
Friday, February 29, 2008

Choosing the Best SEO Keywords

There are many sites, including Yahoo and Google, that have listing of the current popular key words. However, adding a phrase that has nothing to do with your topic will only annoy people and discount your credibility. If the key words have nothing to do with your site or subject matter, do not use them. Instead, be creative in the way you combine terms and topics to create your own niche market.

The following are three suggestions how effectively use key words for your project.
1. Include the most descriptive and accurate keywords on your topic even if they are not the most popular. By doing so you not only build a good foundation, but also cast a wider net for your customers to find you. Although your ranking might not spike, you will have a consistent rise in the rankings.

2. Use qualifiers to be more specific such as: romantic fantasy, occult horror, Michigan mystery, etc. It is way to catch the attention of a reader who might be looking for something more specific than just a fantasy or mystery book.

3. Create your own niche keywords or markets that haven't been made popular yet. By creating your own combination, you create a brand name that is all your own, thereby creating a market place that has little competition.

Using the previously listed sites, can also find you suggestions on which key word options will be the most beneficial to your project. By typing in the word “publishing”, the site came up with the following keywords list ranked by popularity.

412 desktop publishing
373 publishing
252 publishing companies
225 self publishing
171 southwestern publishing
158 book publishing
133 book publishing companies
130 rock publishing
117 music publishing
114 concordia publishing

These are only the first ten of the 100 possible listings. However, it is sufficient sampling to demonstrate the different combinations available for just the one key word.
Correct usage and placement of key words not only increases your search engine rankings, but can also create a personalized niche market for your product.

Valkyrie Publishing is a consulting service, which helps authors create their dream without risking their royalties or answering to another. It is their job to make the publishing experience as simple and inexpensive as possible. For authors who are not technologically savvy or would just like help with the process, they are an excellent resource and beneficial asset. Valkyrie Publishing is available to help authors successfully and easily publish and market their book by going to

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Nine of Cups: Be Careful What You Wish for

Be Careful What you Wish For
Theresa Chaze

If you were given one wish, what would you wish for? There was a TV ad that showed individuals using the one wish a genie gave them to manifest a pack of gum. Instead of seeking their hearts desire, they asked for something trivial. How many times a day do we do the same thing in varying degrees; we make wishes that would not be for our best and highest good or would actually harm someone else. If we were fore warned that one of our wishes would come true, only we wouldn’t be told which one, would that change our thinking process?

The nine of cups is also know as the wish card. It is a two edged sword that warns that one of our wishes will be granted; however, you never know when or what wish will be heard. Positive and negative wishes carry equal weigh in the eyes of the Divine. Whatever we focus our attention on is what we will create. When we wish for love, success or health, we must make sure that it doesn’t do harm to another. By trying to usurp their free will, we only create negative consequences for ourselves. However, when we wish a blessing be sent to another, it not only creates a miracle in the other person’s life, but opens the door for our dreams to be answered as well. The nine of cups also gives the warning that a wish could lead to heartbreak, disappointment or a long delay before a hearts desire is achieved. Wishes made while frightened, sad or angry can lead us have harmful yearnings. When others hurt us, it is a knee jerk reaction to wish the same on them. Although there are safe guards in place, visualizing the same wish repeatedly or with our whole soul, energizes it enough so that it can to over ride those protections. Yet if we quickly follow the harmful wish with one that is forgiving and loving, the negative effects are neutralized.

The nine of cups also represents the nine muses, the Goddesses of inspiration and creativity; therefore, it heralds a time of revelation and ingenuity. As the triple Goddesses are tripled, it foreshadows success and material gains, but also gives the warning to be wary of selfishness and greed. Being the most feminine card in the deck, it is connected to the Moon and to the Hermit cards as it speaks to the heart’s desires and inner dreams. It says that your dreams have already manifested in your heart so that it won’t be long before they appear in your reality.

Magical fantasy author and life coach, Theresa Chaze has over twenty years experience reading Tarot, but she uses her natural born intuition and empathy to give her readings more detail. Through her maternal line, she has the ability to speak to those who have crossed over and to communicate with animals. Her life experiences have given her a unique perspective not only on life, but also has given her the ability to see how we are all interconnected and that one of us are really alone. Like pieces of a puzzle, we all have our own unique shape and image, but we are also part of one big picture. She helps others find the path to healing and regain their personal power. She can advise on any topic or concern with excellent accuracy and without judgment. Theresa is available to do online Tarot Readings. She charges 30.00 for a double Celtic Cross and 15.00 for a 7 card spread. She only accepts Paypal. Please email her at or go to her site at to arranged for her to help you see your options.

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Choosing the Best SEO Key Words

Choosing the Best Keywords

There are many sites, including Yahoo and Google, that have listing of the current popular key words. However, adding a phrase that has nothing to do with your topic will only annoy people and discount your credibility. If the key words have nothing to do with your site or subject matter, do not use them. Instead, be creative in the way you combine terms and topics to create your own niche market.

The following are three suggestions how effectively use key words for your project.
1. Include the most descriptive and accurate keywords on your topic even if they are not the most popular. By doing so you not only build a good foundation, but also cast a wider net for your customers to find you. Although your ranking might not spike, you will have a consistent rise in the rankings.

2. Use qualifiers to be more specific such as: romantic fantasy, occult horror, Michigan mystery, etc. It is way to catch the attention of a reader who might be looking for something more specific than just a fantasy or mystery book.

3. Create your own niche keywords or markets that haven't been made popular yet. By creating your own combination, you create a brand name that is all your own, thereby creating a market place that has little competition.

Using the previously listed sites, can also find you suggestions on which key word options will be the most beneficial to your project. By typing in the word “publishing”, the site came up with the following keywords list ranked by popularity.

412 desktop publishing
373 publishing
252 publishing companies
225 self publishing
171 southwestern publishing
158 book publishing
133 book publishing companies
130 rock publishing
117 music publishing
114 concordia publishing

These are only the first ten of the 100 possible listings. However, it is sufficient sampling to demonstrate the different combinations available for just the one key word.
Correct usage and placement of key words not only increases your search engine rankings, but can also create a personalized niche market for your product.

Valkyrie Publishing is a consulting service, which helps authors create their dream without risking their royalties or answering to another. It is their job to make the publishing experience as simple and inexpensive as possible. For authors who are not technologically savvy or would just like help with the process, they are an excellent resource and beneficial asset. Valkyrie Publishing is available to help authors successfully and easily publish and market their book by going to

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Fox New Commentator Bill O'Reilly Spews Bigotry and Should be Fired

Don Imus was fired after his remarks about the Rutgers women's basketball team. His comments were bigoted and ignorant; he hurt feelings, but didn't propose violence against another, unlike Bill O'Reilly’s comments about Michelle Obama.

On February 19, 2008 in response to a caller identified as Maryanne, Woodbury, Connecticut, O’Reilly mentioned lynching. Although Maryanne obviously had issues with Obama's statement, it was O'Reilly who brought up the concept of violence.

O'REILLY: Maryanne, Woodbury, Connecticut: What say you, Maryanne? Maryanne --

CALLER: I'm here.

O'REILLY: -- you're on the air.

CALLER: Here I am.


CALLER: I just wanted to say that I think Michelle Obama is an angry woman -- is speaking, I think, with her real voice for the first time. And --

O'REILLY: But how do you -- what do you base that on? You're basing that on what?

CALLER: Well, your representative asked me not to talk about this, but I have a friend who had knowledge of her and said to me months ago, "This is a very angry," her word was "militant woman."

