Writing to Activate the Readers Imagination
Theresa Chaze
Although novels are written in two dimensional black and white, the story actually happens in the four dimensional realms of the reader‘s mind. Multi-sensory books are the ones that become the most successful. Capturing your reader's imagination, by helping them to be able to see, hear, smell and feel every aspect of your story draws them and helps them experience the story through the characters.
Sight involves more than what the characters see or don’t see. It involves the subtle shades of color, shape, dimension and distance. A writer could write about “a new green leaf” or just as easily write that the “slow unfurling of the heart shaped leaf, contrasted against the darker older foliage of the plant.” Giving details doesn’t necessarily mean a long string of adjectives or adverbs, but a creative use of description that shows instead of tells.
Hearing is the most versatile of the senses. Sound or the lack of sound can also add to the story’s dept. What the character hears can extend her or his awareness beyond the immediate environment. Sound’s ability to travel great distances, allows remote action to be brought into a scene without disrupting the point of view. A wolf howling from somewhere in the night will be heard both in and out of the cabin. The characters inside don’t have to see it to know that the wolf lurks some where outside their door.
Touch can be experienced as a caress or a punch along with everything in between. However, touch is more than skin on skin, but it also includes any contact that is important to the story. The soft fur of cat rubbing against the character’s leg feels different than a skunk brushing passed while trying to escape. In the same way, the rough scales of an alligator feel different than the bark of a tree, so are reactions the images elicit in the reader.
The sense of taste is the most personal and individual. What one person finds appealing, another could just as easily find repulsive. How the character reacts will further define her or him. Most people are aware of the more common foods and drinks. If an author introduces something out of the ordinary, it is simple to you use comparisons to give the reader a sense of the taste and texture.
The sense of smells is the most effective way to activate memories and emotions. The two areas of the brain are closely related in location and synaptic connection. Using odors, either pleasant or unpleasant, is the fastest way to get a response out of the character in such a way that the reader will be able to relate.
Perception or intuition is the sixth sense that is frequently over looked by writers. This is not a reference to ESP or psychic gifts, but how a character sees or judges her or his world and everything in it. By showing how the character perceives her/himself and others, you define her or him without long descriptive sentences. The best example is a character that is afraid of other people; she or he may be paranoid or someone might actually be out to get her or him. By contrasting the perceptions with the reactions of the other characters, the writer reveals more about the personality and the inner motivation of the character.
In addition, similes, allegories and contrasting comparisons can add texture and set the mood. Sarah was as graceful as a bird is an example of simile. Like Amazon warriors of old, she marched into the room would be an allegory. While looking dapper and smart in his new suit, Dan smelled like down wind of a pig farm would be a contrasting comparison. All three examples give added information about the character in a pro-active way that allows the reader to visualize the character.
It is unusual for one sense to be used alone. More often than not, they are combined to give layers of images and sensations. Sight and hearing are frequently combined. A character hears a noise and starts looking for the source or a character smells something wonderful and decides to taste what is in the pot. By coalescing the senses, the author creates a four dimensional world on a two dimensional medium. It makes the characters and their environment more real and relatable for the reader, which in turn makes the novel more popular.
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writing, publishing, best selling, Theresa Chaze, ebooks, successful, writing techniques,
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Priestess Writes Fantasy Novels Containing Authentic Rituals
Priestess Writes Fantasy Novels Containing Working Rituals and Truth about Wiccan
Inspired by William Nolan's humor, Marion Zimmer Bradley's strong magical flare and Anne McCaffrey's strong women, Theresa Chaze has created her own genre. With equal measures of suspense, romance and horror, she creates situations and characters who are forced to face challenges from within and from without. There are no entirely good or bad character, just people who have a karmic maze to traverse as they seek love, acceptance and healing. Magic rituals and other worldly realms add layers to their karmic tests and force them to find their soul's inner truths. Set in the present day, she helps her readers to see their world with fresh eyes, new hope, and a renewed belief in magical miracles.
However, unlike Harry Potter and other fantasy novels, Chaze’s Dragon Clan Trilogy is not meant for children. Not only are the situations adults, but the characters' choices would not always be considered morally correct. When people make decisions based on fear, anger and jealousy, they frequently do harm to themselves or others. Children not mature enough to be responsible with working knowledge of authentic Wiccan rituals; moreover, the sexuality would not be appropriate for those under the age of fifteen. In addition, this trilogy is not for those who are of the faint of heart.
The first two books of the Dragon Clan Trilogy are available. Awakening the Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (978-0-9798406-0-9) is a story of magic, suspense and karmic justice combine in a tale of horror. Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to find a home and open her bookstore. Instead, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murder and the target of a violent cult. Without knowing if she will be able to control the power of the dragon, she prematurely awakens its spirit within her to save all she loves. As the flames rises within her, the cult surrounds her home; they intend to burn it, Rachael and all she loves. In Dragon Domain--Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (978-0-9798406-1-6) Cheyenne and Celeste came to Coyote Springs to save a child; instead, Cheyenne found a home. With the help of their new friend, Jane, they created a spiritual sanctuary. But when Celeste stopped running, her past caught up with her. Dominic arrived with promises of love and passion. Instead of love, he reawakened Celeste’s dark side, turning her against those she loved the most. With the aid of the dragons, Cheyenne was barely able to ward off their first attack. With each soul they bound to them, Celeste and Dominic’s greed and hatred grew until they would not settle for less than totally destroying Cheyenne and all she loves. How do you protect yourself from someone who knows how to steal your soul? Return of the Dragon Clan is the third in the trilogy and will be available the summer of 08.
Ms Chaze’s goal is to reawaken her readers’ youthful spirit and help them find the courage to reach for the own dreams. Adventures and fantasies don’t have to be left behind in childhood, nor to adults have to settle for children books to find worlds of fantasy and have exciting quests; more often than not, what you seek is in your own back yard, you just have to remember how to open the door. No one has to live in the mundane world, as long as they have the courage to believe in the magic--here is no more powerful magic than love when it comes to creating miracles.
Technorati Tags:
Priestess, Fantasy Novels, Authentic Rituals, Wiccan, Pagan, dangers of witchcraft, Charmed, Harry Potter, adult reading
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Inspired by William Nolan's humor, Marion Zimmer Bradley's strong magical flare and Anne McCaffrey's strong women, Theresa Chaze has created her own genre. With equal measures of suspense, romance and horror, she creates situations and characters who are forced to face challenges from within and from without. There are no entirely good or bad character, just people who have a karmic maze to traverse as they seek love, acceptance and healing. Magic rituals and other worldly realms add layers to their karmic tests and force them to find their soul's inner truths. Set in the present day, she helps her readers to see their world with fresh eyes, new hope, and a renewed belief in magical miracles.
However, unlike Harry Potter and other fantasy novels, Chaze’s Dragon Clan Trilogy is not meant for children. Not only are the situations adults, but the characters' choices would not always be considered morally correct. When people make decisions based on fear, anger and jealousy, they frequently do harm to themselves or others. Children not mature enough to be responsible with working knowledge of authentic Wiccan rituals; moreover, the sexuality would not be appropriate for those under the age of fifteen. In addition, this trilogy is not for those who are of the faint of heart.
The first two books of the Dragon Clan Trilogy are available. Awakening the Dragon--Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (978-0-9798406-0-9) is a story of magic, suspense and karmic justice combine in a tale of horror. Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to find a home and open her bookstore. Instead, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murder and the target of a violent cult. Without knowing if she will be able to control the power of the dragon, she prematurely awakens its spirit within her to save all she loves. As the flames rises within her, the cult surrounds her home; they intend to burn it, Rachael and all she loves. In Dragon Domain--Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy (978-0-9798406-1-6) Cheyenne and Celeste came to Coyote Springs to save a child; instead, Cheyenne found a home. With the help of their new friend, Jane, they created a spiritual sanctuary. But when Celeste stopped running, her past caught up with her. Dominic arrived with promises of love and passion. Instead of love, he reawakened Celeste’s dark side, turning her against those she loved the most. With the aid of the dragons, Cheyenne was barely able to ward off their first attack. With each soul they bound to them, Celeste and Dominic’s greed and hatred grew until they would not settle for less than totally destroying Cheyenne and all she loves. How do you protect yourself from someone who knows how to steal your soul? Return of the Dragon Clan is the third in the trilogy and will be available the summer of 08.
Ms Chaze’s goal is to reawaken her readers’ youthful spirit and help them find the courage to reach for the own dreams. Adventures and fantasies don’t have to be left behind in childhood, nor to adults have to settle for children books to find worlds of fantasy and have exciting quests; more often than not, what you seek is in your own back yard, you just have to remember how to open the door. No one has to live in the mundane world, as long as they have the courage to believe in the magic--here is no more powerful magic than love when it comes to creating miracles.
Technorati Tags:
Priestess, Fantasy Novels, Authentic Rituals, Wiccan, Pagan, dangers of witchcraft, Charmed, Harry Potter, adult reading
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Wiccans And Pagans: It's time to Make Your Vote Count
Wiccans and Pagans: It is time to Step Of the Shadows And Make Your Vote Count
Theresa Chaze
I posted a political piece on my page at a Wiccan and Pagan Networking site. The first comment was made by someone who didn't give a damn. Being politically and socially active isn't optional; it is a responsibility that we all share. After the past seven years of the whittling away of civil liberties, corporate greed, and government spying on the citizens of this country, we don't have the luxury of not giving a damn. Unless we are willing to get involved and hold our representatives responsible for their actions, they will continue to be public masters instead of public servants. In addition, the religious zealots will continue to be the only source of information about who we are and what we do. What each of us must ask ourselves is do you want the Pat Robertsons, the Pat Buchanans or an other right wing religious extremists disseminating information about us and our religious practices? Unless we step up to the podium and speak our truths that is all the society will know about us.
In the past seven years, the only people who are better off are those in the upper 10% economic bracket. They are the ones who received the big tax breaks. The oil, drug and insurance companies make record breaking profits on the backs of workers whose wages remained stagnant, while their benefits shrank. The cost of living has risen to the point that people are losing their homes. No matter how hard people work, they simple are unable to provide for their families. Soldiers who are returning home from an unnecessary war aren’t being provided the necessary medical, emotional and physical care needed to heal from the damage done to them by extended and repeated tours. Civil liberties both on the local and national levels have been usurped in the name of national security when in most cases those involve have done nothing wrong outside of being different or unique. From law enforcement abusing their authority to telephone companies spying on the government’s behavior, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are no longer guaranteed.
Recently the Livingston Parish Council in Louisiana tried to enforce the archaic fortunetelling ordinance. It was only after the Wiccan minister, Cliff Eakin, challenged the ordinance in federal court that the Parish Council decided to review their decision. Last Samhain, a witch being hung in effigy was considered a Halloween decoration, while empty nooses hung on a tree caused national controversy. At Yule, the city of Green Bay, WI opened it holiday display to other religions, yet the fair mindedness was short lived. The pentacle wreath was deliberately destroyed and was not allowed to be replaced, yet the nativity scene remained. In his State of the Union speech, Bush once again reaffirmed his commitment to the faith-based initiatives and support for religious schools at public expense; to date the only benefactors of those programs have been Christian.
Becoming political doesn’t mean that you aren’t spiritual. Protecting the environment, each other, and working towards peace is spirituality in action. It is walking the walk, instead of just talking the talk. Speaking out and being socially active does more than bring about positive change, it openly confronts the bigotry and misunderstandings that the small minds continue to spread. If all the public hears about how two girls were killed by a ritual gone bad or how a Wiccan couple lured teenage girls into their homes with sex and drugs, the stereotyping will only continue. The general public will never know the good we do in the world. If we don’t step up and out of the broom closet. We don’t have to march on city hall or protest in the streets to make a difference. However, if both as individuals or as groups, we openly volunteer for community service, become involved with charity events, run for political office or the many other socially positive options available, we will disprove the lies and build strong bridges. The more involved we become the clearly others will be able to se us for the people we are, instead of the lies that continue to be spread. Change will happen when we the people decide to make them happen. As long as we hid in the shadows, the world will not be able to see our light.
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Wiccan, Pagan, Election 2008, vote, change, getting involved, socially active, Obama, Edwards, Clinton,
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Theresa Chaze
I posted a political piece on my page at a Wiccan and Pagan Networking site. The first comment was made by someone who didn't give a damn. Being politically and socially active isn't optional; it is a responsibility that we all share. After the past seven years of the whittling away of civil liberties, corporate greed, and government spying on the citizens of this country, we don't have the luxury of not giving a damn. Unless we are willing to get involved and hold our representatives responsible for their actions, they will continue to be public masters instead of public servants. In addition, the religious zealots will continue to be the only source of information about who we are and what we do. What each of us must ask ourselves is do you want the Pat Robertsons, the Pat Buchanans or an other right wing religious extremists disseminating information about us and our religious practices? Unless we step up to the podium and speak our truths that is all the society will know about us.
In the past seven years, the only people who are better off are those in the upper 10% economic bracket. They are the ones who received the big tax breaks. The oil, drug and insurance companies make record breaking profits on the backs of workers whose wages remained stagnant, while their benefits shrank. The cost of living has risen to the point that people are losing their homes. No matter how hard people work, they simple are unable to provide for their families. Soldiers who are returning home from an unnecessary war aren’t being provided the necessary medical, emotional and physical care needed to heal from the damage done to them by extended and repeated tours. Civil liberties both on the local and national levels have been usurped in the name of national security when in most cases those involve have done nothing wrong outside of being different or unique. From law enforcement abusing their authority to telephone companies spying on the government’s behavior, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are no longer guaranteed.
