary clinton campaign, hilary rodham clinton, hilary clinton for president, barack obama, obama girl, facts about barack obama, obama for president, Theresa Chaze, Katherine Adam, Charles Derber, democratic candidates for 2008 elections, republican elections 2008 whos running for president, 2008 us democratic party elections results, feminism, modern feminism, liberal feminism, definition of feminism, politics of feminism, the view politics feminism, Michigan Voters, Theresa Chaze, uppity women, gender bias, gender bigotry,
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Father Michael Pfleger is just the newest example of how Obama judgment should be called into question. His sexist and racist comments were not taken out of context. There is no reasonable context that would justify them; the comments were hate filled not only of women but also indiscriminately of all white people. There are good and bad--wise and ignorant people in all religions, genders, and ethic backgrounds. To paint with broad strokes only reflects badly back on the speaker and has nothing to do with the subject of the discourse. Everyone sees the world through their own personal experience; our past colors the way we see the present and the future, leaving us all to see the world subjectively and in many cases unrealistically.
When I first saw Obama at the Democratic convention, I thought he was amazing. His speech showed a wise soul who wanted to be a positive force in the world. That person started the campaign; however, it has been a long time, since I saw him. He quickly changed into just another member of the good old boys club. The day after the West Virginia elections only confirmed how much he has changed. Showing up in Michigan with John Edwards was not a coincidence. It was a planned event to upstage Clinton's big win. It was their way of putting that uppity woman back in her place. Immediately, the media and the DNC jumped on Obama's bandwagon discounting both West Virginia and Kentucky’s over whelming support for Clinton and once again demanding that she concede the nomination. They continue to claim that Obama is the nominee without considering that the voters refuse to follow their lead.
While in previous elections DNC focused on the popular vote instead of the delegates, during the nomination process they have done just the opposite. The numbers have been manipulated on both sides, but none as great as those involving the popular vote. Michigan and Florida votes have been cast aside solely because of who would benefit from them. If Obama had been the beneficiary, there simply would never have been a question of those votes being included. Nor would the DNC or the media have started calling for the Obama to step aside when there was only a 26 delegate difference as the did to Clinton. Their gender bias has revealed how little respect there is for women. If the situation had been reverse, there would have been riots in the streets with claims of racial bigotry. Yet when it comes to gender, women are expected to shut up and do what they are told. How shocked they must have been when Clinton said no and to continued to fight. How dare that uppity woman!
What confuses me even more are the African American women who are Obama’s staunch supporters as if they will actually win something if he becomes President. No matter what color skin or ethic background, all women are seen the same. In 1870 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted voting rights to African American males only. African American women like all the other women didn’t get the right to make a difference until August 26, 1920 with the 19th Amendment. It took another fifty years for woman to achieve full citizenship under the constitution. So why are African American women celebrating Obama? They will gain nothing by his winning. However, since women’s glass ceiling is lower, Clinton’s winning will smash both and African American women will win twice.
Guilt by associate is not valid measuring stick in a single case. Everyone makes mistakes in their associations. It is not the individuals that need to be focused on, but the growing list of long term close associations that promote hatred, bigotry and fear among people. Pfleger is just the newest and clearest example of Obama mindset. His mocking of Clinton exposed is racism and gender hatred. It was more than a personal attack on Clinton, but an attack on women. He degraded all women without exception. Yet you see women in the congregation cheering him on. There is no all of anything when it comes to people. Whites are no more all bigots any more than African Americans are all the negative stereotypes. Any student of history will tell you that white women were just as much property of their husbands as the slave field hands. With very few exceptions, they had not rights, no voice and whatever property they did hold going into the marriage immediately became their husbands. Just because the bird lives in a pretty cage doesn’t mean it has any freedom.
Pfleger claimed that Clinton felt entitled to the nomination because she was white and President Clinton’s wife. He totally discounted her decades of service, her education and experience. She never claimed she entitled or guaranteed anything. It was the media who claimed that she was going to be the sure winner. Never once did she try to pervert the process by declaring herself the winner--unlike Obama has already done. She has worked hard both on the campaign and with her Senatorial duties. While Obama is to busy campaigning to grace the Senate with his presence, Clinton has found a way to do both. But then again most women learned how to multi-task before there was such a word.