O'REILLY: All right. What I want you do then, Maryanne, if -- I want you to stay on the line.


O'REILLY: Because it's not fair to Michelle Obama for you --

CALLER: Oh no, all I'm saying is --

O'REILLY: -- because we don't know who you are, and we don't know who your friend is, but we want to know. We want to know, OK. But it's not fair at this point for you to say, "My friend said X and Y," because we just don't know. But if you would give us your information, we would like to talk to your friend. And then whatever your friend tells us, we'll track it down. We'll do it in a fair and balanced and methodical way. That's how we're going to cover this campaign -- all of them, all of them. So stay on the line, give us your information. If indeed Michelle Obama is angry about something, if she has a history, we would like to know that, and then we can put it into some kind of context so that we can be fair to everybody.

You know, I have a lot of sympathy for Michelle Obama, for Bill Clinton, for all of these people. Bill Clinton, I have sympathy for him, because they're thrown into a hopper where everybody is waiting for them to make a mistake, so that they can just go and bludgeon them. And, you know, Bill Clinton and I don't agree on a lot of things, and I think I've made that clear over the years, but he's trying to stick up for his wife, and every time the guy turns around, there's another demagogue or another ideologue in his face trying to humiliate him because they're rooting for Obama.

That's wrong. And I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels -- that America is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever -- then that's legit. We'll track it down.
1-877-9-NO-SPIN. Right back.

For those who not only understand history, but who have faced bigotry, Obama’s statement is easy to comprehend. Those who that came into adulthood after the 1960's understand the political and social the disillusionment. The early to mid 1960’s were filled with optimism, hope and change. The Civil Rights movement not only helped minorities start to gain equality, but also the younger generation were actively involved in political and social reform. They were out to change the world by ending the war, protecting the environment and creating equality. People marched the streets for peace and equality. Violence was isolated and was only used in response to the harassment by law enforcement.

All that started to end on April 4, 1968 with the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. which was followed by Robert Kennedy’s execution on May 4 of the same year. These two heroes were slain for the positive changes they were attempting to create; they represented the civil rights, peace and equality on all levels. They were more than just symbols of hope, but they also were representative of the younger generations. Their deaths along with the continued bigotry and persecution turned that hope into the disillusionment and violence. The more the “establishment” attempted force the old standards and to stifle civil liberties, the more unrest and violence spread. From the Weatherman and the Chicago 8 to middle Americans being assaulted in the streets by police officers, the faster the country became a pressure cooker ready to explode. The leaders of the civil rights movement were murdered, jailed or harassed into submission. It is this history that Michelle Obama and many others can’t be proud of. With the reawakening of political activism and participation, hope has been reborn as one or both glass ceilings will soon be shattered.

O’Reilly continually promotes his own narrow political, social and religious beliefs; nor is he a stranger to down playing the horror associated with nooses and bigotry. When the Jena 6 were overly prosecuted, O’Reilly ignored the social implications and focused on the teenage indiscretions of the accused, while discounting the same offenses of the so called victim. When the other nooses where hung around the country, he casually glossed over the stories if he mentioned them at all. October 2007 he mocked the protest of a Wiccan when she protested the witch being hung in effigy on her neighbor’s lawn. O’Reilly attacks what he doesn’t want to hear. While campaigning John Edwards exposed not only the poverty in this country, but the lack of support of the returning veterans. In spite, of the information released by the Veteran’s Administration and his own expert guests, he denied that 200,000 vets were homeless. He kept repeating that it wasn’t the fault of the economy that vets were without homes but the fact that they were addicted to drugs and mentally ill. No one said the economy as the source of the problem. The lack of proper physical and emotional care after their tours is the issue. PTS, closed head injuries, and loss of body parts are the reason vets are homeless. O’Reilly also turns a blind eye to civil rights violations. In nearly every case of police abuse of power that he bothers to mention, he has always come down on the side of law enforcement in spite of the evidence against them. According to O'Reilly, unless you have led a pristine life, law enforcement has the right to harass and abuse you.

In days following his remarks about Obama, O’Reilly issued a non-apology. It was clear that he feels his remarks were justified and accurate--fair and balanced. Obviously, he has different definition of those concepts than those with IQ’s over 85.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Anger Vampires: How to Protect Yourself from Energy Suckers

Several years ago, a woman started working at the same small factory as myself. At first, Cathy seemed like a very nice person; however, she quickly showed her true colors. Even though she was a very good worker, she was also very good at stirring up trouble between the other employees. By subtly manipulating conversations and people, she was able to cause conflicts that quickly were blown out of proportion. Even though she was the source of the conflict, she was never held responsible. Many times, I went home feeling angry, tired and ill. Many of the other employees complained about feeling the same way.
I didn't understand why the atmosphere in the factory suddenly changed until I talked to a friend of mine who was more spiritually aware. Danielle told me of a of vampire that feeds off the anger energy. Like all emotions, anger has an identifiable frequency that radiates out from a person. Like love, friendship and joy, anger energy can be sensed by others even if it is not verbally or physically acted upon. Anger vampires cannot only sense it, but it is this energy that sustains them. Like all vampires, they are incapable of regenerating on their own. They need feed off others have strength and vigor. In order to maintain a constant supply of food, they will deliberately create conflicts in order to charge the atmosphere with angry energy.
Danielle suggested a test to verify if Cathy was an anger vampire. The next time she attempted to start a conflict, instead of becoming angry I should visualize giving her a bouquet of flowers. If the situation calmed down, there was something else going on. However, if Cathy persisted or increased her attempts, then she was an anger vampire. The next Monday, she started to pick a fight. I smiled and visualized offering her a bunch of pink carnations. She was startled for a moment, but she increased her efforts. I had my answer.
The only way to get rid of any type of vampire is to starve them out. Instead of getting angry, I started mentally blessing her and sending her love. In doing so, not only did I take myself off the menu, but also my energy actually became toxic to her. Granted the first few times, when I mentally said “bless you” it had more of the feel of two other words, but the words themselves were still effective. At first, she tried harder to goad me into an argument. Yet the more I blessed her, the easier it was to actually mean the words when I saw how effective they were. After a few days, she started avoiding me and concentrated on the other employees. There was no way I could explain to the others what was going on, so in their name I blessed her. At first, she was shocked and kept trying, but after a couple of weeks, she quit working at the factory. Suddenly everyone was feeling better and the most of the tension dissipated.

Days of Our Lives, Rape and Sexual Ignorance

Days of Our Lives, Rape and Ignorance
Theresa Chaze

After the long and rabid debate on a storyline from Days of Our Lives, I realized that many people still don't understand what constitutes rape. Instead of seeing it as an act of violence and control, many people it as the male giving into his passion, seducing the woman--just because she says no, it doesn‘t mean she doesn‘t want it. This belief is archaic and destructive to both genders.

There are still those who not only believe, but also treat woman as second-class people without the right to determine their own destinies. To them, women don’t have rights only the responsibility to fulfill the needs of a man. It’s the wife’s duty. The husband’s right. It’s the woman’s fault, she was a tease. She’s easy. She said no, but meant yes. She wanted it. I wanted to prove I that loved her. The way she dressed made me. All excuses used to exonerate the men and blame the women. It is the same boys will be boy mentality that has been the basis of the harm done to women for eons. Women aren’t equal to men so it doesn’t matter what they want or need as long as the man is satisfied.