Recently the Livingston Parish Council in Louisiana tried to enforce the archaic fortunetelling ordinance. It was only after the Wiccan minister, Cliff Eakin, challenged the ordinance in federal court that the Parish Council decided to review their decision. Last Samhain, a witch being hung in effigy was considered a Halloween decoration, while empty nooses hung on a tree caused national controversy. At Yule, the city of Green Bay, WI opened it holiday display to other religions, yet the fair mindedness was short lived. The pentacle wreath was deliberately destroyed and was not allowed to be replaced, yet the nativity scene remained. In his State of the Union speech, Bush once again reaffirmed his commitment to the faith-based initiatives and support for religious schools at public expense; to date the only benefactors of those programs have been Christian.
Becoming political doesn’t mean that you aren’t spiritual. Protecting the environment, each other, and working towards peace is spirituality in action. It is walking the walk, instead of just talking the talk. Speaking out and being socially active does more than bring about positive change, it openly confronts the bigotry and misunderstandings that the small minds continue to spread. If all the public hears about how two girls were killed by a ritual gone bad or how a Wiccan couple lured teenage girls into their homes with sex and drugs, the stereotyping will only continue. The general public will never know the good we do in the world. If we don’t step up and out of the broom closet. We don’t have to march on city hall or protest in the streets to make a difference. However, if both as individuals or as groups, we openly volunteer for community service, become involved with charity events, run for political office or the many other socially positive options available, we will disprove the lies and build strong bridges. The more involved we become the clearly others will be able to se us for the people we are, instead of the lies that continue to be spread. Change will happen when we the people decide to make them happen. As long as we hid in the shadows, the world will not be able to see our light.
Technorati Tags:
Wiccan, Pagan, Election 2008, vote, change, getting involved, socially active, Obama, Edwards, Clinton,
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Kennedy Endorsment of Obama
I was just watching the Kennedy rally in support Barack Obama. What I saw was a connection between Obama and the Kennedy family that was beyond political. When I first time I saw Obama at the Democratic convention, I sensed the same kind of energy I saw in Bobby Kennedy. I also knew he was going to be President in 2012.
Ted Kennedy looked healthier and happier than he has been in decades. It is like a great burden and sadness has been lifted from his shoulders. For the first time in decades, his shoulders were no longer weighed down by a loss that he could not prevent. In his speech, Ted found a renewed passion and strength in the message he shared. It was like he had lost the missing part of himself or an old grief had been put to rest. However, when Ted referenced John instead of Bobby, it gave me pause. Though both John and Bobby were very similar in style and message, their energies were much different. John was more conservative in his message and style, while Bobby had a freer spirit and sought more radical change. John was more focused in his intent and mannerisms. Bobby was more relaxed and subtle in the way he not only got his message across but in the way he went around the people who tried to block it. His thought was--it is simpler to go around opposition instead of trying to force your way through it. Bobby was more passionate about building bridges between people of different ethic, economic, religious and lifestyle backgrounds and finding common ground. John was more straight forward and plan spoken; he truly said what he meant and meant what he said. As with the Cuba Crisis, John stood for what he believed with calm self-assurance. He didn’t need to raise his voice to get his message across. When he did, it was more for effect than an emotional release.
Originally, I thought Obama might have been the reincarnation of Bobby Kennedy, yet the birth and death dates didn't match, nor did the dates match for John. There were several years when all three existed on this plane together. Barack was born before the deaths of both John and Bobby Kennedy. Yet the closer I looked at Obama, the more his cadence, his tone and his message, the more I see John even through there is much of Bobby still in the message. It is as if when John continued to guide Bobby after his death as he did in life, he himself absorbed the passion that drove Bobby forward. It would be interesting to know if Obama had a near fatal accident around or soon after the deaths of John or Bobby that would have opened the door for a soul exchange, which would have allowed one of the two Kennedy brother’s souls to walk in the body known as Barack Obama. Or if on the grand scheme of life, those two souls have chosen to be the angels on his shoulders, whispering to him how to create the changes they had been prevented from making a reality.
Either way it is time for Obama to start building bridges, instead of playing tit for tat. It doesn’t matter who started the conflicts and the mud slinging, but who has the strength and courage to finish it. All three Democratic candidates have positive messages, experience and individual abilities to contribute to the country. When the bottom line is tallied on each of them, the good of the country should out weigh individual egos, ambitions and hurt feelings. To quote John, “Ask not what you country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Each candidate must ask themselves in their hearts who would be best to step up to the plate and who would better at the supporting roles? If to no one else but to themselves, they need to answer why they want the Presidency. If their goal is the good of the world, good of the nation and the good of the individual, then their answer and their path will be clear.
Technorati Tags:
Obama, JFK, Kennedy, Ted, Bobby, Election 2008, Theresa Chaze
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Ted Kennedy looked healthier and happier than he has been in decades. It is like a great burden and sadness has been lifted from his shoulders. For the first time in decades, his shoulders were no longer weighed down by a loss that he could not prevent. In his speech, Ted found a renewed passion and strength in the message he shared. It was like he had lost the missing part of himself or an old grief had been put to rest. However, when Ted referenced John instead of Bobby, it gave me pause. Though both John and Bobby were very similar in style and message, their energies were much different. John was more conservative in his message and style, while Bobby had a freer spirit and sought more radical change. John was more focused in his intent and mannerisms. Bobby was more relaxed and subtle in the way he not only got his message across but in the way he went around the people who tried to block it. His thought was--it is simpler to go around opposition instead of trying to force your way through it. Bobby was more passionate about building bridges between people of different ethic, economic, religious and lifestyle backgrounds and finding common ground. John was more straight forward and plan spoken; he truly said what he meant and meant what he said. As with the Cuba Crisis, John stood for what he believed with calm self-assurance. He didn’t need to raise his voice to get his message across. When he did, it was more for effect than an emotional release.
Originally, I thought Obama might have been the reincarnation of Bobby Kennedy, yet the birth and death dates didn't match, nor did the dates match for John. There were several years when all three existed on this plane together. Barack was born before the deaths of both John and Bobby Kennedy. Yet the closer I looked at Obama, the more his cadence, his tone and his message, the more I see John even through there is much of Bobby still in the message. It is as if when John continued to guide Bobby after his death as he did in life, he himself absorbed the passion that drove Bobby forward. It would be interesting to know if Obama had a near fatal accident around or soon after the deaths of John or Bobby that would have opened the door for a soul exchange, which would have allowed one of the two Kennedy brother’s souls to walk in the body known as Barack Obama. Or if on the grand scheme of life, those two souls have chosen to be the angels on his shoulders, whispering to him how to create the changes they had been prevented from making a reality.
Either way it is time for Obama to start building bridges, instead of playing tit for tat. It doesn’t matter who started the conflicts and the mud slinging, but who has the strength and courage to finish it. All three Democratic candidates have positive messages, experience and individual abilities to contribute to the country. When the bottom line is tallied on each of them, the good of the country should out weigh individual egos, ambitions and hurt feelings. To quote John, “Ask not what you country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Each candidate must ask themselves in their hearts who would be best to step up to the plate and who would better at the supporting roles? If to no one else but to themselves, they need to answer why they want the Presidency. If their goal is the good of the world, good of the nation and the good of the individual, then their answer and their path will be clear.
Technorati Tags:
Obama, JFK, Kennedy, Ted, Bobby, Election 2008, Theresa Chaze
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Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tarot Energy Reading for the Week of January 27, 2008
Tarot Energy Reading for the Week of January 27, 2008
The energy we will al be challenge for the week of January 27 is represented by the knight of swords. This week will be of good intentions gone bad. Works and deeds will be misunderstood and misrepresented. The more we attempt to clarify our meaning, the worse the situation will become. Many people are going through the stress of healing old wounds and facing previous challenges; instead of seeing life clearly, they are perceiving life in general through their own distorted filters. However, those who choose to have the patience and courage to lift their own veils will find the support they had been praying for. This week the louder people talk and the more attack others, the more defensive and insecure they actually feel. When we condemn others for being different than ourselves or for being unique, it reveals more about ourselves than about the other. Yet when we show compassion and respect, even if we do not understand or accept the other’s view, we open ourselves for the same courtesy to be shown to us.
Technorati Tags:
Tarot Reading, healing, wicca, wiccan, pagan, Energy Challenges, Theresa Chaze, healer, magical fantasy, best selling author
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The energy we will al be challenge for the week of January 27 is represented by the knight of swords. This week will be of good intentions gone bad. Works and deeds will be misunderstood and misrepresented. The more we attempt to clarify our meaning, the worse the situation will become. Many people are going through the stress of healing old wounds and facing previous challenges; instead of seeing life clearly, they are perceiving life in general through their own distorted filters. However, those who choose to have the patience and courage to lift their own veils will find the support they had been praying for. This week the louder people talk and the more attack others, the more defensive and insecure they actually feel. When we condemn others for being different than ourselves or for being unique, it reveals more about ourselves than about the other. Yet when we show compassion and respect, even if we do not understand or accept the other’s view, we open ourselves for the same courtesy to be shown to us.
Technorati Tags:
Tarot Reading, healing, wicca, wiccan, pagan, Energy Challenges, Theresa Chaze, healer, magical fantasy, best selling author
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Feeding an Attention Junkie Only Makes Their Behavior More Extreme
Feeding an Attention Junkie Only Makes Their Behavior More Extreme
There are those who have an unusual need for attention for whatever reason. Without being the focus of attention, they feel empty and alone; instead of learning how heal and fill themselves, they chose behavior that is either outrageous or anti-social as a way to gain attention. But without their enablers who point the fingers and give them the attention, the exhibitionists would have no one to satisfy their needs. Censorship isn’t the answer nor is protesting; both exhibitionist more reasons to become even more outrageous. If you really want to stop the offensive behavior, stop feeding into it.
When Elvis Presley first became popular, on TV they would only show him from the waist up, because his undulating hips were sexually exciting. When he starting coming out with movies, the preachers condemned them and forbad the congregation from seeing them, yet opening night the church members were first in line to buy a ticket. All the hoopla made it exciting and aroused their curiosity. If the preacher had kept his mouth shut or hadn’t made such a fuss, most of them wouldn’t have gone.
Fred Phelps is the pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka and his congregation has gained national attention for the bigoted and hateful protests of the soldiers’ funerals. However, most of the media is starving the attention vampires by not giving it them the attention they way. Most of the protests are ignored. In spite of their best efforts, their comments about Health Ledger’s death being retribution for the homosexual role that he played barely became a footnote.
About eight years ago, a porno shop moved into town. There were pickets and protest for weeks, trying to prevent from opening. The store couldn’t have bought such great advertising and promotion. The whole of Northern Michigan new where they were and what they sold. The evening news and the protestors did more to enlighten the area children about porno and S &M than the store. The laws suits were filed and lost. The store is still there. All the energy, money and time the protesters spend only helped the store. If they really wanted it to go away, they would stop patronizing it.
I have an active My Space page. I was contacted by someone who was looking to make a sexual connection; she had explicit pictures of herself on the site. Instead of throwing a harry canary, I just denied the connection and went on with my life. Simple. No fuss. No muss. If you don’t feed an attention junkie, they go away. But the bigger deal, the more you satisfy their desires. Just like a shark will hang around the beach where he can get a quick hot lunch, so will exhibitionist seek out people to enable and feed their need for attention. By giving them what they want, protestors and censors enable the behavior and encourage them to be more extreme. Ignore them and they go away.
There are those who have an unusual need for attention for whatever reason. Without being the focus of attention, they feel empty and alone; instead of learning how heal and fill themselves, they chose behavior that is either outrageous or anti-social as a way to gain attention. But without their enablers who point the fingers and give them the attention, the exhibitionists would have no one to satisfy their needs. Censorship isn’t the answer nor is protesting; both exhibitionist more reasons to become even more outrageous. If you really want to stop the offensive behavior, stop feeding into it.
When Elvis Presley first became popular, on TV they would only show him from the waist up, because his undulating hips were sexually exciting. When he starting coming out with movies, the preachers condemned them and forbad the congregation from seeing them, yet opening night the church members were first in line to buy a ticket. All the hoopla made it exciting and aroused their curiosity. If the preacher had kept his mouth shut or hadn’t made such a fuss, most of them wouldn’t have gone.
Fred Phelps is the pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka and his congregation has gained national attention for the bigoted and hateful protests of the soldiers’ funerals. However, most of the media is starving the attention vampires by not giving it them the attention they way. Most of the protests are ignored. In spite of their best efforts, their comments about Health Ledger’s death being retribution for the homosexual role that he played barely became a footnote.
About eight years ago, a porno shop moved into town. There were pickets and protest for weeks, trying to prevent from opening. The store couldn’t have bought such great advertising and promotion. The whole of Northern Michigan new where they were and what they sold. The evening news and the protestors did more to enlighten the area children about porno and S &M than the store. The laws suits were filed and lost. The store is still there. All the energy, money and time the protesters spend only helped the store. If they really wanted it to go away, they would stop patronizing it.