As an individual, I will not vote for Obama. The great man I saw and would have voted for a few years ago, no longer exists. Nor will I vote for McCain. He is equally bigoted against women. I will either write in Clinton or not vote for a President.
Technorati Tags:
2008 Presidental election, Clinton, Obama, feminism, Feminized Values, guest blogger, politics, Democrats, real clear politics, cnn politics, American Politics, real politics, women in politics, hilary clinton campaign, hilary rodham clinton, hilary clinton for president, barack obama, obama girl, facts about barack obama, obama for president, Theresa Chaze, Katherine Adam, Charles Derber, democratic candidates for 2008 elections, republican elections 2008 whos running for president, 2008 us democratic party elections results, feminism, modern feminism, liberal feminism, definition of feminism, politics of feminism, the view politics feminism, Michigan Voters, Theresa Chaze, uppity women, gender bias, gender bigotry,
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If I was Head Writer of Days of Our Lives--Part 14
Victor is sitting in his chair reading the newspaper and drinking a brandy. He is dressed for an evening out. Philip walks in and fixes himself a drink.
How was your day?
I don't know how to answer that. It's not the business. Jamie Merkle committed suicide.
Suicide? Are you sure?
His father confirmed it. His mother found his note.
I don't understand. He was always such a level headed kid. Jim must be taking it hard.
His very angry. With just cause.
Of course. His only son just killed himself. Any father--
He isn't angry with Jamie. The system let them down. Jamie had a closed head injury and PTSD. He was in crisis.
Why didn't he ask for help?
He did. The system is over loaded. There are just too many in need and too little resources. The Merkles could afford to get private help.
Like what I did for you.
Exactly. Seeing me only reminded him what could be done and wasn't.
So now you are feeling guilty.
You can say that.
How is that working out for you?
Not so well.
What are you going to do about it?
What can I do?
You're my son. Start thinking outside the box. Well?
I don't know what you are asking?
You are head of a multi-billion dollar corporation with connections not only coast to coast but around the world.
Not even all our money can fix the problem. There aren't enough facilities or experts to staff them.
Do you think these are the first vets to come home physically and emotionally damage? The best experts are those who have been there. I remember reading about a rehabilitation hospital that was built in Texas solely on donations. You could do the same here. Only instead of focusing on physical disabilities, it would deal strictly with brain and emotional issues.
That’s a great idea. Except one hospital wouldn’t be enough.
Agreed. However, several strategically places around the country would give access to any vet who need it free of charge.
I’ll go change and we can hammer out the details during dinner.
You’ll be dining with the she-devils alone tonight. I’m dining out.
I thought you were over dressed. Let me change and I will go with you.
You weren’t invited.
You got a date?
You can say that. Doug Williams is premiering tonight at Chez Rouge. It took great deal for me to get Caroline and me a table.
So we’ll just make it a foursome with Chloe and me.
(Walking toward the door)
Sometimes son, you are a little dense.
Victor exit. Moments later Chloe walks in.
What did you say to Victor? He didn’t insult me when he passed me in the hallway..
He called me dense.
I wanted to have dinner with him and Caroline.
You tried to invite yourself on his dinner date with Caroline. You are dense.
They are just friends.
And past lovers. Get real Philip. They may be older, but they’re not dead.
I wanted to pick his brain.
What was so important that it wouldn’t wait until tomorrow.
A project for the vets.
Tell me. Maybe I could help. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not stupid
I didn’t say that. Okay. Remember Jamie Merkle from high school.
I read in the paper he was killed in a car accident.
It wasn’t an accident. He crashed his car deliberately.
Jamie killed himself?
He couldn’t get the help he needed when he got back. There aren’t enough funds or facilities for all the vets in need.
And you and Victor want to change that?
