
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Nine of Cups: Be Careful What You Wish for

Be Careful What you Wish For
Theresa Chaze

If you were given one wish, what would you wish for? There was a TV ad that showed individuals using the one wish a genie gave them to manifest a pack of gum. Instead of seeking their hearts desire, they asked for something trivial. How many times a day do we do the same thing in varying degrees; we make wishes that would not be for our best and highest good or would actually harm someone else. If we were fore warned that one of our wishes would come true, only we wouldn’t be told which one, would that change our thinking process?

The nine of cups is also know as the wish card. It is a two edged sword that warns that one of our wishes will be granted; however, you never know when or what wish will be heard. Positive and negative wishes carry equal weigh in the eyes of the Divine. Whatever we focus our attention on is what we will create. When we wish for love, success or health, we must make sure that it doesn’t do harm to another. By trying to usurp their free will, we only create negative consequences for ourselves. However, when we wish a blessing be sent to another, it not only creates a miracle in the other person’s life, but opens the door for our dreams to be answered as well. The nine of cups also gives the warning that a wish could lead to heartbreak, disappointment or a long delay before a hearts desire is achieved. Wishes made while frightened, sad or angry can lead us have harmful yearnings. When others hurt us, it is a knee jerk reaction to wish the same on them. Although there are safe guards in place, visualizing the same wish repeatedly or with our whole soul, energizes it enough so that it can to over ride those protections. Yet if we quickly follow the harmful wish with one that is forgiving and loving, the negative effects are neutralized.

The nine of cups also represents the nine muses, the Goddesses of inspiration and creativity; therefore, it heralds a time of revelation and ingenuity. As the triple Goddesses are tripled, it foreshadows success and material gains, but also gives the warning to be wary of selfishness and greed. Being the most feminine card in the deck, it is connected to the Moon and to the Hermit cards as it speaks to the heart’s desires and inner dreams. It says that your dreams have already manifested in your heart so that it won’t be long before they appear in your reality.

Magical fantasy author and life coach, Theresa Chaze has over twenty years experience reading Tarot, but she uses her natural born intuition and empathy to give her readings more detail. Through her maternal line, she has the ability to speak to those who have crossed over and to communicate with animals. Her life experiences have given her a unique perspective not only on life, but also has given her the ability to see how we are all interconnected and that one of us are really alone. Like pieces of a puzzle, we all have our own unique shape and image, but we are also part of one big picture. She helps others find the path to healing and regain their personal power. She can advise on any topic or concern with excellent accuracy and without judgment. Theresa is available to do online Tarot Readings. She charges 30.00 for a double Celtic Cross and 15.00 for a 7 card spread. She only accepts Paypal. Please email her at or go to her site at to arranged for her to help you see your options.

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