I have an active My Space page. I was contacted by someone who was looking to make a sexual connection; she had explicit pictures of herself on the site. Instead of throwing a harry canary, I just denied the connection and went on with my life. Simple. No fuss. No muss. If you don’t feed an attention junkie, they go away. But the bigger deal, the more you satisfy their desires. Just like a shark will hang around the beach where he can get a quick hot lunch, so will exhibitionist seek out people to enable and feed their need for attention. By giving them what they want, protestors and censors enable the behavior and encourage them to be more extreme. Ignore them and they go away.
Appalachian Trail: Murder on the Mountain--Julianne Williams and Lonnie Winans
Appalachian Trail: Murder on the Mountain
Julianne Williams and Lonnie Winans were murdered in 1986 by a co-worker of Julianne, who thought that Lonnie stood in the way of loving him. He thought that if he got rid of Lonnie, Julianne would turn to him in her grief. He followed them. Lonnie had gone into the tent. Julianne went down to the creek to wash up. He opened the tent and killed Lonnie. When Julianne returned, he professed his love; she ran. He caught up with her near the creek and killed her. His name is either Dan or Dave. He is about 5'10" or 5'11". He was in the military for a short time, but was discharged for mental instability. He has dark hair and brown eyes. At the time, it was just over his ears; however, since then he has started to shave his head. There is a mole where his neck meets his shoulder. Several years ago, he developed an issue with his left knee. He has scars on his right wrist, next to his right ear, and on his left foot; he was involved with a bicycle accident as a child. He is obsessive-compulsive when it comes to relationships. He fixates on someone to the point of creating a relationship in his mind. At the time of the murders, he had three PPO against him in other jurisdictions. He works with computer programming. He has changed jobs several times and is now self employed. The first changes were voluntary transfers within the same company. During this time, he left the company for a short time because they refused to transfer him a third time, but asked to be rehired a year later. Currently, he is married with one child. The name Tina comes to mind and does the state New Jersey. He is very controlling of his family, keeping them isolated. Julianne and Lonnie were not the first, nor were they the last. There was one before and one since. As long as he is fully in control, he doesn’t kill; it is only when he is rejected that he turns deadly.
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Julianne Williams and Lonnie Winans were murdered in 1986 by a co-worker of Julianne, who thought that Lonnie stood in the way of loving him. He thought that if he got rid of Lonnie, Julianne would turn to him in her grief. He followed them. Lonnie had gone into the tent. Julianne went down to the creek to wash up. He opened the tent and killed Lonnie. When Julianne returned, he professed his love; she ran. He caught up with her near the creek and killed her. His name is either Dan or Dave. He is about 5'10" or 5'11". He was in the military for a short time, but was discharged for mental instability. He has dark hair and brown eyes. At the time, it was just over his ears; however, since then he has started to shave his head. There is a mole where his neck meets his shoulder. Several years ago, he developed an issue with his left knee. He has scars on his right wrist, next to his right ear, and on his left foot; he was involved with a bicycle accident as a child. He is obsessive-compulsive when it comes to relationships. He fixates on someone to the point of creating a relationship in his mind. At the time of the murders, he had three PPO against him in other jurisdictions. He works with computer programming. He has changed jobs several times and is now self employed. The first changes were voluntary transfers within the same company. During this time, he left the company for a short time because they refused to transfer him a third time, but asked to be rehired a year later. Currently, he is married with one child. The name Tina comes to mind and does the state New Jersey. He is very controlling of his family, keeping them isolated. Julianne and Lonnie were not the first, nor were they the last. There was one before and one since. As long as he is fully in control, he doesn’t kill; it is only when he is rejected that he turns deadly.
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Never Can Say Good-bye--A Doorway to Romance, Suspense and Murder
Never Can Say Good-bye
by Theresa Chaze
US copyright number: TXu1-167-991
Michael tapes the wall with a hammer, marking with an “X” where he hears a hollow sound. He is a middle-aged man, who looks more like he should be swinging an ax cutting down forest than a scholar teaching college history. His brown hair is held back in a ponytail. His brown eyes are determined. Using a crowbar, he pries the panels from the wall, exposing a door. He drops the crowbar and turns the doorknob. The door slowly creaks open. The room is dark and musty. The door hits the wall behind it. Michael stands in the entrance, framed in the hallway light. He takes the flashlight from his back pocket and shines it around the room, revealing part of the four poster bed. A slight breeze blows past. He doesn’t notice.
Stepping further into the room, the beam hit the dusty glass of a dressing table mirror; it is cracked. The light reflects on a rocker, which is moving as if someone has just gotten out of it. Michael stops its motion, scanning the light around the room. He is alone. Narrow bands of sunlight shine through the shutters. Directing the beam toward the window, he sets down the flashlight. He opens the shutters. Sunlight filters through the dust and overgrown ivy on the outside. He tries to open the window; it’s nailed shut. He turns and surveys the room. Shane is standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips. Long auburn hair and delicate featured, Shane gives off the aura of being a much larger, stronger woman, yet she is very sensuous in her movements. She is in her late twenties-early thirties.
What did you do?
I told you it was here.
(Trying to pull her into the room)
Come help me explore!
Mike this isn’t our house. We said wallpaper, paint!
She’ll be happy we found it.
It was boarded up for a reason.
Ghosts, maybe?
(Bouncing on the bed)
Let’s have an adventure.
(Running down the hallway)
He catches up to her at the top of the stairs.
What’s the matter?
I hate this house!
It’s perfect for us.
It’s too big. It’s too far out. It’s too old.
You have your own studio. The acoustics of the ballroom are fabulous for your band. Not only is it a great place to rehearse, but with a few modifications it could be a recording studio.
It gives me the creeps!
That’ll change once we make it ours. Besides what ghost would stay after one of my student-faculty parties?
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
No. This is.
He kisses her, gently pulling her back down the hall.
Not in that bed.
Our bed.
She kisses him and they go to their bedroom.
Judy Olson is showing Elizabeth Downing around the Bellow’s University Campus. It is a medium size college in a rural setting. Most of the buildings are from the forties and fifties. However the football stadium and the Ramsdell Building stand out; not only are they the newest, but the do not conform to the rest of the structures. A woman in her mid to late sixties, Judy is a determined woman. Perfectly dressed in the latest designer fashion, she is very used to getting what she wants and is willing to bulldoze any opposition. Casually and comfortable dressed, Elizabeth is secure in her own self. A woman in her mid-forties, she no longer has to prove herself. She is clearly disinterested in anything Judy has to say. Instead her attention is absorbed by her surroundings.
The fall term starts in two weeks. We have staff meetings in my office every week. Your department meets on Thursday.
Tomorrow at nine am is the first general staff meeting. Mitchell hall. Room 102.
They walk past an elaborate fountain. Elizabeth stops.
I’ll introduce you then.
It’s beautiful. Sara Jane Bellows Memorial?
My father’s first wife. When he created the university, he insisted on the ugly thing.
He must have loved her very much.
(Walking toward the Ramsdell building)
Saturday is the Annual Bellows Ball. It’s a fundraiser.
Elizabeth lingers at the fountain. She walks around it, stopping to stare at the mother and child in the center. She notices the inscription that runs around the edge that reads “Love that is not forgotten never dies. You remain a part of me as I remain a part of you. Each moment we shared shall remain in my heart until we are again reunited.”
Ms Downing! Your office is this way.
How can you call it ugly?
As I was saying. The Bellows Ball is on Saturday. This year we’re doing a period theme. The logging era. It’ll be great fun.
Judy and Elizabeth walk in.
I’ll try to be there.
The staff is required to come.
(Unlocking the first door on the left)
I made sure it was in your contract. The Theatre Department has costumes that are suitable.
You are very thorough.
(Opening the door)
This is your office.
Computer. Fax. Refrigerator. Bit much for a temp.
I’ll convince you to stay.
That won’t happen.
A writer of your caliber--
You mean fame.
Would be very good for our students. Coyote Springs is a wonderful place to settle down.
If you’re into that sort of thing.
Skiing winter and summer. Swimming. Clean air. Good, wholesome family people.
Do you have a copy of my teaching schedule?
It’s on your desk. You were in such a demand we had to add a few classes and one more workshop.
I’m only contracted for three classes and two workshops. With a limit of fifteen students per workshop.
We just assumed you wouldn’t mind. You’ll have an assistant.
Why would you assume that?
You wouldn’t want to disappoint your fans.
I’m here to teach writing skills. I sign autographs at bookstores.
Would you consider the extra classes?
Let’s understand each other right off. I never wanted to be a teacher nor will I be here longer than the one term. I’m here doing a friend a favor. Nothing more. Your brother took a chance on me twenty years ago by publishing my first novel. He asked me to help boost enrollment by teaching a term and I never forget a kindness.
I arranged for you to see a few houses that are available tomorrow afternoon.
I’ll be staying at the hotel
Don’t forget the staff meeting tomorrow. Nine am sharp.
Judy leaves. Elizabeth leans against the door, her forehead bumping on it. Lynne slides in the partially open door. She is in her mid-thirties long black curls intermixed with tiny braids and intensely brown eyes, which sparkle with humor and old time wisdom.
Beating up on yourself won’t help.
Elizabeth backs away from the door. Lynne opens it further.
Lynne Mason. Psychologist. Parapsychologist. Neighbor extraordinaire.
How nice.
So you know. Bathrooms are around the corner on the left. Break room slash conference room further down on the right. Hum. You have your own frig. That’s one way to suck up. My office and lab is 104 and 105. Michael Scott, famous historian is in 106. Need anything. Just ask.
Lynne turns to walk out the door.
That’s it?
Darlin’ you just spend most of the day with Madam Judy, you can’t handle any else.
Persistent bitch isn’t she.
With selective hearing. If you’re smart you’ll run now. She wants “the famous” writer to stay. Madam Judy always gets what she wants.
This will be a learning experience for her.
It’ll be fun to watch. From a safe distance. Later.
Lynne returns to her office. Elizabeth closes the door. She walks to the window and stares at the fountain.
The sun shines through the curtains, making a pattern on the foot of the bed. Both Michael and Shane are asleep. Michael is dreaming.
Michael hears a small boy giggling and a woman laughing. He gets out of bed and follows the sound out of the room.
Michael follows the sounds to the hidden room; he stops at the door. The hidden room is fresh and clean, filled with fresh flowers and bright sunshine. A toddler is being rocked by a woman in her late teens. She is dressed in the style of the late 1920’s. Her hair worn long and free, she is a shapely young woman with laughing eyes and an easy smile. The woman physically resembles Shane. Yet there is a joy and incense in her that is lacking in Shane.
Sara Jane.
They notice him for the first time. The toddler calls him Daddy. Sara Jane turns and smiles at him. He runs to her, embracing them both.
Why did you leave me?
Michael? Michael, where are you?
Michael looks toward the door as Shane walks into the doorway. The image of an older woman superimposes itself on the younger. The image’s otherwise beautiful features are distorted by rage and hatred. She is taller and more shapely than Shane, yet their posture and body language are the same. He stands up to face her.
What are you doing?
Michael snaps awake.
Michael snaps awake. He is standing beside the rocker.
What are you doing in here?
I don’t know. I must have been sleep walking
You never did that before.
There was woman and a little boy. He called me daddy.
Aunt Judy has friends who can find us a nice house in town.
(Looking at his watch)
Ohmygod! The office closes in fifteen minutes. I forgot my schedule.
He pushes past her.
Michael runs in and starts dressing. Shane follows more slowly and sits on the bed.
I’ll call. You can pick it up tomorrow.
And break one of Madam Judy’s precious rules.
I wish you wouldn’t call her that. She’s my aunt.
She may be your aunt but I’m no longer the star on campus. I haven’t written a new book in five years.
Come back to bed and I’ll write you a note.
Be back so fast you won’t have a chance to miss me.
Too late.
Michael quickly kisses her and runs out of the room.
Elizabeth knocks on Lynne’s office doorway.
(From inside)
Come in.
Elizabeth opens the door.
(Holding up two fingers)
Were we at war?
I’m usually not such a bitch.
I understand. Have a seat.
Elizabeth walks in
Elizabeth sits in the chair opposite Lynne’s.
Have you had a chance to see much of our little hamlet?
Nice old houses. Lots of history. Reminds me of a town I created in one of my novels. A woman killed all the people who hurt her son.
Did she get away with it?
Not really. When all was said and done, none of their deaths took away any of her pain. Have you found many ghosts?
Some. Hauntings aren’t always entities. Usually it’s just pent up memories working themselves out.
Most of my friends believe in ghosts.
Don’t you?
I don’t know. I believe once it’s over, it’s over and time to move on.
Sounds like a story.
The shortened version. I was married to the man of my dreams. We planned to explore the world--to never set down roots or gather baggage. But then he changed. He wanted the house, kids, and the stuff. I never wanted kids. He put down roots. I got claustrophobic.
Everyone needs a home base.
I bought a house. My mother and two nieces live in it. I visit and rest up. Usually after a couple of weeks the walls start closing in.
So what are you doing in a place where the grass yawns as it comes up?
I promised a friend.
Must be some friend.
Couldn’t have done it without him. So what’s your story. How did a Parapsychologist end up in back water USA?