The old 50’s belief that woman aren’t suppose like sex still filters through society. Women who are comfortable with their sexuality are called “ball breakers” and bitches; a controlling man is congratulated for putting the little woman in her place. Back then, mothers told there daughters to close their eyes and pretend you like it. After all good girls don’t like sex, but it‘s the only way to have children. Those that enjoyed their sexually were publicly demeaned, while privately men sought them out because they were “easy.” While men who get lucky are congratulated; women who lost their virginity are discounted and considered damaged goods.

Old romance novels espoused the same theme as they told tales of women being carried away and falling love with their captor. Whether pirate, alien or the many other incarnations of villains, the plot theme said that women are incapable of knowing what they want or making decisions for themselves. In the novels, the women are kidnapped and raped, only to fall in love with their attacker by the end of the book. If the woman is force than she isn’t responsible for her actions, so she can enjoy her sexual nature without shame. The mentality also implies that women are so out of touch with their feelings that they need a third person to forcibly show them.

In the Days Our Lives story line, what started as a triangle became a rape scene as one character, forced his will on another. A quick synopsis is that Sami and Lucas were going on a weekend vacation not only for a good time. On a deserted snowy road, their car died and they sought shelter in a deserted cabin. The roof fell in and Lucas was trapped. EJ shot John. Sami went to get help. EJ was in the car that stopped. She asked him to help Lucas. He agreed if she had sex with him. Sami could either let Lucas die or have sex with EJ. She had no choice if she wanted the man she loved to live.

The definitions of rape are:

1. criminology forcing of somebody into sex: the crime of forcing somebody to have sex
2. criminology instance of rape: an instance of the crime of rape
3. violent destructive treatment: violent, destructive, or abusive treatment of something
the rape of a beautiful stretch of countryside

4. abduction: an act of seizing somebody and carrying him or her away by force

First Degree Rape:

(1) A person is guilty of rape in the first degree when such person engages in sexual intercourse with another person by forcible compulsion where the perpetrator or an accessory:

(a) Uses or threatens to use a deadly weapon or what appears to be a deadly weapon; or

(b) Kidnaps the victim; or

(c) Inflicts serious physical injury, including but not limited to physical injury which renders the victim unconscious; or

(d) Feloniously enters into the building or vehicle where the victim is situated.

(2) Rape in the first degree is a class A felony.

Second Degree Rape:
) A person is guilty of rape in the second degree when, under circumstances not constituting rape in the first degree, the person engages in sexual intercourse with another person:

(a) By forcible compulsion;

(b) When the victim is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless or mentally incapacitated;

(c) When the victim is a person with a developmental disability and the perpetrator is a person who is not married to the victim and who:

(i) Has supervisory authority over the victim; or

(ii) Was providing transportation, within the course of his or her employment, to the victim at the time of the offense;

(d) When the perpetrator is a health care provider, the victim is a client or patient, and the sexual intercourse occurs during a treatment session, consultation, interview, or examination. It is an affirmative defense that the defendant must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the client or patient consented to the sexual intercourse with the knowledge that the sexual intercourse was not for the purpose of treatment;

(e) When the victim is a resident of a facility for persons with a mental disorder or chemical dependency and the perpetrator is a person who is not married to the victim and has supervisory authority over the victim; or

(f) When the victim is a frail elder or vulnerable adult and the perpetrator is a person who is not married to the victim and who:

(i) Has a significant relationship with the victim; or

(ii) Was providing transportation, within the course of his or her employment, to the victim at the time of the offense.

(2) Rape in the second degree is a class A felony.

Third Degree Rape:
1) A person is guilty of rape in the third degree when, under circumstances not constituting rape in the first or second degrees, such person engages in sexual intercourse with another person, not married to the perpetrator:

(a) Where the victim did not consent as defined in RCW 9A.44.010(7), to sexual intercourse with the perpetrator and such lack of consent was clearly expressed by the victim's words or conduct, or

(b) Where there is threat of substantial unlawful harm to property rights of the victim.

(2) Rape in the third degree is a class C felony.

From the beginning, Sami told EJ she was not interested; EJ didn’t care. EJ proudly stated that he didn’t care what she wanted as long as he was satisfied. Sami had no choice if she wanted Lucas to; therefore, it was rape. He had a gun and threatened to harm her and her family, making it first degree rape. Those who call it a seduction or a bargan need to rethink their moral compass and their life values. Woman are equals the right to control their minds, their bodies and their destinies. They know what they want and have the right to demand respect on all levels. Those who think otherwise are ignorant and bigoted when it comes to the rights of women.

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Marketing: Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion

Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion continues! All authors on tour in February will be giving away FREE copies of their books to a few lucky people who comment on their blog stops. Winners will be announced at www.virtualbooktour sforauthors. blogspot. com on Feb. 29!

The following authors on tour and their tour stops today are:

Rachel Greene Baldino and Judy Ford, authors of the self-help book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Sexual Desire (Penguin, Dec. 07) will be stopping off at The Story Behind the Book!

Garasamo Maccagnone, author of the literary fiction novel, St. John of the Midfield (Booksurge, Nov. 07) will be stopping off at Awaken the Hero Within You!

Camille Marchetta, author of the literary fiction novel, The River, By Moonlight will be stopping off at The Book Stacks!

Marilyn Meredith, author of the crime fiction novel, Smell of Death (Tigress Books, Jan.08), will be appearing at Mystery Books!

Aram Schefrin, author of the literary fiction novel, Marwan: The Autobiography of a 911 Terrorist (AuthorHouse, Sept. 07) will be stopping off at Virtual Wordsmith!

LaConnie Taylor-Jones, author of the contemporary romance novel, When I'm With You (Genesis Press, Nov.07) will be stopping off at Paperback Writer!

Sandra Worth, author of the historical fiction, Lady of the Roses (Berkley Trade, Jan. 08) will be stopping off at Media Families!

Deborah Woehr, author of the paranormal novel, Prosperity: A Ghost Story (Lulu, Dec. 07) will be stopping off at The Book Connection!

"We take books to the virtual level!"

Writing: Leads to Paying Women's Magazines

This is a list of writing gigs for Women's Magazines.

Free Markets Database:
Markets Plus 2,000+ :

Women Writing Markets

Description A weekly web magazine, featuring original write-ups, blogs, stories, poetry and serialized novels. It is a global writing platform, not just for Indian women. Mission is to provide a meaningful dialogue on issues relating to women. Topics range from work, social issues, women, parenting, current events, family, my city in action, humorous incidents, true incidents, passage to India and open letter. Paying market. Terms:
Web site
Country India
Region Asia & Middle East
Payscale LOW

Title American Girl
Description A bimonthly, four-color magazine for girls ages 8 and up. Mission is to encourage girls to express themselves and achieve their personal best. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title austinwoman
Description Magazine with articles written in omniscient point of view and a positive, punchy tone on outstanding women living and/or working in Austin who have accomplished real things in their professional and/or personal lives, who do unusual things or provide an interesting service. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Azizah
Description The magazine for the contemporary Muslim woman. Features 1,500 to 2,000 words. Rates vary depending on the article, and payment for first rights is made upon acceptance of the article.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title BlueSuitMom
Description Helps executive working mothers find work and family balance. Looking for information from experts in a variety of fields relating to working mothers as well as features written by writers and journalists. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Bride's Magazine
Description “We're always looking for new ideas and good writers.” Request guidelines from the email address at their web site.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Cahoots
Description An alternative Canadian quarterly magazine for women that is more than your typical women’s magazine. Topics include health, sex, marriage, being single, motherhood, social commentary, education, business, law, the arts, friendship, travel, the environment, work, social issues, culture, community, finances, balancing life, adventure, world issues, politics, and popular culture. Also prints fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and beautiful visual art. Pays $100.
Web site
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Chowk
Description Ideas and identities of India and Pakistan. Chowk is an ecosystem, a virtual community, with readers, writers, lurkers and critics. Chowk visitors are rarely passive, mostly opinionated, but always responsive with extremely diverse views. Topics can include political affairs, economic trends, events, rights of women and minorities, globalization and privatization in the Third World, book reviews, movie or music reviews, immigration, culture, schooling options for expatriates, short stories, poetry, travelogues, etc.
Web site
Country India
Region Asia & Middle East
Pay NO
Payscale NO