That’s the idea. To raise awareness and funds to create new facilities.
Big project even for the two of you.
I know.
So why do it yourself. Ever hear of Comic Relief, Live Aid, and Farm Aid?
In Salem?
With Victor’s connections, you could make it nation wide.
He doesn’t know many stars.
No but he knows people who own TV stations. It could be a combination of Comic Relief and the Labor Day Telethon. Get everyone involved. I still have a few friends in the opera world and one or two in the music world. They are always willing to help.
Do you think you could do it?
We can talk about it over dinner. Go get changed.
For what?
We’re going out.
Didn’t I tell you. I’m singing a duet with Doug Williams. I talked Maggie into letting me audition to sing at Chez Rouge.
No you didn’t. Does my father know?
No. Why?
That’s where he’s taking Caroline.
So he’ll just have to be surprised like everyone else. Remember they’re on a date. You can talk to him tomorrow. Go get dressed.
(Pulling her to him)
Little pushy aren’t you.
I thought you liked it when I was pushy.
I do. Especially when you’re undressed.
They kiss.
I wonder if Doug Williams knows people who would like to help?
I kiss you and you think of Doug Williams? I must be loosing my touch.
You’re just as sexy as ever. But this is the first thing in a long time that I feel excited about being involved with.
Now I don’t excite you?
Chloe spins him around and passionately kisses him.
You’re sexy. I’m excited. Can you get changed now so we can go talk to Doug? It’s your project. Chop Chop. We don’t to be late.
Chloe exits
That’s not what I had in mind
Technorati Tags:
Days of Our Lives, Angelique, Barabas, Bloopers, collins, Soapnet.com, Soap Opera News and Updates, Soaps.com, Days of Our Lives Fan Site, Dark Shadows, daytime TV, ghosts, horror, Quentin, real life vampires, soap operas, fiction, fantasy novel, best fantasy novel, daytime TV, soap operas, daytime serial, romance, love in the afternoon, Charmed, witch, witches, witchcraft magic, witch hunts, religious bigotry, religious ignorance, freedom of religion, reincartion, soul mates, new storylines, Alison Sweeny, Renée Jones, Peter Reckell, Kristian Alfonso, Deidre Hall, Bryan Dattilo, Drake Hogestyn, James Scott, Thaao Penghlis, James Reynolds, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hunley, Tanya Boyd, Bill Hayes, Susan Seaforth Hayes, gothic romance, Theresa Chaze, magical fantasy, soap opera fan, fan fiction, Spoilers, Synopsis, Recaps, Characters, alternative reality, Salem, Sony Pictures Television Soaps
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Victor is sitting in his chair reading the newspaper and drinking a brandy. He is dressed for an evening out. Philip walks in and fixes himself a drink.
How was your day?
I don't know how to answer that. It's not the business. Jamie Merkle committed suicide.
Suicide? Are you sure?
His father confirmed it. His mother found his note.
I don't understand. He was always such a level headed kid. Jim must be taking it hard.
His very angry. With just cause.
Of course. His only son just killed himself. Any father--
He isn't angry with Jamie. The system let them down. Jamie had a closed head injury and PTSD. He was in crisis.
Why didn't he ask for help?
He did. The system is over loaded. There are just too many in need and too little resources. The Merkles could afford to get private help.
Like what I did for you.
Exactly. Seeing me only reminded him what could be done and wasn't.
So now you are feeling guilty.
You can say that.
How is that working out for you?
Not so well.
What are you going to do about it?
What can I do?
You're my son. Start thinking outside the box. Well?
I don't know what you are asking?
You are head of a multi-billion dollar corporation with connections not only coast to coast but around the world.
Not even all our money can fix the problem. There aren't enough facilities or experts to staff them.
Do you think these are the first vets to come home physically and emotionally damage? The best experts are those who have been there. I remember reading about a rehabilitation hospital that was built in Texas solely on donations. You could do the same here. Only instead of focusing on physical disabilities, it would deal strictly with brain and emotional issues.
That’s a great idea. Except one hospital wouldn’t be enough.