I was born here. The nerd that everyone picked on. I escaped to college. Graduate top ten of my class, thank you very much. Dual majored in Psychology and Parapsychology, with a minor in Electronics.
That’s some combination.
Lynne shrugs.
So how did you end up back here?
I was working at the Parapsychology Research Institute. Amanda Ramsdell had a problem. She called. The Institute sent Dave and me.
A highly evolved soul with cute buns who makes my heart goes pitter-pat. We solved Amanda’s problem. I fell in love with Dave. Dave falls in love with the area. Amanda is impressed with our work and wants to help. The two of them convince the Institute that this would be a wonderful place for an annex. They agree. We set up a lab and classes. For a while we both investigated hauntings. But I had a problem a few months ago and lost my nerve. So now Dave goes on his own. It’s a way of doing research and giving back for our many blessings. He travels. I stay here and compile the data from him and others like us.
(Pointing around the room at the equipment)
Between Amanda and the Institute, this building and the program are fully funded. It’s totally independent. It drives Madam Judy crazed.
That must be fun to watch.
(Checking her watch)
I have to do a favor for a friend. Do you want to have dinner?
Where do you want me to meet you?
My house. I love to cook and with Dave away I’ve been living on take out.
(Rapidly writing down her address)
Here. Give me a couple of hours.
(Taking the piece of paper)
Do you want me to bring anything?
Just your appetite.
Shane nervously takes a few steps into the room. She looks around. It’s quiet. She walks to the closet and opens it. Clothes from the 1920’s are still hanging in it. She touches them. Taking one out, she holds it up and looks at herself in the mirror. The crack distorts her image. Tossing the dress on the bed, she smugly picks up the silver hairbrush and brushes her hair. The rocker slowly starts moving. She sees the image in the mirror. Setting the brush down, she slowly turns to look at it. The window slams open. Shane screams and runs to the door. It slams shut before she can reach it. She pulls on the knob. It moves easily but the door won’t open. She screams. The curtains blow into the room. The rocker creaks. Shane turns around.
Lynne is picking up her mail. Michael runs in. The office door is locked.
(Punching the door)
Hey, Cute One. Looking for this?
(Holding up a folder)
Didn’t want Madam Judy to spank.
They walk toward each other. Lynne gives Michael the folder
I need to talk to you.
I know that tone. What did Shane do now?
Please don’t.
That tone usually means you need my help cleaning up after her.
That room I told you about. The one that was part of the original house, not the additions from the second marriage.
I haven’t had a chance to ask Amanda about it.
I found it. I-I couldn’t wait.
Michael you didn’t!
That’s what Shane said.
If you’re going to get nasty, I’m leaving.
You would think it’d be all dusty. Full of cobwebs. It isn’t. The bed’s made. The dressers are neat. It’s like it was closed up last week. Could you bring your equipment and check it out for me?
I’d gotten better readings if I had been there.
How about tomorrow? After the meeting?
What’s the rush now? Something jump out at you?
No, but--
Shane will have a fit.
She’s spending the day with her mother.
So I won’t have to deal with a jealous tirade?
(Walking toward the exit)
We’ll work out the details tomorrow. I’m having dinner with the new star on campus.
What’s she like?
Skittish. See you later Cute One.
Shane is curled up in the corner; her back pressed against the door. She is watching the rocker sway back and forth. A male apparition dressed in 1920’s lumberjack clothing, walks through the closed door. He is in his early twenties. He is unshaven and more than a little drunk. Sadly he walks around the room humming the same tune over and over. Terrified, Shane watches unable to move.
Sara Jane. Where are you? I need you.
(Slumping in the rocker)
I’ve betrayed you.
Sara Jane’s ghost appears in the mirror.
You mustn’t cry.
I was going to take Randy to your sister. Amanda’s young, but she loves him. She’ll be marrying Leonard soon. He would be safe and happy with them.
Our son needs his father.
Audrey’s pregnant. I only married her so she would care for him. I couldn’t loose you both. I tried to love her. But I can’t! She knows I only love you. She so jealous. I was going to join you...but now...Audrey doesn’t have any family. No one to care for her.
Or your child. It’s all right to want to love him or her. It’s natural to love your children. It’s one reason I stay close. Audrey loves you. It hurt her to know you don’t love her back. Maybe I should leave.
No! I forbid it! If you love me, you’ll wait for me.
(Screaming from the doorway)
The apparition of a stern woman in her late twenties stands at Shane’s feet. She is tall and voluptuous.
Audrey don’t.
(Making the sign of the cross)
A devil.
Sara Jane’s my wife.
I’m your wife!
I’ve only stayed to protect my son. You don’t sing to him enough.
I won’t listen to you. You’re dead.
(To Randolph)
I’ll get the priest to exorcise this house.
We’ll never be happy while she’s here. I love you. Please darling think of our child.
I am. I don’t love you. I love her. If you do anything to make her spirit leave his house, child or no, I’ll cut you out of my will, give my son to his Aunt Amanda and put a bullet in my head. You will have nothing.
Love or not, I am still the mother of your child. No matter where you go or what you do, I will always own you. Nothing you can do will change that.
The angle of the sun reaches the point where it floods the room with light. The apparitions disappear. Shane is alone. She reaches up and turns the knob. The door opens easily. She runs out of the room.
by Theresa Chaze
US copyright number: TXu1-167-991
Michael tapes the wall with a hammer, marking with an “X” where he hears a hollow sound. He is a middle-aged man, who looks more like he should be swinging an ax cutting down forest than a scholar teaching college history. His brown hair is held back in a ponytail. His brown eyes are determined. Using a crowbar, he pries the panels from the wall, exposing a door. He drops the crowbar and turns the doorknob. The door slowly creaks open. The room is dark and musty. The door hits the wall behind it. Michael stands in the entrance, framed in the hallway light. He takes the flashlight from his back pocket and shines it around the room, revealing part of the four poster bed. A slight breeze blows past. He doesn’t notice.
Stepping further into the room, the beam hit the dusty glass of a dressing table mirror; it is cracked. The light reflects on a rocker, which is moving as if someone has just gotten out of it. Michael stops its motion, scanning the light around the room. He is alone. Narrow bands of sunlight shine through the shutters. Directing the beam toward the window, he sets down the flashlight. He opens the shutters. Sunlight filters through the dust and overgrown ivy on the outside. He tries to open the window; it’s nailed shut. He turns and surveys the room. Shane is standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips. Long auburn hair and delicate featured, Shane gives off the aura of being a much larger, stronger woman, yet she is very sensuous in her movements. She is in her late twenties-early thirties.
What did you do?
I told you it was here.
(Trying to pull her into the room)
Come help me explore!
Mike this isn’t our house. We said wallpaper, paint!
She’ll be happy we found it.
It was boarded up for a reason.
Ghosts, maybe?
(Bouncing on the bed)
Let’s have an adventure.
(Running down the hallway)
He catches up to her at the top of the stairs.
What’s the matter?
I hate this house!
It’s perfect for us.
It’s too big. It’s too far out. It’s too old.
You have your own studio. The acoustics of the ballroom are fabulous for your band. Not only is it a great place to rehearse, but with a few modifications it could be a recording studio.
It gives me the creeps!
That’ll change once we make it ours. Besides what ghost would stay after one of my student-faculty parties?
Is that supposed to make me feel better?
No. This is.
He kisses her, gently pulling her back down the hall.
Not in that bed.
Our bed.
She kisses him and they go to their bedroom.
Judy Olson is showing Elizabeth Downing around the Bellow’s University Campus. It is a medium size college in a rural setting. Most of the buildings are from the forties and fifties. However the football stadium and the Ramsdell Building stand out; not only are they the newest, but the do not conform to the rest of the structures. A woman in her mid to late sixties, Judy is a determined woman. Perfectly dressed in the latest designer fashion, she is very used to getting what she wants and is willing to bulldoze any opposition. Casually and comfortable dressed, Elizabeth is secure in her own self. A woman in her mid-forties, she no longer has to prove herself. She is clearly disinterested in anything Judy has to say. Instead her attention is absorbed by her surroundings.
The fall term starts in two weeks. We have staff meetings in my office every week. Your department meets on Thursday.
Tomorrow at nine am is the first general staff meeting. Mitchell hall. Room 102.
They walk past an elaborate fountain. Elizabeth stops.
I’ll introduce you then.
It’s beautiful. Sara Jane Bellows Memorial?
My father’s first wife. When he created the university, he insisted on the ugly thing.
He must have loved her very much.
(Walking toward the Ramsdell building)
Saturday is the Annual Bellows Ball. It’s a fundraiser.
Elizabeth lingers at the fountain. She walks around it, stopping to stare at the mother and child in the center. She notices the inscription that runs around the edge that reads “Love that is not forgotten never dies. You remain a part of me as I remain a part of you. Each moment we shared shall remain in my heart until we are again reunited.”
Ms Downing! Your office is this way.
How can you call it ugly?
As I was saying. The Bellows Ball is on Saturday. This year we’re doing a period theme. The logging era. It’ll be great fun.
Judy and Elizabeth walk in.
I’ll try to be there.
The staff is required to come.
(Unlocking the first door on the left)
I made sure it was in your contract. The Theatre Department has costumes that are suitable.
You are very thorough.
(Opening the door)
This is your office.
Computer. Fax. Refrigerator. Bit much for a temp.
I’ll convince you to stay.
That won’t happen.
A writer of your caliber--
You mean fame.
Would be very good for our students. Coyote Springs is a wonderful place to settle down.
If you’re into that sort of thing.
Skiing winter and summer. Swimming. Clean air. Good, wholesome family people.
Do you have a copy of my teaching schedule?
It’s on your desk. You were in such a demand we had to add a few classes and one more workshop.
I’m only contracted for three classes and two workshops. With a limit of fifteen students per workshop.
We just assumed you wouldn’t mind. You’ll have an assistant.
Why would you assume that?
You wouldn’t want to disappoint your fans.
I’m here to teach writing skills. I sign autographs at bookstores.
Would you consider the extra classes?
Let’s understand each other right off. I never wanted to be a teacher nor will I be here longer than the one term. I’m here doing a friend a favor. Nothing more. Your brother took a chance on me twenty years ago by publishing my first novel. He asked me to help boost enrollment by teaching a term and I never forget a kindness.
I arranged for you to see a few houses that are available tomorrow afternoon.
I’ll be staying at the hotel
Don’t forget the staff meeting tomorrow. Nine am sharp.
Judy leaves. Elizabeth leans against the door, her forehead bumping on it. Lynne slides in the partially open door. She is in her mid-thirties long black curls intermixed with tiny braids and intensely brown eyes, which sparkle with humor and old time wisdom.
Beating up on yourself won’t help.
Elizabeth backs away from the door. Lynne opens it further.
Lynne Mason. Psychologist. Parapsychologist. Neighbor extraordinaire.
How nice.
So you know. Bathrooms are around the corner on the left. Break room slash conference room further down on the right. Hum. You have your own frig. That’s one way to suck up. My office and lab is 104 and 105. Michael Scott, famous historian is in 106. Need anything. Just ask.
Lynne turns to walk out the door.
That’s it?
Darlin’ you just spend most of the day with Madam Judy, you can’t handle any else.
Persistent bitch isn’t she.
With selective hearing. If you’re smart you’ll run now. She wants “the famous” writer to stay. Madam Judy always gets what she wants.
This will be a learning experience for her.
It’ll be fun to watch. From a safe distance. Later.
Lynne returns to her office. Elizabeth closes the door. She walks to the window and stares at the fountain.
The sun shines through the curtains, making a pattern on the foot of the bed. Both Michael and Shane are asleep. Michael is dreaming.
Michael hears a small boy giggling and a woman laughing. He gets out of bed and follows the sound out of the room.
Michael follows the sounds to the hidden room; he stops at the door. The hidden room is fresh and clean, filled with fresh flowers and bright sunshine. A toddler is being rocked by a woman in her late teens. She is dressed in the style of the late 1920’s. Her hair worn long and free, she is a shapely young woman with laughing eyes and an easy smile. The woman physically resembles Shane. Yet there is a joy and incense in her that is lacking in Shane.
Sara Jane.
They notice him for the first time. The toddler calls him Daddy. Sara Jane turns and smiles at him. He runs to her, embracing them both.
Why did you leave me?
Michael? Michael, where are you?
Michael looks toward the door as Shane walks into the doorway. The image of an older woman superimposes itself on the younger. The image’s otherwise beautiful features are distorted by rage and hatred. She is taller and more shapely than Shane, yet their posture and body language are the same. He stands up to face her.
What are you doing?
Michael snaps awake.
Michael snaps awake. He is standing beside the rocker.
What are you doing in here?
I don’t know. I must have been sleep walking
You never did that before.
There was woman and a little boy. He called me daddy.
Aunt Judy has friends who can find us a nice house in town.
(Looking at his watch)
Ohmygod! The office closes in fifteen minutes. I forgot my schedule.
He pushes past her.
Michael runs in and starts dressing. Shane follows more slowly and sits on the bed.
I’ll call. You can pick it up tomorrow.
And break one of Madam Judy’s precious rules.
I wish you wouldn’t call her that. She’s my aunt.
She may be your aunt but I’m no longer the star on campus. I haven’t written a new book in five years.