Title Dabbling Mum, The
Description Christian parenting publication. A positive publication geared towards helping BUSY parents balance life with real, practical, true-to-life, "been there, done that" articles. Pays $20 to $40 per original article.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Divanee Magazine
Description Focuses on topics of interest to young North America Desi Women including: Fashion, Beauty, Health, Recipes, Well-Being, Relationships, Marriage, Politics, Culture, Book Reviews, Movie/Music Review
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Pay NO
Payscale NO

Title Emirates Woman
Description The editorial mix of authoritative articles and glamorous features, together with lively, modern design, appeals successfully to a multicultural, upmarket readership. Emirates Woman has all the ingredients found in glossy international women’s magazines and, in addition, captures the unique flavour of life in the Gulf at its most vibrant. "Yes, we do use some freelance work, though it tends to be mainly via known and trusted freelancers based in Dubai. However, I am not averse to buying fantastic articles from enterprising freelancers overseas - but they would have to be sensitive to the region and appeal to a cross-cultural readership. We look for good, authoritative articles on beauty, health and well-being, relationships, psychology and general women's interest where applicable to life in the Gulf. "We have no guidelines as such but expect articles to be well written in UK English (not American) backed up by well-researched facts."
Web site
Country United Arab Emirates
Region Asia & Middle East
Payscale UNSP

Title Essence
Description The magazine for African-American and Caribbean women. Features personal-growth articles, celebrity profiles, and well-reported pieces on political and social issues. Also articles on relationships, careers, money, health and fitness. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Family Circle
Description A general interest women's magazine which focuses on the family. Most of the articles are written by freelancers. Topics include travel, health, beauty, fitness, child care, relationships, finances, crafts. Most of the articles are written by freelancers. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Family Digest
Description A magazine for Black Moms/Female heads-of-household; helping them get more out of their roles as wife, mother, home-manager. Interest areas include Family Travel, Auto Review, Love & Marriage, Health, Family Finances, Beauty & Style, Meal Time. Paying market. Fees vary.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title For Women
Description This magazine is looking for sensual, erotic stories with a plot, that will appeal to women. Does not accept stories that feature extreme violence, that appear to glorify rape, involve the use of force, sex while under the influence of hypnosis, or are otherwise illegal. Stories should, generally, have a female protagonist and, if written in the first person, they should be narrated from a woman's point of view. Length: 2,000-3,000 words. Submissions: Accepts written submissions only, typed on one side of the paper. Double spacing is unnecessary. Include an SAE, and keep a copy as return of work is not guaranteed. No unsolicited material to be sent on disk or by e-mail. Pay: £150 per story published. Guidelines: available by sending an e-mail to the editor.Contact: P.O. Box 3814, Selsdon Way, London, E14 9GL, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7308 5090. Elizabeth Coldwell, Fiction Editor. Email: Elizabeth.Coldwell @
Web site -
Guidelines -
Country UK
Region Europe
Payscale LOW

Title Four Weeks
Description Magazine made up of four mini-magazines. Each represents one of the four weeks of a woman's monthly hormone cycle and the distinct moods that her hormones have her feeling during those weeks. Accepts queries from freelance writers for shopping, food, travel and DIY departments. Pay varies.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Georgia Family Magazine
Description A monthly regional parenting publication. A large percentage of articles are freelance written. Regular departments include: Travel, Family Mouse, Children’s Health Bulletin, Women’s Health, Dining Out, and more. Feature articles relate directly to parenting issues, preferably articles localized to parenting in Central Georgia. Pay: $20 to $90 for first publication rights to feature stories; $10 to $30 for reprints.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Girl's Life Magazine
Description Magazine for 10 to 15-year-old girls. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Going Dutch
Description The magazine of the American Women's Club of the Hague. Non-paying market.
Web site
Country Netherlands
Region Europe
Pay NO
Payscale NO

Title Golf For Women
Description Golfing magazine for women. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Good Housekeeping
Description Audience is mostly married women, most of whom have children (anywhere from newborn to college age) and who work outside the home. Submissions will be reviewed for: Extra! Extra, Real Lives, My Story, and Light Housekeeping (humor pieces on domestic and family life). High-paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale HI

Title Her Magazine
Description (Formerly Her Business). Rebranded in 2007. A nationwide bi-monthly magazine for women in business. Includes positive articles relating to businesswomen, practical business information, inspiring stories of other women in business and motivating personal growth topics. look for fresh stories with an obvious business focus. Word rates are negotiated at the time of submission. Also running a short story competition at
Web site
Country New Zealand
Region Australasia
Payscale UNSP

Title Her Sports
Description Published 6 times annually. For smart, active women who use sports and fitness to balance their busy lifestyles. Readers are strong, independent women who participate in a variety of active sports—including running, triathlon, mountain biking, skiing, surfing, snowboarding, hiking and other popular individual sports. Pays $150 to $450.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale MED

Title History's Women
Description Christian publication. Highlighting the extraordinary achievements of women throughout history and recognizing the obstacles they have had to overcome in order to reach their goals. Pays $10.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title iParenting
Description iParenting Media publish a number of parenting-related sites on the Internet. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title JourneyWoman
Description Articles should be written from a woman's point of view and should contain information of particular interest to the female traveller. However, articles from men definitely acceptable if they are appropriate to the mandate. Pays $35 honorarium for each article published.
Web site
Country Canada
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Long Island Woman
Description A monthly tabloid magazine. Topics include news, humor, lifestyles & family, mental & physical health, sports & fitness, nutrition & dining, fashion & beauty, and more. Pays up to $150.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Lutheran Woman Today
Description A magazine for all women in the church, developed by Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale MED

Description An online lifestyle magazine for young women, offering the latest in news, beauty, fashion, and entertainment: all from a culturally diverse—yet distinctly Canadian—perspective. Non-paying market.
Web site
Country Canada
Region North America
Pay NO
Payscale NO

Title Mommy Too!
Description Web magazine celebrating mothers of color.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Pay NO
Payscale NO

Title Mookychick
Description The online indie bible for chicks with attitude. Topics include style, body, health, sports, spiritual, crafts, and more. Always on the lookout for strong, sassy writers. Non-paying market.
Web site
Country UK
Region Europe
Pay NO
Payscale NO

Title Mother Devoted
Description An online bi-monthly publication. Topics relevant to today’s Christian mother.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNK

