
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Marketing: Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion

Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion continues! All authors on tour in February will be giving away FREE copies of their books to a few lucky people who comment on their blog stops. Winners will be announced at www.virtualbooktour sforauthors. blogspot. com on Feb. 29!

The following authors on tour and their tour stops today are:

Rachel Greene Baldino and Judy Ford, authors of the self-help book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Enhancing Sexual Desire (Penguin, Dec. 07) will be stopping off at The Story Behind the Book!

Garasamo Maccagnone, author of the literary fiction novel, St. John of the Midfield (Booksurge, Nov. 07) will be stopping off at Awaken the Hero Within You!

Camille Marchetta, author of the literary fiction novel, The River, By Moonlight will be stopping off at The Book Stacks!

Marilyn Meredith, author of the crime fiction novel, Smell of Death (Tigress Books, Jan.08), will be appearing at Mystery Books!

Aram Schefrin, author of the literary fiction novel, Marwan: The Autobiography of a 911 Terrorist (AuthorHouse, Sept. 07) will be stopping off at Virtual Wordsmith!

LaConnie Taylor-Jones, author of the contemporary romance novel, When I'm With You (Genesis Press, Nov.07) will be stopping off at Paperback Writer!

Sandra Worth, author of the historical fiction, Lady of the Roses (Berkley Trade, Jan. 08) will be stopping off at Media Families!

Deborah Woehr, author of the paranormal novel, Prosperity: A Ghost Story (Lulu, Dec. 07) will be stopping off at The Book Connection!

"We take books to the virtual level!"

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