Come back to bed and I’ll write you a note.
Be back so fast you won’t have a chance to miss me.
Too late.
Michael quickly kisses her and runs out of the room.
Elizabeth knocks on Lynne’s office doorway.
(From inside)
Come in.
Elizabeth opens the door.
(Holding up two fingers)
Were we at war?
I’m usually not such a bitch.
I understand. Have a seat.
Elizabeth walks in
Elizabeth sits in the chair opposite Lynne’s.
Have you had a chance to see much of our little hamlet?
Nice old houses. Lots of history. Reminds me of a town I created in one of my novels. A woman killed all the people who hurt her son.
Did she get away with it?
Not really. When all was said and done, none of their deaths took away any of her pain. Have you found many ghosts?
Some. Hauntings aren’t always entities. Usually it’s just pent up memories working themselves out.
Most of my friends believe in ghosts.
Don’t you?
I don’t know. I believe once it’s over, it’s over and time to move on.
Sounds like a story.
The shortened version. I was married to the man of my dreams. We planned to explore the world--to never set down roots or gather baggage. But then he changed. He wanted the house, kids, and the stuff. I never wanted kids. He put down roots. I got claustrophobic.
Everyone needs a home base.
I bought a house. My mother and two nieces live in it. I visit and rest up. Usually after a couple of weeks the walls start closing in.
So what are you doing in a place where the grass yawns as it comes up?
I promised a friend.
Must be some friend.
Couldn’t have done it without him. So what’s your story. How did a Parapsychologist end up in back water USA?
I was born here. The nerd that everyone picked on. I escaped to college. Graduate top ten of my class, thank you very much. Dual majored in Psychology and Parapsychology, with a minor in Electronics.
That’s some combination.
Lynne shrugs.
So how did you end up back here?
I was working at the Parapsychology Research Institute. Amanda Ramsdell had a problem. She called. The Institute sent Dave and me.
A highly evolved soul with cute buns who makes my heart goes pitter-pat. We solved Amanda’s problem. I fell in love with Dave. Dave falls in love with the area. Amanda is impressed with our work and wants to help. The two of them convince the Institute that this would be a wonderful place for an annex. They agree. We set up a lab and classes. For a while we both investigated hauntings. But I had a problem a few months ago and lost my nerve. So now Dave goes on his own. It’s a way of doing research and giving back for our many blessings. He travels. I stay here and compile the data from him and others like us.
(Pointing around the room at the equipment)
Between Amanda and the Institute, this building and the program are fully funded. It’s totally independent. It drives Madam Judy crazed.
That must be fun to watch.
(Checking her watch)
I have to do a favor for a friend. Do you want to have dinner?
Where do you want me to meet you?
My house. I love to cook and with Dave away I’ve been living on take out.
(Rapidly writing down her address)
Here. Give me a couple of hours.
(Taking the piece of paper)
Do you want me to bring anything?
Just your appetite.
Shane nervously takes a few steps into the room. She looks around. It’s quiet. She walks to the closet and opens it. Clothes from the 1920’s are still hanging in it. She touches them. Taking one out, she holds it up and looks at herself in the mirror. The crack distorts her image. Tossing the dress on the bed, she smugly picks up the silver hairbrush and brushes her hair. The rocker slowly starts moving. She sees the image in the mirror. Setting the brush down, she slowly turns to look at it. The window slams open. Shane screams and runs to the door. It slams shut before she can reach it. She pulls on the knob. It moves easily but the door won’t open. She screams. The curtains blow into the room. The rocker creaks. Shane turns around.
Lynne is picking up her mail. Michael runs in. The office door is locked.
(Punching the door)
Hey, Cute One. Looking for this?
(Holding up a folder)
Didn’t want Madam Judy to spank.
They walk toward each other. Lynne gives Michael the folder
I need to talk to you.
I know that tone. What did Shane do now?
Please don’t.
That tone usually means you need my help cleaning up after her.
That room I told you about. The one that was part of the original house, not the additions from the second marriage.
I haven’t had a chance to ask Amanda about it.
I found it. I-I couldn’t wait.
Michael you didn’t!
That’s what Shane said.
If you’re going to get nasty, I’m leaving.
You would think it’d be all dusty. Full of cobwebs. It isn’t. The bed’s made. The dressers are neat. It’s like it was closed up last week. Could you bring your equipment and check it out for me?
I’d gotten better readings if I had been there.
How about tomorrow? After the meeting?
What’s the rush now? Something jump out at you?
No, but--
Shane will have a fit.
She’s spending the day with her mother.
So I won’t have to deal with a jealous tirade?
(Walking toward the exit)
We’ll work out the details tomorrow. I’m having dinner with the new star on campus.
What’s she like?
Skittish. See you later Cute One.
Shane is curled up in the corner; her back pressed against the door. She is watching the rocker sway back and forth. A male apparition dressed in 1920’s lumberjack clothing, walks through the closed door. He is in his early twenties. He is unshaven and more than a little drunk. Sadly he walks around the room humming the same tune over and over. Terrified, Shane watches unable to move.
Sara Jane. Where are you? I need you.
(Slumping in the rocker)
I’ve betrayed you.
Sara Jane’s ghost appears in the mirror.
You mustn’t cry.
I was going to take Randy to your sister. Amanda’s young, but she loves him. She’ll be marrying Leonard soon. He would be safe and happy with them.
Our son needs his father.
Audrey’s pregnant. I only married her so she would care for him. I couldn’t loose you both. I tried to love her. But I can’t! She knows I only love you. She so jealous. I was going to join you...but now...Audrey doesn’t have any family. No one to care for her.
Or your child. It’s all right to want to love him or her. It’s natural to love your children. It’s one reason I stay close. Audrey loves you. It hurt her to know you don’t love her back. Maybe I should leave.
No! I forbid it! If you love me, you’ll wait for me.
(Screaming from the doorway)
The apparition of a stern woman in her late twenties stands at Shane’s feet. She is tall and voluptuous.
Audrey don’t.
(Making the sign of the cross)
A devil.
Sara Jane’s my wife.
I’m your wife!
I’ve only stayed to protect my son. You don’t sing to him enough.
I won’t listen to you. You’re dead.
(To Randolph)
I’ll get the priest to exorcise this house.
We’ll never be happy while she’s here. I love you. Please darling think of our child.
I am. I don’t love you. I love her. If you do anything to make her spirit leave his house, child or no, I’ll cut you out of my will, give my son to his Aunt Amanda and put a bullet in my head. You will have nothing.
Love or not, I am still the mother of your child. No matter where you go or what you do, I will always own you. Nothing you can do will change that.
The angle of the sun reaches the point where it floods the room with light. The apparitions disappear. Shane is alone. She reaches up and turns the knob. The door opens easily. She runs out of the room.
Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion: Gregerson, Moreo, Schutter, Statham, Young, Willey
Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion continues! All authors on tour in January will be giving away FREE incentives if you buy their books by any online book store, including publisher’s websites. Click here for more information!
The following authors on tour and their tour stops today are:
Judy Gregerson, author of the young adult fiction novel, BAD GIRLS CLUB (Blooming Tree Press) will be stopping off at Fiction Scribe!
Judi Moreo, author of YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH ACHIEVEMENT JOURNAL (Stephens Press, Dec. ‘07) will be stopping off at The Book Stacks and Pam’s Wild Rose Blog (Achieve Your Dreams Blogger)!
Carole Whang Schutter, author of the historical romance novel, SEPTEMBER DAWN (Author House, June ‘07) will be stopping off at A Christian Writer’s World and Butts About It (Part 7 of 9)!
Hazel Statham, author of the historical romance novel, MY DEAREST FRIEND (Wings ePress, Jan. ‘08) will be stopping off at The Story Behind the Book!
Amanda Young, author of the personal memoir, SILENT PRISONER (BookSurge, Nov. ‘07), will be stopping off at The Write Message!
Kathleen Willey, author of the nonfiction title, TARGET: CAUGHT IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON (World Ahead Media, Nov. ‘07) will be stopping off at Storycrafters!
All authors will be giving away free personalized bookmarks or other freebies during their tour. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to win free incentives when purchasing their books! Click here for more information.
These virtual book tours are brought to you by Pump Up Your Book Promotion at www.pumpupyourbookp romotion. com.
"Leave your tour in our hands!"
www.pumpupyourbookp romotion. com
The following authors on tour and their tour stops today are:
Judy Gregerson, author of the young adult fiction novel, BAD GIRLS CLUB (Blooming Tree Press) will be stopping off at Fiction Scribe!
Judi Moreo, author of YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH ACHIEVEMENT JOURNAL (Stephens Press, Dec. ‘07) will be stopping off at The Book Stacks and Pam’s Wild Rose Blog (Achieve Your Dreams Blogger)!
Carole Whang Schutter, author of the historical romance novel, SEPTEMBER DAWN (Author House, June ‘07) will be stopping off at A Christian Writer’s World and Butts About It (Part 7 of 9)!
Hazel Statham, author of the historical romance novel, MY DEAREST FRIEND (Wings ePress, Jan. ‘08) will be stopping off at The Story Behind the Book!
Amanda Young, author of the personal memoir, SILENT PRISONER (BookSurge, Nov. ‘07), will be stopping off at The Write Message!
Kathleen Willey, author of the nonfiction title, TARGET: CAUGHT IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF BILL AND HILLARY CLINTON (World Ahead Media, Nov. ‘07) will be stopping off at Storycrafters!
All authors will be giving away free personalized bookmarks or other freebies during their tour. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to win free incentives when purchasing their books! Click here for more information.
These virtual book tours are brought to you by Pump Up Your Book Promotion at www.pumpupyourbookp romotion. com.
"Leave your tour in our hands!"
www.pumpupyourbookp romotion. com
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Publishing: Finding Placement in Independent and Chain Bookstores
How Independent and Chain Bookstores Choose the Books on Their Shelves
Theresa Chaze
In order to be successful, authors must find placement both on independent and chain bookstore shelves. Yet no matter how well written, bookstores will not place it on their brick and mortar store shelves if they cannot make a profit. It is up to the author to choose a publisher who can produce a product that will attract the attention of bookstore owners.
When making the decision on which book to carry on their shelves, owners focus on the five criteria.
1. A discount off the cover price. The industry standard is a minimum is 50%; however, the larger the discount the stores receive, the more likely an owner will be interested in purchasing the book.
2. Returnability. Bookstores will be more willing to risk their money and shelf space on a new author if their risk is reduced by giving them an option to return the book. While it is common for traditional publisher to make their product returnable, until recently, it has been a major issue for POD publishers.
3. A reasonable cover price. The more the book costs, the less likely reading public willing to buy it. An over price book by a new author will be passed over for one that is of equal quality, but has a cheaper cover price.
4. A good marketing plan. By placing ads and creating a name brand, the author will not only create a readership, but will make it easier for bookstores to sell the books thereby increasing the likely hood of finding shelf space.
5. Uniqueness of the topic or the author. If an author is considered an expert on the subject, it will not only give the author additional credibility but also marketability. In addition, if the author takes a fresh perspective or angle on the book, you can use this in your marketing plan to attract readers and bookstores.
Although the online sales of books are increasing, most book sales are still made in brick and mortar stores. In order to be successful, a book has to find placement on those shelves. The authors have to take responsibility for choosing a publisher who will meet industry standards and be willing to support the book after publication. If the publisher cannot economically produce the book by offering an industry standard discount, making it returnable, and keeping the price reasonable, the author needs either to rethink their choice of publisher or accept the fact that bookstores will not carry their books on their shelves.
Theresa Chaze
In order to be successful, authors must find placement both on independent and chain bookstore shelves. Yet no matter how well written, bookstores will not place it on their brick and mortar store shelves if they cannot make a profit. It is up to the author to choose a publisher who can produce a product that will attract the attention of bookstore owners.
When making the decision on which book to carry on their shelves, owners focus on the five criteria.
1. A discount off the cover price. The industry standard is a minimum is 50%; however, the larger the discount the stores receive, the more likely an owner will be interested in purchasing the book.
2. Returnability. Bookstores will be more willing to risk their money and shelf space on a new author if their risk is reduced by giving them an option to return the book. While it is common for traditional publisher to make their product returnable, until recently, it has been a major issue for POD publishers.
3. A reasonable cover price. The more the book costs, the less likely reading public willing to buy it. An over price book by a new author will be passed over for one that is of equal quality, but has a cheaper cover price.
4. A good marketing plan. By placing ads and creating a name brand, the author will not only create a readership, but will make it easier for bookstores to sell the books thereby increasing the likely hood of finding shelf space.
5. Uniqueness of the topic or the author. If an author is considered an expert on the subject, it will not only give the author additional credibility but also marketability. In addition, if the author takes a fresh perspective or angle on the book, you can use this in your marketing plan to attract readers and bookstores.
Although the online sales of books are increasing, most book sales are still made in brick and mortar stores. In order to be successful, a book has to find placement on those shelves. The authors have to take responsibility for choosing a publisher who will meet industry standards and be willing to support the book after publication. If the publisher cannot economically produce the book by offering an industry standard discount, making it returnable, and keeping the price reasonable, the author needs either to rethink their choice of publisher or accept the fact that bookstores will not carry their books on their shelves.
Promotional book trailer for literary fiction author Camille Marchetta.