Title New Homemaker, The
Description Webzine aimed at people who consider their primary job to be homemaking. The person can be male but is probably female. Topics covered include family, parenting, crafts, gardening, managing money. Pays $25 for original articles, $15 for reprints.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Online Dating Magazine
Description Publishes articles related to Online Dating, Self-Improvement, Dating in general, and Romance. Pays $15 per article for original material.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Road & Travel Magazine
Description A consumer magazine, an online resource specializing in automotive, travel, and personal safety topics. RTM targets upscale consumers, with a slant towards women, 29-59. Pays: assigned articles range from byline only up to $100, to be negotiated and agreed upon in writing by author and publisher before publication of article.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Shape
Description Active lifestyle magazine for women. Each issue provides immediately useful information in the areas of exercise, nutrition, psychology, beauty and more - to help the reader improve her health and to stimulate a deeper understanding of fitness. Paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Skirt! Magazine
Description Originally a monthly magazine for women in the Charleston and Columbia areas of South Carolina. Each issue reflects the variety and diversity of women's lives and interests. Publishes 8 to 14 personal essays every month on topics relating to women and women's interests. Length: 800 to 1,200 words. Upcoming Themes: Submissions: send completed essays, preferably by email. You must include a brief, 2-3 sentence, bio which will appear if your piece is published. Pay: varies.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title SPUN
Description SPUN wants to stretch its focus beyond knitted items and into the greater world of fiber goodness. Currently seeking submissions for knitting, crochet, needlepoint, weaving, and any other fiber-based projects. Pays an honorarium.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Stringing
Description Quarterly magazine. Each issue includes more than 100 beautifully strung accessories, accompanied by clear step-by-step instructions and spreads that give beaders ideas and inspiration. The projects include necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. Payment not specified.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Woman Alive!
Description Especially interested in articles which encourage spiritual growth - both in personal devotions and daily living. Since 1984, Women Alive! has been helping women respond to God's call to holiness in their daily lives. Pays $15 to $50.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Woman This Month
Description Redhouse Marketing, P.O. Box 20461, Manama, Bahrain. A publication designed by women and produced specifically for women in Bahrain wishing to celebrate a unique cosmopolitan lifestyle and community spirit in an objective and pro-active manner. Invites queries from freelance writers about articles based on the following: women in the news, an up-and-coming woman and an interview with a notable current woman in business, medicine, education, art, science or social work. Length: articles are 800 and 1400 words, interviews are 1500 - 2400 words. Also welcome queries from freelance writers who can write a 1600 - 2400 word short story of interest to women. Pay: $50 to $100 for articles and interviews, depending on length, and $75 to $100 for fiction. Payment is upon publication. Please email queries to
Web site
Country Bahrain
Region Asia & Middle East
Payscale LOW

Title Women’s Independent Press
Description General interest newspaper covering issues that pertain to women, regardless of race, class, religious/spiritual or political affiliation, age, or sexual orientation. Considers well-researched and fact-supported articles, investigations, social commentary, essays, fiction, poetry, and humor. Topics include relationships, health, arts, entertainment, sport, travel and more. Pays $25 per article.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale LOW

Title Women's eNews
Description Covering issues of particular concern to women and providing women's perspectives on public policy. Seek freelance writers from around the world to write on every topic--politics, religion, economics, health, science, education, sports, legislation. Paying Market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale UNSP

Title Working Mother
Description The magazine is looking for articles (700 to 1500 words in length) that help women in their task of juggling job, home, and family. High-paying market.
Web site
Country USA
Region North America
Payscale HI

Authors: A New Ebook on Writing and Marketing Your Book

Authors: A New Ebook on Writing and Marketing Your Book

From Blank Page to Book Shelves--How to Successfully Create and Market Your Book is a new ebook, which shares writing tips, and marketing strategies, which will make your publishing experience more successful. The marketing information includes how to effectively use SEO keywords in press releases, chose a publisher and low cost to free promotional options, while sharing writing tips.

The first part of the ebook gives basic writing tips. From plot organization to creating conflicts, this ebook help authors understand the basic structure of both short stories and novels. In addition, there are chapters on characterization and sensory writing, which help the authors draw in their readers into a multi-dimensional reading experience.

The second part of the book includes the importance of protecting the rights of the author, not only by copyrighting the work, but choosing the proper publishing venue. Safeguarding a work can be done easily and inexpensively; if done properly it insures that it will be legally protected. Choosing the correct publishing format and publisher can also make or break a book’s opportunities to reach the reading public.

Marketing and Promotions is explained in the third part of the ebook. It describes how the publishing venue affects how a book can be best advertised not only to readers, but also to bookstore owners. In addition, it lists low cost or free promotional ideas that can be used both on and offline. Search Engine Optimization makes press releases more effective; using the correct key words in the proper format will efficiently attract the attention of the search engines, thereby raising the article or site higher in the rankings and drawing more traffic to it.

From Blank Page to Book Shelves--How to Successfully Create and Market Your Book can’t guarantee to place an authors on the New York Times best seller‘s list; however, it will help improve their writing skills and understanding of the business end of the industry. Currently, this ebook is available at for $7.00.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Fiction: "Nict For Ure Selfe" (Not For Ourselves)--a Celtic Tale of Karmic Justice

"Nict For Ure Selfe" (Not For Ourselves) a brief excerpt

"Nict For Ure Selfe."
(Not For Ourselves)
Theresa Chaze

Alyssa struck the match. Instantly, the end burst into flame. She held it to the wick of the white candle until it ignited. Pinching off the match head, she placed on the table. Taking a deep breath, she flipped her long chestnut color braid back over her shoulder; it bounced and swung around her waist. Focusing on her intent, she started the ritual. "Goddesses--Maiden, Mother, Crone I call to thee and ask that you appear to me." Picking up the candle, she held it above the surface of the water. Its glow illuminated just beyond the rim of the black bowl and reflected off the clear surface. "On this darkest of night, grant me the portal to make things right. Let me see clearly the moments of the past, so that I may understand what is happening at last." Tapping the edge with the candlestick, the glass on glass echoed throughout the dark room. The vibration rippled through the water. "As I created a wave in the glass, so I ask you help me with my task." She set the candlestick next to the bowl and placed her hands on either side palms down. "Let me see where his hatred of me had begun, so that his vengeance can be undone. Why he stalks me I know not why, yet I know the answer lies in times gone by. Take me back to the time and place, so that I may end the conflict with haste and grace." Picking up the four raven feathers, she held them above the candle. "Goddesses of the raven and night, who left these feathers as a symbol of your might. I call you now to come me, to create a justice that even the blind may see. I call your forth to this land to guide the karmic hand. For those who have done harm to me, let their reckoning begin now--so mote it be." Placing the feathers equal distance around the bowl, Alyssa paused for a moment to let their energy settle around her.

Stretching her neck side to side, she took a deep breath and allowed her Priestess training to relax her body into a meditative state. The outer world fell away as she sank deeper within her self and started climbing the stairs to her own soul. Into the darkness, the staircase spiraled upward, until she reached the iridescent platform where her Akashic record was held. Suspended in the darkness of endless time, Alyssa looked for a guide to help her. But she was alone. In the past, there had always been someone there to act as a guide to help her face the challenge. Uncertain, she stepped up to the pedestal. If she was to atone for a past error, she would be give direction. However, if she was merely a player as another strutted and fretted through a karmic lesson, than she could do little more than watch. The book lay open before her. On it, fate continued to write. "Book of all my lives, show me karmic tie that echoes into this life." The pages flipped, stopping twice before it came to rest on the life named Shannon Marie Cullen.