Agreed. However, several strategically places around the country would give access to any vet who need it free of charge.
I’ll go change and we can hammer out the details during dinner.
You’ll be dining with the she-devils alone tonight. I’m dining out.
I thought you were over dressed. Let me change and I will go with you.
You weren’t invited.
You got a date?
You can say that. Doug Williams is premiering tonight at Chez Rouge. It took great deal for me to get Caroline and me a table.
So we’ll just make it a foursome with Chloe and me.
(Walking toward the door)
Sometimes son, you are a little dense.
Victor exit. Moments later Chloe walks in.
What did you say to Victor? He didn’t insult me when he passed me in the hallway..
He called me dense.
I wanted to have dinner with him and Caroline.
You tried to invite yourself on his dinner date with Caroline. You are dense.
They are just friends.
And past lovers. Get real Philip. They may be older, but they’re not dead.
I wanted to pick his brain.
What was so important that it wouldn’t wait until tomorrow.
A project for the vets.
Tell me. Maybe I could help. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not stupid
I didn’t say that. Okay. Remember Jamie Merkle from high school.
I read in the paper he was killed in a car accident.
It wasn’t an accident. He crashed his car deliberately.
Jamie killed himself?
He couldn’t get the help he needed when he got back. There aren’t enough funds or facilities for all the vets in need.
And you and Victor want to change that?
That’s the idea. To raise awareness and funds to create new facilities.
Big project even for the two of you.
I know.
So why do it yourself. Ever hear of Comic Relief, Live Aid, and Farm Aid?
In Salem?
With Victor’s connections, you could make it nation wide.
He doesn’t know many stars.
No but he knows people who own TV stations. It could be a combination of Comic Relief and the Labor Day Telethon. Get everyone involved. I still have a few friends in the opera world and one or two in the music world. They are always willing to help.
Do you think you could do it?
We can talk about it over dinner. Go get changed.
For what?
We’re going out.
Didn’t I tell you. I’m singing a duet with Doug Williams. I talked Maggie into letting me audition to sing at Chez Rouge.
No you didn’t. Does my father know?
No. Why?
That’s where he’s taking Caroline.
So he’ll just have to be surprised like everyone else. Remember they’re on a date. You can talk to him tomorrow. Go get dressed.
(Pulling her to him)
Little pushy aren’t you.
I thought you liked it when I was pushy.
I do. Especially when you’re undressed.
They kiss.
I wonder if Doug Williams knows people who would like to help?
I kiss you and you think of Doug Williams? I must be loosing my touch.
You’re just as sexy as ever. But this is the first thing in a long time that I feel excited about being involved with.
Now I don’t excite you?
Chloe spins him around and passionately kisses him.
You’re sexy. I’m excited. Can you get changed now so we can go talk to Doug? It’s your project. Chop Chop. We don’t to be late.
Chloe exits
That’s not what I had in mind
Technorati Tags:
Days of Our Lives, Angelique, Barabas, Bloopers, collins, Soapnet.com, Soap Opera News and Updates, Soaps.com, Days of Our Lives Fan Site, Dark Shadows, daytime TV, ghosts, horror, Quentin, real life vampires, soap operas, fiction, fantasy novel, best fantasy novel, daytime TV, soap operas, daytime serial, romance, love in the afternoon, Charmed, witch, witches, witchcraft magic, witch hunts, religious bigotry, religious ignorance, freedom of religion, reincartion, soul mates, new storylines, Alison Sweeny, Renée Jones, Peter Reckell, Kristian Alfonso, Deidre Hall, Bryan Dattilo, Drake Hogestyn, James Scott, Thaao Penghlis, James Reynolds, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hunley, Tanya Boyd, Bill Hayes, Susan Seaforth Hayes, gothic romance, Theresa Chaze, magical fantasy, soap opera fan, fan fiction, Spoilers, Synopsis, Recaps, Characters, alternative reality, Salem, Sony Pictures Television Soaps
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Days of our Lives,
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Theresa Chaze
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