Promotional book trailer for literary fiction author Camille Marchetta. You can visit her website at www.camillemarchetta.com
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Glass Ceilings and Forward Momentum: It's Time for the Old Goats to Find an Iceburg
Just looking at the line of candidate proves that one or more of the glass ceilings is going to be shattered by the end of 2008. The Republican candidates are dried up, old white men who are propagating the same old ideas, while the Democratic team is fresh, young and inventive; Clinton and Obama represent gender and ethic advancements that will revolutionize and reenergize the country for decades, while Edwards support of the middle and low class will change the focus will lead to economic and social change.
With the exception of Ron Paul, the Republican candidates are touting their version of Reagan economics. The famous trickle down theory give tax breaks and financial support to the upper 5-10%, in hope that the money would trickle down the lower end of the financial spectrum. In reality, the theory should be called the pissed on theory. The upper 5-10% eat caviar and drink champaign, while the rest of the country is expected to consume their waste. By working from the top down with tax cuts and economic support, jobs and financial stability is not created for the whole of the country. It just creates extra wealth for the few. Working from the bottom up, by provide economic stimulus in the form of tax cuts, education, job training and benefit support, people will have the money to pay for services and goods, which in turn will create jobs. The top three of the Democratic candidates support programs that work from the least of us upward. They don’t base their economic growth programs on the generosity of the few. Instead, their goal is to create the opportunities to give a hand up, instead of handout.
Social issues also radically separate the two parties. While the Republicans are emphasizing their religious affiliation, along with the social and moral restrictions of their beliefs, the Democrats are socially, morally and ethically aware of the individual. Once again, the Republicans are courting the religious right as way to regain the White House. The Right wingers are looking for a candidate who will continue to spread their bigotry and religious view point; most continue to seek to change this country from a democracy to a theocracy. They seek to limit the individual’s right to medical, religious, and life style freedoms by forcing others to conform to their religious values. The Democrats on the other hand are seeking to stay out of the individual’s private life by focusing on creating jobs, protecting the environment, and creating homeland security by regaining the country’s honor and the respect of other nations. With the democrats, civil liberties would be respected, as will the right to privacy. They have better things to do than to spy on the citizens of this country; in short, they don’t care who others have sex with or in what position. They have more important issues on their plate.
The same elected officials, who screeched war was the answer, are the same ones who are under-funding the physical, emotional and spiritual support the returning veterans. The extended tours, the quick rotation back to the sandbox and the lack of proper protective gear, have done more damage to the troops than the enemy could have imagined in their wildest dreams. PTS, lost of limbs, and closed head injures have affected an overwhelming number of the veterans. They are no longer to are capable of providing for themselves, yet the government has refused to step up to the plate and provide the needed care. According the VA statistics, 200,000 vets are currently homeless. The universal health care programs that are proposed by the Democrats would not only help every American, but would give the vets the care they need. But in order to for the vets to reclaim their lives, they will need not only medical support but economic during their healing process. They supported their country; it is time for the country to return the favor.
The Republicans have not devised a comprehensive plan to withdraw troops. Instead, they repeat the battle cry and send more troops into harms way. They point fingers and label those who seek political alternatives as unpatriotic. They claim that that the only way to keep the country safe is to win the war. That is a medieval concept. No one wins war, there are only varying degrees of loosing. In addition, their concept of winning is unreasonable. It is impossible to force another country to become democratic. The definition of democratic is a government that is has free and equal participation by the people. It is for the natives to chose their form of government, not an occupying force. All of the Democratic candidates had exit strategies that involve diplomatic resolutions instead of brut force. It is childish to think that bullying others will lead to long term change. It only create new enemies.
The question every voter must ask her or himself is what kind of future do you want for yourself and future generations. Republican candidates represent status quo and stagnation. The are for the corporate conglomerates, which have All three front running contenders for the Democratic party represent positive change for all Americans not just the limited few. They represent diversity and equality. The difference between the candidates is forward momentum and the lack there of.
With the exception of Ron Paul, the Republican candidates are touting their version of Reagan economics. The famous trickle down theory give tax breaks and financial support to the upper 5-10%, in hope that the money would trickle down the lower end of the financial spectrum. In reality, the theory should be called the pissed on theory. The upper 5-10% eat caviar and drink champaign, while the rest of the country is expected to consume their waste. By working from the top down with tax cuts and economic support, jobs and financial stability is not created for the whole of the country. It just creates extra wealth for the few. Working from the bottom up, by provide economic stimulus in the form of tax cuts, education, job training and benefit support, people will have the money to pay for services and goods, which in turn will create jobs. The top three of the Democratic candidates support programs that work from the least of us upward. They don’t base their economic growth programs on the generosity of the few. Instead, their goal is to create the opportunities to give a hand up, instead of handout.
Social issues also radically separate the two parties. While the Republicans are emphasizing their religious affiliation, along with the social and moral restrictions of their beliefs, the Democrats are socially, morally and ethically aware of the individual. Once again, the Republicans are courting the religious right as way to regain the White House. The Right wingers are looking for a candidate who will continue to spread their bigotry and religious view point; most continue to seek to change this country from a democracy to a theocracy. They seek to limit the individual’s right to medical, religious, and life style freedoms by forcing others to conform to their religious values. The Democrats on the other hand are seeking to stay out of the individual’s private life by focusing on creating jobs, protecting the environment, and creating homeland security by regaining the country’s honor and the respect of other nations. With the democrats, civil liberties would be respected, as will the right to privacy. They have better things to do than to spy on the citizens of this country; in short, they don’t care who others have sex with or in what position. They have more important issues on their plate.
The same elected officials, who screeched war was the answer, are the same ones who are under-funding the physical, emotional and spiritual support the returning veterans. The extended tours, the quick rotation back to the sandbox and the lack of proper protective gear, have done more damage to the troops than the enemy could have imagined in their wildest dreams. PTS, lost of limbs, and closed head injures have affected an overwhelming number of the veterans. They are no longer to are capable of providing for themselves, yet the government has refused to step up to the plate and provide the needed care. According the VA statistics, 200,000 vets are currently homeless. The universal health care programs that are proposed by the Democrats would not only help every American, but would give the vets the care they need. But in order to for the vets to reclaim their lives, they will need not only medical support but economic during their healing process. They supported their country; it is time for the country to return the favor.
The Republicans have not devised a comprehensive plan to withdraw troops. Instead, they repeat the battle cry and send more troops into harms way. They point fingers and label those who seek political alternatives as unpatriotic. They claim that that the only way to keep the country safe is to win the war. That is a medieval concept. No one wins war, there are only varying degrees of loosing. In addition, their concept of winning is unreasonable. It is impossible to force another country to become democratic. The definition of democratic is a government that is has free and equal participation by the people. It is for the natives to chose their form of government, not an occupying force. All of the Democratic candidates had exit strategies that involve diplomatic resolutions instead of brut force. It is childish to think that bullying others will lead to long term change. It only create new enemies.
The question every voter must ask her or himself is what kind of future do you want for yourself and future generations. Republican candidates represent status quo and stagnation. The are for the corporate conglomerates, which have All three front running contenders for the Democratic party represent positive change for all Americans not just the limited few. They represent diversity and equality. The difference between the candidates is forward momentum and the lack there of.
Virtual Book Tour, Amanda Young, Hazel Statham, Carole Whang Schutter, Jude Moreo, thomas Kuiper, Anita Hackely-Lambert, Judy Gregerson
Virtual book tours with Pump Up Your Book Promotion continues! All authors on tour in January will be giving away FREE incentives if you buy their books by any online book store, including publisher's websites. Click here for more information!
The following authors on tour and their tour stops today are:
Judy Gregerson, author of the young adult fiction novel, BAD GIRLS CLUB (Blooming Tree Press) will be interviewed at Inspired Author and she had some nice things to say about Pump Up!
Anita Hackley-Lambert, author of the biography, F.H.M. MURRAY: FIRST BIOGRAPHY OF A FORGOTTEN PIONEER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE (BookSurge Publishing, Aug. 07) will be stopping off at Sydney Molare's You Don't Know Jack Podcast at Blog Talk Radio for a fantastic interview!
Thomas D. Kuiper, author of the current events book, I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A YANKEES FAN: HILLARY CLINTON IN HER OWN WORDS (World Ahead Media, April 06) will be stopping off at Beyond the Books where he will tell you what Vice-President Dick Cheney thought of his book, plus his future plans to be a talk show host!
Judi Moreo, author of YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH ACHIEVEMENT JOURNAL (Stephens Press, Dec. 07) will be stopping off at the lovely Dyan Garris blog, Voice of the Angels where Dyan will show you how she achieves her dreams!
Carole Whang Schutter, author of the historical romance novel, SEPTEMBER DAWN (Author House, June 07) will be Active Christian Media for a podcast! Listen here!
Hazel Statham, author of the historical romance novel, MY DEAREST FRIEND (Wings ePress, Jan.08) will be stopping off at Sadie's Storylines!
Amanda Young, author of the personal memoir, SILENT PRISONER (BookSurge, Nov.07), will be giving a fantastic interview at The Writer's Life!
All authors will be giving away free personalized bookmarks or other freebies during their tour. Don't miss out on this opportunity to win free incentives when purchasing their books! Click here for more information.
These virtual book tours are brought to you by Pump Up Your Book Promotion at www.pumpupyourbookp romotion. com.
"Leave your tour in our hands!"
The following authors on tour and their tour stops today are:
Judy Gregerson, author of the young adult fiction novel, BAD GIRLS CLUB (Blooming Tree Press) will be interviewed at Inspired Author and she had some nice things to say about Pump Up!
Anita Hackley-Lambert, author of the biography, F.H.M. MURRAY: FIRST BIOGRAPHY OF A FORGOTTEN PIONEER FOR CIVIL JUSTICE (BookSurge Publishing, Aug. 07) will be stopping off at Sydney Molare's You Don't Know Jack Podcast at Blog Talk Radio for a fantastic interview!
Thomas D. Kuiper, author of the current events book, I'VE ALWAYS BEEN A YANKEES FAN: HILLARY CLINTON IN HER OWN WORDS (World Ahead Media, April 06) will be stopping off at Beyond the Books where he will tell you what Vice-President Dick Cheney thought of his book, plus his future plans to be a talk show host!
Judi Moreo, author of YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH ACHIEVEMENT JOURNAL (Stephens Press, Dec. 07) will be stopping off at the lovely Dyan Garris blog, Voice of the Angels where Dyan will show you how she achieves her dreams!
Carole Whang Schutter, author of the historical romance novel, SEPTEMBER DAWN (Author House, June 07) will be Active Christian Media for a podcast! Listen here!
Hazel Statham, author of the historical romance novel, MY DEAREST FRIEND (Wings ePress, Jan.08) will be stopping off at Sadie's Storylines!
Amanda Young, author of the personal memoir, SILENT PRISONER (BookSurge, Nov.07), will be giving a fantastic interview at The Writer's Life!
All authors will be giving away free personalized bookmarks or other freebies during their tour. Don't miss out on this opportunity to win free incentives when purchasing their books! Click here for more information.
These virtual book tours are brought to you by Pump Up Your Book Promotion at www.pumpupyourbookp romotion. com.
"Leave your tour in our hands!"
Women's Issues: Turning 50: Healing Wounds and Becoming Feral Again
A friend of mine just did a reading for me. Currently, I am having financial issues that I am having difficulty getting passed. Part of it is the economy, but not all of it. Cate told me that I have an issue with a female family member. For a moment, I was confused. The female members of my family were the supportive ones. In more cases than not, the male members were the ones that caused me pain by attacking myself esteem. Or so I thought. In reality, it was more of cooperative effort. While the abuse of the males was active, the female abuse was more passive so it was able to sneak past my radar.
This year I am going to be 50. A bench mark for most people. Last year, I quit a job that was emotionally and physically toxic to focus on my writing. At the time, I had a paying writing gig to pay the monthly bills. In addition, I cashed out my 401K to use as seed money to start my own publishing house. I put all my eggs in one basket and went for the gold. Most people would say that I was foolish in this economic climate to risk everything; however, those are the same people who look back with regret. Win, lose or draw, I will know that I reach for my dream with my best effort and whole soul--not to mention a great deal of research. I belong to the cross over generation--not part of the fifties mentality, nor really of the independent woman, I find myself still confronting the self-doubt and victim mentality the women of my mother's generation.
Growing up my mother did her best to turn me into a lady. She was never able to civilize the heathen out of me. She would buy these beautiful, frilly dresses for me to wear. My garment choice was the sky. I learned how to undress myself before I learned how to put any clothes on. I played with trucks, climbed trees and roughhoused; quietly playing with dolls never interested me. I was precocious and wild; imagine a feral kitten who was born in the wild suddenly finding itself limited to a small cage. At the age of three, Mom and I were visiting a friend of hers. They were boring so I found a child’s birthday party next door and invited myself. The neighbor was amused. My mother was horrified. When I was tired or just needed time for me, I had a habit of finding a quiet spot behind furniture, in the back of closets--any out of the way spot to curl up and take a nap. My mother would panic if she didn’t know where I was every moment. More than once, she called the police thinking I had escaped out the back door and had gotten lost. They would come and search the fields around my parent’s home. I always came out when I got hungry or when my nap was over.