The image of a auburn haired young woman lifted up off the page and hovered above. Her heart shaped face still had the softness of youth. Yet the hazel eyes sparkled with old wisdom. She wore her hair pulled back into a long, single braid. Although she seemed familiar, Alyssa felt no emotional connection to her. There was no bond or sense of being between them. Only a faint familiarity like a tune whose melody echoes in the back of your mind, yet you cannot remember the words or the context in which you heard it. She reached out to touch the image; it reached back. Yet before their fingertips touched, Shannon Marie vanished only to be replaced by a three dimensional screening of wooded forest. Rich and lush it sported multiple shades of green, tans and browns as the forest became fields and forest once again. As her perspective changed, Alyssa felt herself zooming to focus on the scene that was most important. Yet it was more than just pictures and sounds. The smell of the fields and rushing of the river below sparked memories and long sleeping emotions. No matter where her life led her, she could never find the safe sense of home. Fear always kept her from letting her roots grow too deep. She had never understood. Her childhood was no better or worse than anyone else's. Yet as her spirit drew closer, the familiarity once again made her crave the comfort of home.
Through breaks in the leaves, she saw two girls running quickly. She knew who they were, yet she didn't feel connected. Instead, like a moderated film, she watched them from above. Instead recalling her own memories, the information flowed to her in unspoken words and images as if someone was narrating their story to catch her up with the story.

Shannon Marie ran breathlessly up the glen, quickly followed by her younger sister, Rachael. Although a year and two months younger, Rachael looked more like Shannon Marie's twin. Both girls favored their Scottish heritage with their flaming hair and outspoken temperaments. Their two older sisters, Elizabeth Marie and Katherine Anne favored their mother's French heritage both physically and in temperament. Fair-haired beauties they openly used their feminine assets to manipulate others to get what they wanted. The plain spoken mannerism of the patriarch of the family along with his two youngest daughters frequently came into conflict with the matriarch and the eldest sisters' elitism as they boasted of their unclaimable link to the French throne. They refused to see that no matter which man laid down with the mother, the child could lay no claim to parentage unless they were acknowledged by both the father and family. Jacqueline Marie Katherine de Medici may have lay with the King of France, but the daughter they created was conceived above the sheets--not beneath them. Jacqueline refused to be silenced at court about the parentage of her growing child within her. It was the reason Marie marked her for death. But instead of a curse, the midnight escaped to Scotland became a blessing as the people's revolution sought out the privileged nobles.

In the highlands, Abigail Marie Katherine de Medici was born without a father; the fortune and power of the de Medici family hid the stain, but was never washed away. Having valuable connections in the English and Italian courts, Jacqueline was received as her family station required. Eventually she attained a small estate and fitted herself into the region. Unlike the women born in Scotland, Jacqueline, followed her de Medici heritage, keeping control over her assets and her life. But it was her wit and cleverness, which turned the small estate into one of the most prosperous in the Parish. It was the second reason Abigail was never considered a suitable match for any of the legitimate Clan heir. The heads of clans refused to allow a match unless the son would take total control of the estate and fortunes. Jacqueline refused to relinquish her power. Abigail resent her mother for it. Richard Connell had approach her with an offer of marriage; he was the second largest estate holder in the Parish and under consideration to become the next Parish Chief. Jacqueline refused and arranged a match with Shawn Jacob Michael Cullen. Only he was willing to break with tradition. Instead of insisting on control, he offered himself as steward to Jacqueline, claiming nothing for himself and agreeing to allow her to chose who inherited the de Medici affluence. The eldest son of Michael James Cullen he saw Abigail as an opportunity to restore his clan's fortunes. Reluctantly Abigail agreed; his family estate was not as large as the Connell, but his clan connection opened the path to gain legitimacy and a title. The match was made for the benefit of both families.

Shannon never thought of Seanhair as a woman of wealth and power, only as her Grandmother. None of that interested her, no matter how Seanhair attempted to entice her. She loved hearing stories about France before the revolution, but for some reason, both she and Papa were more concerned about her to becoming more aware of estate business. The month before she officially starting attending to estate business independently. Her decisions carried nearly as much weight as her father's.

Alyssa felt the connection Shannon Marie had with her father. It drew her closer to the young woman for it was something she had always wanted and never had for reasons that were beyond her control. The richness of their love bond awakened her own sadness and sense of loss. He had died before she was born. The only things she knew of him was what her older sister told her. Their mother had stubbornly refused to talk about him. Without warning, Alyssa reached out to more fully connect with the young red head. Suddenly she felt the grass beneath her feet and the breeze on her face. She was no longer an observer, but part of the drama and seeing through Shannon's eyes.

The strange feeling again crept up on Shannon Marie and she stopped half way up the hill. The strange awareness seemed to be happening more often. At first, it was only in her dreams that she could sense spirits around her. The feelings kept getting more intense and harder to ignore. But this time it was different. In a way familiar. Papa had told her that her Aunt Margaret had the same gift. She could see the Earth Folk and the spirits who had not yet crossed over. She asked Bridget to bless her with the same gift; the night of the next full moon, she had her first dream. Since then, the encounters with the dead had become nightly. Sighing, Shannon shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts. But instead of vanishing the image of an older woman with reddish hair reached for her. Her greenish eyes were so familiar, yet she had never seen them before. She was not afraid, yet she was reluctant to take her hand. The spirit of the raven flew between them and the woman backed away, but did not leave.

Suddenly Alyssa felt herself being pulled away. She remained connected, yet she was no longer in direct contact with Shannon Marie. The emotional bond that had started to form had been thinned, but not broken.

The raven circle and flew back towards them. Shannon followed its flight and it brought her attention back to the hillside. She did not know why her mind filled itself with such things. It was almost as if someone was trying to give her wisdom she was not ready to understand. Each time the feeling passed, she felt that something important had happened, yet she was unable to see how it in fit in her life. She slowly started to climb the hill again. It was like the lessons Seanhair was teaching her about the lands and court. It did not interest her, but her grandmother's behavior told her that the lessons were important. None of the information was new. It was all old. Yet, it seemed so essential the closer she got to her seventeen birthday. Suddenly there were no more stories or gossip about the other clans' secrets or stories about the French court, but a constant testing of what she had learned about the estate.

Reaching the crest, she caught up with Rachael. Shannon Marie pointed to the gathering at the bottom. "I told you Papa would make them wait for us!" She readjusted her crossbow, freeing it from the fold of her breeches. Her attire was another point of contention between their parents. Breeches, boots and wool shirts were not proper dress for ladies. Father always snapped back that if she had provided him with a son, he would have left the girls to her raising. But she had not, so she needed to be content with the two older girls. The two younger were his to raise as he saw fit. Shannon Marie was grateful he had always won. The thought of being turned into court pony turned her stomach. She disappear into the marshes first.

"Hot damn!" Diverting from the path, Rachael leaped a fallen log for no other reason that it was there and ran down towards the gathering at the bottom.

Shannon Marie stopped for a moment. The sun was warm on her face. The lush greenery of early summer was old enough to be fully developed, yet young enough to still have a multitude of shades of green. For a moment, she felt homesick as if she had been away for a long time. She blinked and the feeling vanished as quickly as it had come.

As with the island and their people, the greenery was young and old at the same time. She did not regret stopping to honor the forest peoples and her ancestry even if had made them late. It was part of her tradition. Leaving them bits of food and coins every full moon in their circle was such a small thing, but it was enough to honor all those who had gone before. She was happy and at peace.