Overall, many times and many ways I was an embarrassment to my mother. I simply didn’t fit into the daughter mold that she had expected or wanted. I was never meek enough. I was too forward. I was too outspoken. I looked boy’s in the eyes and wouldn’t back down. She once told me that if I wanted a boyfriend, I need to be more submissive, less independent. I didn’t want a boyfriend in high school; I wanted an education. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in boys; I had my crushes, but they were never my primary focus. I wanted a life. When I daydreamed, it wasn’t about being a wife or a mother; I was a star traveler; I was a doctor--a Texas Ranger. When I was nine, I dreamt I was a techo-agent and connected to a secret advanced society; there was a tunnel from the basement closet to the headquarters beneath the hill close to the house. From there we listened and observed the world’s leaders scheme, preventing them from doing any real damage. Back in 1967, if there were computers they were nothing like the sophisticated equipment I dreamt of. Looking back, the equipment would be advanced even for today, yet I dreamt of instant real time communication with the moon base and traveling at the speed of light.
My family history wasn’t exactly Leave it Beaver. My father was an alcoholic; my mother enabled him. To say the home environment was unstable was an understatement. You never knew what was going to happen or when, only that it was inevitable. Many times, I was sent to my grandmother’s for my own safety. Instead of dealing with the true issue, my mother made the conflict go away. I remember one dinner, my father had grabbed at me--I don’t remember the reason; instinctively, I fought back with nails extended. I didn’t think; I just reacted. There was silence in the dining; then memory goes suddenly black, except for the fact the seating arrangements at the table suddenly changed. Afterwards, I began spending more time at my grandmother’s. Whenever conflict arose, I changed residence. It got to the point that I nearly started calling my grandmother, mom.
My mother’s mother was a blessing to me; however, not all of the family saw her in the same light. Helen Davis quit school at the age of 12 and started working. By the time she was 16 she was pregnant and was forced into marriage, becoming Helen Kubanek. She worked until she was forced by a medical issue to retire. However, retirement didn’t mean she was a lady of leisure. She was married but my grandfather never could tame her. Until my grandfather’s death, she had both a husband and a boyfriend. Rumor had it he had many other interests as well. He was a cook on the lower lakers, so he was gone nine month out of the year. When he did return home, the battle of wills lasted the entire three months. My grandfather was also an alcoholic, but his absence and my grandmother prevented him from being too much of a negative factor in my life. She ran the household, making sure the bills were paid and keeping order. My grandmother’s boyfriend, George, was an interesting character. Although he had a limited education, he was a wise man. He knew how to work the earth to produce plentiful crops, yet he had definite options on life. He once told me that if I knew I was right--stick to it. He owned an 80 acre farm that was made of field, swamp and forest. Frequently I accompanied my grandmother when she visited George. At age 6 or 7, I had free reign to explore. If my mother knew how much time I spent exploring alone, she would have locked me in a closet. I knew when I had to be back. If they needed me earlier, they blew the car horn. He gave me my first job. I picked vegetables and weeded the garden. It’s not that the family needed them money; I just wanted my own. In addition, I went door to door selling the extra.
Another positive factor in my life was Leona Gramza. She was what they called back then my grandmother’s lady friend. Back then I suspect that the meaning was different than today. However, I was a kid and I have no clue. When the two of them teamed up, nothing and no one stopped them. They lived together until Leona died of diabetes. Leona was a “sturdy” woman. She was an honorable, wise woman with a loving heart who also had a formable temper and the courage to use it. She had no problem telling anyone what she thought and didn’t care what they thought about it. If she loved you, you had a valiant protector; if you got on her bad side, it was prudent to be elsewhere. When she pulled her fist back, grown men quivered. The day she died, I lost someone who loved and protected me. She was a shelter in the storm. She had been the gatekeeper that had kept much of the negative behavior suppressed in my nuclear family. If my father raise a hand, he had better have had a damn good reason or he would have Leona to answer to.
My mother’s sisters, Betty and Delores were more traditional. They believed that women came second. They were to be taken care of and pampered by their husband, but didn’t have any real power in the relationship or the world. The disapproved of my grandmother led her life. They were quick to make use of the benefits, but just ask quickly they would gossip and back bite their own mother. It is amazing what little pictures can hear when everyone thinks she is asleep on the couch. Their husbands were just as quick to make use of George’s tools, equipment, and ask for free labor, yet they treated him with total contempt. My mother refused to take sides; once again, she sat on the fence. She was kind to George, yet she never defended him. Later in life when he became ill, she helped care for him. George had shown his gratitude by remembering her in his will. Betty and Delores were furious that they had been ignored. They did nothing; they received nothing.
In reality, my mother and I were living in two different realities. She was of the generation that devalued intelligence and personal ambition in women. While she saw challenges as a reason to give up and allow someone else to find a solution, I saw a learning situation. In grade school, I was quick to learn, but by the time I entered junior high I had started to withdraw. My greatest desire was not to be seen. Neither of my parents had graduated from high school; although later in life, my mother did go back and finish. They didn’t see getting an education as important, especially for girls. It was only a place to find a mate. When I decided to go onto college, first the local community college the Michigan State, not only did my family not support me, but also in many ways they actively set up road blocks. I was unable to gain the family financial information to receive financial aid. Initially the only financing I had access to is what I could save from my part time job. When I was accepted at State, I had enough for one term, no job and my mother telling me not to try. I was determined and I had faith. I spite of the negativity, I went anyway. Within two days, I had a job. By the end of the month, I had the financing for the rest of the year. Through out the years, whenever I had the courage to have faith, what I need appeared in my life. However, during the last decade that the subtle programming was activated; I lost my faith and courage, so my blessings stopped reaching me.
Some may say that I have treated my mother unfairly. I loved my mother. In many ways, she was a kind, loving woman who helped many people, yet I can't help feeling that if she had been less negative and a stronger person, I wouldn't have taken the long way around to achieving my dream. Mom always thought there would never be enough and would squirrel away money. It is the one belief that I have been challenged with my entire life. Once she cried, telling me that she didn’t even have enough money to bury herself. When she was killed, she had over 300 dollars in her purse, mostly in small bills and change. She hid small amounts in different places in the house. She never had enough faith to trust that she would be provided for. Every good thing that came into her life, she expected something bad to follow. She didn't feel worthy of receiving blessing. She was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because she expected it, it usually happened.
I remember calling her up to brag about something wonderful that happened in my life; by the time the conversation ended, I was depressed, because she would find the dark cloud in the silver lining. My first real job after college was working at TV station as tech. It was a good beginning in the industry. However, the station had political undercurrents that I really wasn‘t prepared to deal with. During one of our conversations, Mom told me to quit and go on welfare. The message was stop trying--you won't succeed. That's not what I needed to hear. In hindsight, I wanted her to say, you deserve better treatment, take your experience and find a better job. But I didn't get that then or for years after. A week before she was killed in the car accident, she called me. We talked like equals for the first and only time. When I hung up the phone, I felt good about myself and our relationship. I regret that we didn't have more time to work out the old issues.
Over the past, six years I have done my best to heal the old wounds and regain my original feisty spirit. I’ve done the healing steps to forgive the past. I have done the visualization focusing on the end result instead of questioning the logic. I have gone out on the limb to reach for my dream. Yet, no matter how I organized and how hard I worked, success still stayed out of my reach. When Cate told me that I had an issue from my past that I needed to deal with, my first thought was ya right. Been there. Done that. Yet the more I stepped back and thought about the message, I started remembering and piecing together events. Some where along the way, I started waiting for the other shoe to drop Instead of having the courage to jump blindly off the cliff, certain that I would be caught safely, I started doubting and giving into fear. Financial when I was secure, I always expected to loose it--and I did. Whatever I feared, manifested. Whatever I worried about, I created. In reality, both create walls around you that prevent your blessing reaching you.
Last July, I looked at my life. The job I was working at was physically and emotionally toxic. I was doing 90 hour work weeks and not achieving my goals. I did the research and the math then jumped off that cliff. I cashed out my 401K and had a part time writing gig that kept the bills current. But after four months, the writing gig ended. Once again, I was financially challenged. Only this time it was finals. I couldn’t find a job. Target hired me, but it took almost a month for me to start working; the job lasted five weeks. It would be very easy to fall back into old patterns. But I‘ve found that part of me that I lost along the way. I know, just like I knew when I went away to State, that I will be safely caught. There are no more shoes to drop, except for the size 6 that will look spectacular on my feet. I just have to do my part and only my part--the rest will take care of itself. No longer a kitten, the feral has been reborn and this kitty-cat has just resharpened her claws. And Grandma, if you are listening, could you give me the good luck you had with the lottery. I wish and ask for 5 million dollars for Valkyrie Publishing. I wish and ask for 5 million dollars for the animal rescue reserve. I wish and ask for 80 million dollars for Valhalla. Thanks I appreciate the help. One more thing--what’s this shit with these stupid bunions?
This year I am going to be 50. A bench mark for most people. Last year, I quit a job that was emotionally and physically toxic to focus on my writing. At the time, I had a paying writing gig to pay the monthly bills. In addition, I cashed out my 401K to use as seed money to start my own publishing house. I put all my eggs in one basket and went for the gold. Most people would say that I was foolish in this economic climate to risk everything; however, those are the same people who look back with regret. Win, lose or draw, I will know that I reach for my dream with my best effort and whole soul--not to mention a great deal of research. I belong to the cross over generation--not part of the fifties mentality, nor really of the independent woman, I find myself still confronting the self-doubt and victim mentality the women of my mother's generation.
Growing up my mother did her best to turn me into a lady. She was never able to civilize the heathen out of me. She would buy these beautiful, frilly dresses for me to wear. My garment choice was the sky. I learned how to undress myself before I learned how to put any clothes on. I played with trucks, climbed trees and roughhoused; quietly playing with dolls never interested me. I was precocious and wild; imagine a feral kitten who was born in the wild suddenly finding itself limited to a small cage. At the age of three, Mom and I were visiting a friend of hers. They were boring so I found a child’s birthday party next door and invited myself. The neighbor was amused. My mother was horrified. When I was tired or just needed time for me, I had a habit of finding a quiet spot behind furniture, in the back of closets--any out of the way spot to curl up and take a nap. My mother would panic if she didn’t know where I was every moment. More than once, she called the police thinking I had escaped out the back door and had gotten lost. They would come and search the fields around my parent’s home. I always came out when I got hungry or when my nap was over.
Overall, many times and many ways I was an embarrassment to my mother. I simply didn’t fit into the daughter mold that she had expected or wanted. I was never meek enough. I was too forward. I was too outspoken. I looked boy’s in the eyes and wouldn’t back down. She once told me that if I wanted a boyfriend, I need to be more submissive, less independent. I didn’t want a boyfriend in high school; I wanted an education. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in boys; I had my crushes, but they were never my primary focus. I wanted a life. When I daydreamed, it wasn’t about being a wife or a mother; I was a star traveler; I was a doctor--a Texas Ranger. When I was nine, I dreamt I was a techo-agent and connected to a secret advanced society; there was a tunnel from the basement closet to the headquarters beneath the hill close to the house. From there we listened and observed the world’s leaders scheme, preventing them from doing any real damage. Back in 1967, if there were computers they were nothing like the sophisticated equipment I dreamt of. Looking back, the equipment would be advanced even for today, yet I dreamt of instant real time communication with the moon base and traveling at the speed of light.
My family history wasn’t exactly Leave it Beaver. My father was an alcoholic; my mother enabled him. To say the home environment was unstable was an understatement. You never knew what was going to happen or when, only that it was inevitable. Many times, I was sent to my grandmother’s for my own safety. Instead of dealing with the true issue, my mother made the conflict go away. I remember one dinner, my father had grabbed at me--I don’t remember the reason; instinctively, I fought back with nails extended. I didn’t think; I just reacted. There was silence in the dining; then memory goes suddenly black, except for the fact the seating arrangements at the table suddenly changed. Afterwards, I began spending more time at my grandmother’s. Whenever conflict arose, I changed residence. It got to the point that I nearly started calling my grandmother, mom.
My mother’s mother was a blessing to me; however, not all of the family saw her in the same light. Helen Davis quit school at the age of 12 and started working. By the time she was 16 she was pregnant and was forced into marriage, becoming Helen Kubanek. She worked until she was forced by a medical issue to retire. However, retirement didn’t mean she was a lady of leisure. She was married but my grandfather never could tame her. Until my grandfather’s death, she had both a husband and a boyfriend. Rumor had it he had many other interests as well. He was a cook on the lower lakers, so he was gone nine month out of the year. When he did return home, the battle of wills lasted the entire three months. My grandfather was also an alcoholic, but his absence and my grandmother prevented him from being too much of a negative factor in my life. She ran the household, making sure the bills were paid and keeping order. My grandmother’s boyfriend, George, was an interesting character. Although he had a limited education, he was a wise man. He knew how to work the earth to produce plentiful crops, yet he had definite options on life. He once told me that if I knew I was right--stick to it. He owned an 80 acre farm that was made of field, swamp and forest. Frequently I accompanied my grandmother when she visited George. At age 6 or 7, I had free reign to explore. If my mother knew how much time I spent exploring alone, she would have locked me in a closet. I knew when I had to be back. If they needed me earlier, they blew the car horn. He gave me my first job. I picked vegetables and weeded the garden. It’s not that the family needed them money; I just wanted my own. In addition, I went door to door selling the extra.