Below, parish men and youths were preparing for May Day. It was their time to boast and show off their skills with bow, horse and sword. Only the best could chase the spring maiden in hopes of marrying her. Last year, Papa had persuaded the Parish Chief to allow her represent the family in some of the events for the younger boys. She had done well coming in second with her cross bow and third with her sword. This year she planned to be first. She still missed working with her bow. But she was never able to compensate for the budding impediments as she grew older. It hurt terribly when she released the bowstring and it hit her chest. She switched to the crossbow. Michael had teased her so she pushed him face first into the river. He jumped up sputtering. Rachael and Scott had laughed at them both when he eventually caught her and paid her back in kind. Rachael was going to be able to compete this year with her staff. It would be her first time.

Scott had been sent to the monastery, not for religious reasons, but to get him the education he would need to properly represent the Parish and his clan. No longer did the English court respect the old ways. In order to gain the regard of the English, they needed a representative that spoke their language and understood their customs, while still being linked to the Parish. Scott was chosen for his instinctive good nature and quick mind. He knew how to get around the monks, while still being able to keep his faith and learning everything he could from them.

Shannon Marie sighed. They all missed him; Rachael had not been the same since he rode off. The two of them had a soul connection. Although it had been stretched, it had not been broken. At night, they visited each other in their dreams. Once Shannon had been awakened by Rachael talking in her sleep; at the foot of Rachael's bed, Scott stood, watching her sleep. When he saw her, he smiled and vanished like a ghostly apparition.
Shaking her head, she cleared the gloomy thoughts from her mind. It was going to be a glorious day. In the afternoon, she would compete; that night, she was going to be presented to court. Seanhair was going to announce she was naming her legal heir to the de Medici titles and estates. Even with her little knowledge of court, she knew it was going to be a rude surprise to many.

From below, Papa called her name and waved her to come join them. For a moment, she stood there looking at him as if she was seeing him for the first time. He could not be considered tall, yet he as not short. His posture was that a proud man, who knew the meaning of work and warfare. Held back in a silver clasp, his chestnut color hair hung just past his shoulders. A full beard partially covered his oval face. Across the distance, she could not see the bluish-green of his eyes, yet she knew they held an equal amount of love and impatience. Shawn Jacob Cullen liked order; she never managed to meet his standards, but he loved her anyway. Smiling, she treaded down the path. The bushes gently brushed against her like angel wings as she quickly joined them on the field. Each of the clans were separated in a semi circle around the field of combat. Although it was called combat, the only event which permitted physical contact was the for the young men who had earned enough points to compete for the spring maiden. But that was not for the younger competitors; only those who had been invited by respect or by winning the challenge ever learned what happened deep with in the forest. But Shannon had no interested what the rutting beasts, as Papa called them, did in the forest on Beltane night; her only concern was making Cullen clan proud.

"You were late my little Elf." Papa chided loud enough for the others to hear.

"Tonight is the full moon." Shannon looked up into his bluish green eyes. "I needed to honor our ancestors and tonight I won't be able to."

He winked. "The Clan Elders are doing you a great courtesy. You need to honor them by arriving on time. You dishonor our clan by making us all wait."

"Yes, Papa." Shannon nodded and walked to the judging table where the other elders were gathered. She stood before them and slightly bowed. "I have dishonored my family by my tardiness. I was honoring my ancestors. That isn't an excuse. How may I make amends?"

"Heathen! We waited for nothing." Richard Connell grumbled. "She should be back with the rest preparing the feast!"

Shawn Michael clenched his fists and marched to stand beside her, squaring off with the slightly older man. "My daughter was paying respects. As she was taught."

Shannon Marie turned to face the Parish Elder, hoping that the wind would not change and she remained up wind of him. His particular branch of the Connell family had only a passing familiarity with water and soap. If he had not left the old ways, he would have not complained so loudly about her honoring them. Her eyes drifted down to the scar on his right hand and arm where he had scraped off the tattoo of the horned snake. Feeling him staring, she met his hard hazel eyes again; only this time she refused to look away. "I meant no disrespect to the Parish council." She kept her voice even, but her fear made her voice quiver.

"Many of us still follow the old ways." Shawn stepped between them, pushing his daughter behind him. "Both religions are honored. Both are accepted equally."
"That will soon change." His short hair glistened in the sunshine as he jutted his chin forward in defiance.

Rumor had it that he cut his hair short to please the Christos; through them, he intended to steal control over the Parish. Shannon Marie heard her father and Seanhair talking. But they never seem to finish the conversation once they knew she was listening.

"Silence!" The Parish Chieftain's voice ran clear among the trees. Laird George Francis Macdonald was the eldest member of the Clan council; a man of age, yet he retained the aura of strength and distinction. The passage of time had settled on his shoulders. No longer was he the young warrior who fought for Bonnie Prince Charlie. Nearly twenty years before, he became chief when his uncle, Ronald Connell died without an heir. Laird Malcolm Michael Howard Connell's choice was much debated before his death, but afterwards his wishes were not challenge by anyone besides his nephew, Richard. Fifteen years younger than George, he had to settle for being second in line for both the Parish Chieftain and head of his clan. Laird Macdonald focused on his shorter kinsman and continued, his voice unwavering; time had not begun to touch his dynamic spirit "Your objection was noted and dismissed. I am still head of our clan and this parish. You will be silent!"

Even through she knew the Connell clan was a close cousin to the Macdonald--George and Richard were blood cousins, Shannon Marie could see little resemblance. Although they had the same black hair and angular features., the Macdonalds were lean and strong, being used to hard work both with the plow and sword. Many members became courtiers in the British court and in times past, the French. Although the Connells were still lanky, their cousins towered over them both in statue and breeding. Whereas the Macdonalds and the other cousin clans valued learning, the Connells recognized nothing but brute force. Last year, there was more than a little teasing of Keith Connell. He was nearly two years her senior, yet she still had the height to look him in the eyes. She had not heard what was said, but laughter caught her attention. Suddenly Keith spun around, his white knuckled fist flying towards her face. Michael had jumped in front of her and took the punch. He was knocked backward a step, but did not fall. His exposed shoulder redden at the point of impact, but did not bruise. His cousins laughed harder. Keith sulked away, rejoining the elders members of his family clan. That next morning several of the Macdonald's horses were found with their throats cut.

Richard Connell bowed his head but there was no respect in his posture. He bushed the white carnation and turned to speak quietly with his many sons. There were rumors that his branch of the clan had tried several attempts to reawaken the old feuds by inciting the passions of the younger, members of his clans and others. He promised them power and rewards beyond their imaginings. Several younger men left their clans and joined in the private discussion. Their voices rumbled together, becoming a single unintelligentable protest. Squaring his shoulders, Laird Macdonald stared at them. His green-gray eyes stared silently at them. One by one most discreetly separated themselves and returned to stand behind their family elders. Those that remained did not seem to notice their ranks had diminished.

"Child, rejoin your clan." With wave of his slender fingers, he carelessly dismissed her and walked to the center of the semi-circle. "Greetings Kinsman and Clans. We have a glorious day!"

"Eye, Laird Macdonald." Quickly, Shannon bowed and looked up at her father. "Did I do it right Papa?"

He nodded as he led her back to the Cullen clan. "Stay away from Connell and his brood. He is--is unpredictable."

"He's a horse's ass" Seanair grumbled, brushed back his graying red hair and looked over his shoulder at the Connell family talking in a tight bunch. Unlike Laird Macdonald, age had weighed heavily upon her father's father. A blacksmith by necessity, his hands were scared and roughened by decades labor. Although Shannon Marie had never seen him work the anvil, she heard stories. It was said that the people of the forest once came to him late one evening, asking him to repair one of the rune blades of old; it was said to be one of same family of runic swords as Excalibur. For his service, they blessed him and his line with special gifts of sight.

"Why do they hate us so?" Shannon looked from Papa to his father. "And if they do, why are you letting Elizabeth Marie marry William Connell? They don't really like each other."

The men looked between one another and Papa shook his head. Kneeling down, to her eye level, he tilted her head up to further focus her attention on him. "There are reasons, child. Reasons you cannot understand. But it is necessary to make peace. Your sister understands and she is willing. All you need to know is she will receive the title, but you, my little elf, will keep the land because it belongs to your Seanhair. Not to me. "

"Shawn Jacob, it's a terrible thing to do the child." Seanair continued to grumble. "It will only make it worse--for everyone."

"It is her Seanhair's wishes. I am keeping my word to her." Shawn stood. "Besides the Laird Macdonald gave his word--"

"The man is dying and that ass Connell intends to usurp Parish leadership. We all know it--but the words never seem to be spoke."

"Shannon Marie," Papa cut him off and turned to her, "they are getting ready for the archer competition."

"I'm not entered. Only the crossbow."

"Go watch them any way."


"Go child." Gentle Shawn Jacob pushed her toward the other contestants. "For now you needn't hear these things. There will be time enough later."

Shannon Marie slowly walked away, trying to hear what they did not want her to know. But they said no more until she was out of earshot. She did not understand what they meant. How was Papa making it worse? Seanair said he was doing something terrible. Papa would never. And never to a child, especially his own. Tossing her braid over her shoulder, she dismissed the conversation as her misunderstanding.

The connection between them was suddenly severed. No longer in the spiritual realms, Alyssa snapped awake. The phone rang in the other room. She ignored it. This late, it could only be one person and she had no wish to listen to his abuse.

The candle had burned itself out. The room was dark except for the light shining in through the window. She wasn't sure if it was the sliver of the moon or the streetlight at the corner. It didn't matter. Awkwardly, she stood and stretched the kinks out of her limbs. She wondered how late it was. Not that it mattered. It's not like she had to worry about being at work the next morning. No longer satisfied with following and harassing her, Deputy Nevel's intimidating tactics spread to her employer and co-workers. Alyssa complained verbally and in writing, as did her co-workers. Their complaints fell on deaf ears. After nearly a month of reasonless traffic stops and searches, she found herself suddenly no longer welcome at the clinic. Officially, she was laid off, but she had no expectation of returning. Too many had been frightened; too many blamed her for it. Alyssa understood. If she could magically escape the torment she would--that was the purpose of the ritual.

Walking back into the living room, the bright lights temporarily blinded her. She blinked until her eyes adjusted to the light level. The clock read 1 am. She had been away for almost an hour. Her stomach growled. On her way to the kitchen, she checked the answering machine. She had missed three calls. She checked the caller Id. All three had been blocked. Reluctantly she picked up the micro-recorder and pushed record. "August 1, 2007." She pushed play on her answering machine.

The computerized voice responded. "Three new messages. First message receive 12:20 am."

The familiar male voice followed. "I know your there. Answer the phone bitch!" He paused. "Not answering the phone won't help you. I'll burn your house down around you! Thou shall not suffer a witch to live!" He hung up.

"Message received 12:30 am."

"Are you going to call your devils to torment me. It won't work. You'll be dead and they'll be gone. Just one bullet." The call ended.

"Message received 12:55 am."

"You can't hide--"

Suddenly another voice spoke in the background. "One adam six--"

The phone call abruptly ended.

Alyssa shook her head and turned off the micro-recorder, putting in the drawer. Calling the police and reporting the threats would do no good. The blue wall protects its own, especially when it's the sheriff's nephew. But there are other ways of getting justice. Every one of the calls had been combined with pictures of the six deputies involved and put up on YouTube complete with the full names, ranks and departments. The codes to the videos had been shared not only in the Wiccan communities but well beyond into individuals' blogs and new articles. No matter what happened to her, their names would be forever tagged with the details of the festival and the telephone messages.

No longer hungry, she continued into the kitchen and turned on the small light over the stove. She might not want to eat, but she needed to. The harassment and threats did have a bright side; she did loose twenty pounds in the last month and a half since her first encounter with Nevel at the yearly SCA sponsored Renaissance Festival.

It had been mid afternoon when a half dozen stubble headed men forced their way into the festival. Ranging in age from mid to late twenties, they screamed how evil they were and started destroying the displays. On their own, none of them could be considered imposing or threatening, but as a pack, their furor was magnified. They were lanky without much to distinguish them either in the way of looks or personality. The tallest had the darkest hair; the rest ranged from dark brown to blonde. The one of the six came to where she had been reading Tarot cards. Although he was the shortest one of his group, he had the biggest attitude. Walking like a John Wayne wanna-be, he reached over to upturn her table. Alyssa jumped between him and it. He shoved her. She pushed back. He pulled his deputy badge out of the back pocket of his jeans and flashed it in her face, screaming he was going to arrest her for assaulting an officer. Stunned she stepped to the side, but did not give ground. Changing her position brought her downwind of him and she could smell the alcohol, which seem to seep from his pores. Brown haired and hazel-brown eyed, he stared at her with contempt. On the collar of his brown shirt, he wore a confederate flag with blue cross encircle in the center. The rage in his eyes made her flinch. It seemed so personal to him, yet Alyssa had never met him before. How could he hate her without knowing her? He grabbed at her and she stepped out of his reach.

A crowd gathered, heckling, surrounding the six and interceding between Alyssa and her attacker. Two of the uniformed city police, who had been keeping the fundamentalist from harassing the festival goers, arrived and quickly separated them. Nevel screamed that she had attacked him. The crowd shouted him down. Alyssa had marched across the distance and informed the officers she wanted to press charges. The one turned and pointed at the one who attacked her, saying that he was the sheriff's nephew and it wouldn't be happening. The uniformed officers briefly argued with the six before escorting them out. Another city officer, pointed at her and said, "You weren't hurt. Don't push it or you will be." Many sleepless nights those words echoed in the darkness. She hadn't dropped it. They had no right to harass them. Monday morning she had filed an official complaint. Sheriff Nevel had dismissed her grievance and threatened to arrest her for filing a false report. That night the phone calls began. That morning she contacted the newspaper and the prosecutor. She wasn't going to let the matter just simply drop; she had been threatened for no reason and she wanted justice. Two weeks later, she was interviewed by a Detective. On the way home, she was stopped and ticketed for illegal beeping. The harassment escalated.

Opening the refrigerator, she pulled out the bag of cheese and took out a handful of the squares. Zipping the bag closed, she put it back on the shelf and closed the door. It had been almost a month, since the interview. Each time she was harassed, she informed the detective in charge of her case. Although he seemed to be sympathetic, he did nothing. She turned off the light and walked back to her bedroom. Finishing the cheese, she slipped into bed. Trying to find a comfortable position, she tossed and turned. She missed Pixie and Dixie. They would curl up next to her and purr as she fell asleep. She missed them, but she loved them too much to keep putting them at risk. They would stay with her sister until things blew over or she was able to move. Lying alone in the dark, the idea of dropping the complaint seemed real attractive; but she knew that no matter what she did, Nevel wouldn't just let it drop. It was simply going to have to play out until to the end. Spiritually, she reached out to her furkids. Sensing they were safe, she relaxed enough for sleep to over take her.

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