Another positive factor in my life was Leona Gramza. She was what they called back then my grandmother’s lady friend. Back then I suspect that the meaning was different than today. However, I was a kid and I have no clue. When the two of them teamed up, nothing and no one stopped them. They lived together until Leona died of diabetes. Leona was a “sturdy” woman. She was an honorable, wise woman with a loving heart who also had a formable temper and the courage to use it. She had no problem telling anyone what she thought and didn’t care what they thought about it. If she loved you, you had a valiant protector; if you got on her bad side, it was prudent to be elsewhere. When she pulled her fist back, grown men quivered. The day she died, I lost someone who loved and protected me. She was a shelter in the storm. She had been the gatekeeper that had kept much of the negative behavior suppressed in my nuclear family. If my father raise a hand, he had better have had a damn good reason or he would have Leona to answer to.
My mother’s sisters, Betty and Delores were more traditional. They believed that women came second. They were to be taken care of and pampered by their husband, but didn’t have any real power in the relationship or the world. The disapproved of my grandmother led her life. They were quick to make use of the benefits, but just ask quickly they would gossip and back bite their own mother. It is amazing what little pictures can hear when everyone thinks she is asleep on the couch. Their husbands were just as quick to make use of George’s tools, equipment, and ask for free labor, yet they treated him with total contempt. My mother refused to take sides; once again, she sat on the fence. She was kind to George, yet she never defended him. Later in life when he became ill, she helped care for him. George had shown his gratitude by remembering her in his will. Betty and Delores were furious that they had been ignored. They did nothing; they received nothing.
In reality, my mother and I were living in two different realities. She was of the generation that devalued intelligence and personal ambition in women. While she saw challenges as a reason to give up and allow someone else to find a solution, I saw a learning situation. In grade school, I was quick to learn, but by the time I entered junior high I had started to withdraw. My greatest desire was not to be seen. Neither of my parents had graduated from high school; although later in life, my mother did go back and finish. They didn’t see getting an education as important, especially for girls. It was only a place to find a mate. When I decided to go onto college, first the local community college the Michigan State, not only did my family not support me, but also in many ways they actively set up road blocks. I was unable to gain the family financial information to receive financial aid. Initially the only financing I had access to is what I could save from my part time job. When I was accepted at State, I had enough for one term, no job and my mother telling me not to try. I was determined and I had faith. I spite of the negativity, I went anyway. Within two days, I had a job. By the end of the month, I had the financing for the rest of the year. Through out the years, whenever I had the courage to have faith, what I need appeared in my life. However, during the last decade that the subtle programming was activated; I lost my faith and courage, so my blessings stopped reaching me.
Some may say that I have treated my mother unfairly. I loved my mother. In many ways, she was a kind, loving woman who helped many people, yet I can't help feeling that if she had been less negative and a stronger person, I wouldn't have taken the long way around to achieving my dream. Mom always thought there would never be enough and would squirrel away money. It is the one belief that I have been challenged with my entire life. Once she cried, telling me that she didn’t even have enough money to bury herself. When she was killed, she had over 300 dollars in her purse, mostly in small bills and change. She hid small amounts in different places in the house. She never had enough faith to trust that she would be provided for. Every good thing that came into her life, she expected something bad to follow. She didn't feel worthy of receiving blessing. She was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because she expected it, it usually happened.
I remember calling her up to brag about something wonderful that happened in my life; by the time the conversation ended, I was depressed, because she would find the dark cloud in the silver lining. My first real job after college was working at TV station as tech. It was a good beginning in the industry. However, the station had political undercurrents that I really wasn‘t prepared to deal with. During one of our conversations, Mom told me to quit and go on welfare. The message was stop trying--you won't succeed. That's not what I needed to hear. In hindsight, I wanted her to say, you deserve better treatment, take your experience and find a better job. But I didn't get that then or for years after. A week before she was killed in the car accident, she called me. We talked like equals for the first and only time. When I hung up the phone, I felt good about myself and our relationship. I regret that we didn't have more time to work out the old issues.
Over the past, six years I have done my best to heal the old wounds and regain my original feisty spirit. I’ve done the healing steps to forgive the past. I have done the visualization focusing on the end result instead of questioning the logic. I have gone out on the limb to reach for my dream. Yet, no matter how I organized and how hard I worked, success still stayed out of my reach. When Cate told me that I had an issue from my past that I needed to deal with, my first thought was ya right. Been there. Done that. Yet the more I stepped back and thought about the message, I started remembering and piecing together events. Some where along the way, I started waiting for the other shoe to drop Instead of having the courage to jump blindly off the cliff, certain that I would be caught safely, I started doubting and giving into fear. Financial when I was secure, I always expected to loose it--and I did. Whatever I feared, manifested. Whatever I worried about, I created. In reality, both create walls around you that prevent your blessing reaching you.
Last July, I looked at my life. The job I was working at was physically and emotionally toxic. I was doing 90 hour work weeks and not achieving my goals. I did the research and the math then jumped off that cliff. I cashed out my 401K and had a part time writing gig that kept the bills current. But after four months, the writing gig ended. Once again, I was financially challenged. Only this time it was finals. I couldn’t find a job. Target hired me, but it took almost a month for me to start working; the job lasted five weeks. It would be very easy to fall back into old patterns. But I‘ve found that part of me that I lost along the way. I know, just like I knew when I went away to State, that I will be safely caught. There are no more shoes to drop, except for the size 6 that will look spectacular on my feet. I just have to do my part and only my part--the rest will take care of itself. No longer a kitten, the feral has been reborn and this kitty-cat has just resharpened her claws. And Grandma, if you are listening, could you give me the good luck you had with the lottery. I wish and ask for 5 million dollars for Valkyrie Publishing. I wish and ask for 5 million dollars for the animal rescue reserve. I wish and ask for 80 million dollars for Valhalla. Thanks I appreciate the help. One more thing--what’s this shit with these stupid bunions?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Until You Have Walked the Path, You Don't Know Where It Goes
Until You have Walked the Path, You Don't Know Where it Goes
Theresa Chaze
Many light workers and healers have found themselves facing life issues that have gone beyond the normal challenges. They have not only been confronting their own fears, disappoints, and wounds, but those that have come out of left field for no apparent reason, leaving them questioning what the hell happened.
I heard a story on a TV show a while back that explains what is happening and why. A man fell down a hole. The sides were so steep and slippery that he couldn't climb out, so he yelled for help. One by one people came by to give sage advice and wise council, but none of them stopped to help him climb out. Eventually, his best friend came looking for him. Instead of giving advice, he jumped down in the hole with him. The man said, "What are you doing? Now we're both trapped." The friend said, "I've been down here before and I know the way out."
Advice is wonderful, but unless you have experienced the hardships first hand, so that you can truly understand, your words are no more than warm wind. Once we have faced the life challenges and found our way out, we can help another do the same. It is the simple reason why so many spiritual people have found themselves with so many unusual and difficult challenges. Until you have been emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially challenged to the point of breaking, you cannot be a trailblazer to lead others out of their darkness.
It's not fun. Frequently it is frightening, confusing and heartbreaking. Yet we all signed up for the job of our own free will. The next time instead of asking why me, ask what is this preparing me for? By accepting the lessons with ease and grace, we sometime find the path isn't as rocky and that aid is just around the corner.
Theresa Chaze
Many light workers and healers have found themselves facing life issues that have gone beyond the normal challenges. They have not only been confronting their own fears, disappoints, and wounds, but those that have come out of left field for no apparent reason, leaving them questioning what the hell happened.
I heard a story on a TV show a while back that explains what is happening and why. A man fell down a hole. The sides were so steep and slippery that he couldn't climb out, so he yelled for help. One by one people came by to give sage advice and wise council, but none of them stopped to help him climb out. Eventually, his best friend came looking for him. Instead of giving advice, he jumped down in the hole with him. The man said, "What are you doing? Now we're both trapped." The friend said, "I've been down here before and I know the way out."
Advice is wonderful, but unless you have experienced the hardships first hand, so that you can truly understand, your words are no more than warm wind. Once we have faced the life challenges and found our way out, we can help another do the same. It is the simple reason why so many spiritual people have found themselves with so many unusual and difficult challenges. Until you have been emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially challenged to the point of breaking, you cannot be a trailblazer to lead others out of their darkness.
It's not fun. Frequently it is frightening, confusing and heartbreaking. Yet we all signed up for the job of our own free will. The next time instead of asking why me, ask what is this preparing me for? By accepting the lessons with ease and grace, we sometime find the path isn't as rocky and that aid is just around the corner.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wiccan Ritual: Karmic Weave-Releasing Unwanted Ties
Karmic Weave: Releasing Unwanted Ties
All relationships are connections between individuals. Some are karmic, while others are current issues. However, these bonds are not always positive, nor are they solely between individuals but groups as well. Bigotry has been passed on from generation to generation for no other reason than it has always been that way. This engrained behavior creates unwanted ties and karmic imbalance. It is only by stepping back to see the larger picture that healing and forgiveness can be achieve, thereby breaking the cycle.
Karmic relationships are not necessarily negative. Many souls will incarnate together in order to help each other grow and learn. These relationships are blessing of healing and support. However, those of karmic debt are the continuation of pass issues, where one or both failed to learn from the situation or behavior. These reoccurring relationships will be ongoing until one or both grow through and let go of the past. It is only by releasing your end of the karmic tie though forgiveness that your soul will be freed and be able to move on to the next challenge.
One only has watch the news or read the newspapers to find cases of stalking or racial bigotry. It is very easy to fall into the tit for tat mentality. However, in reality no one every gets even. Each side merely binds itself to that which they hate, creating an unending dance of pain, fear and resentment. Giving in to the anger and fear is easy. When it is all their fault, you absolve yourself of responsibility and create a victim role for yourself. However, no matter what the conflict, who started or who kept it going, there are always more than one side and more than one person responsible. That doesn’t mean that innocent people are not injured. But it always takes two to keep it going. Even when you are harmed through no fault of your own, how you react will determine the end result. By playing the victim, you only increase the likelihood that you will continue in that role. However, if you refuse to relinquish your power and self-determination, you will change the path of the relationship as well as the end result. If you don’t play the game, you can’t get caught up in the fall out. This doesn’t mean being a doormat. Simple stated it means if you don’t get emotionally involved or allow the behavior of another to affect yourself image, they cannot control your destiny. If you do not accept the challenge, there is nothing they can do.
Whether it is a positive or negative connection depends solely on those involved. Positive relationships, those that bring out the best of both, should be encouraged. However, those that are one sided or bring harm, need to be severed. One-sided relations are those that are not mutual; if the connecting bridge was built solely on one side, the relationship is not healthy and infringes on the other's free will. By forcing one's energy, attention or presence on another is an act of black magic and will have the appropriate consequences. Anytime you usurp another’s free will, you do more damage to yourself. Many think that loving another gives them free access to the other person. If the feeling is not shared, you cannot and will not be able to build a relationship. You cannot force another to love you. Attempting to do so will only create resentment and push them further away. The reverse is also true; hating another doesn’t bring positive blessings into your life. Like attracts alike; by sending out negative energy you will only attract those of who are on the same emotional and spiritual wavelength. It will only serve to reinforce your own believes and behaviors, thereby engraining them more deeply into your soul and making change that much more difficult. When you live in this mind set from lifetime to lifetime, your karmic debt increases as do the negative karmic bonds that you will eventually have to answer for.
The increasing bigotry and violence is more than just result of the uncertain economic and politic times; it is the coming due of many karmic bills and the balancing of the scales. Each of us are being challenge in the way, which will give us the greatest spiritual growth, and healing in the shortest amount of time. No longer do we have the luxury of putting off to tomorrow our challenges; finals have come early and there is no skipping school.
Yet even those who have done the spiritual work are finding that they are confronted with negative behaviors that are beyond their means to heal or release. It is not that they haven’t put in the effort, but that there are lingering karmic ties, which keep them from fully moving forward. It is only by severing these links that you will be able to move on. Giving in to the anger, fear or playing the victim, only makes the connection stronger and harder to break. However, if you emotional step back and objectively see the situation for what it is, you reclaim your power and ability to make positive changes. The question you must ask yourself is, “what do I want to achieve? By changing your focus from the challenge to the outcome, you refocus your energy to achieve the outcome you seek No matter what anyone else does, you are able to take back your power and retain control over you own destiny.
Karmic debt is a little different. It is past behavior. The results of which cannot be changed. However, this doesn’t mean that the connections are permanent or that you will be forced to be stuck if the other soul refuses to learn. There are ways to severe the ties and free yourself from others without having to directly confront them. The following ritual will help sever those ties; however, be warned that not only will it bring down the balancing on the other person but it will also calculate your karmic score as well. Yet if you have done the heart work of cleansing, healing and forgiving, there should be a positive balance. Even if there are still issues of your own to work through, the healing will be easier without the drag of someone who has locked their spiritual breaks. When the Titanic sank, it broke in two. If the break had been clean, the aft end would have slowly sank, giving the rescue ships more time to arrive. However, since it was still attached to the bow, it was dragged under just as quickly as the front of the ship. This analogy could be made of many spiritual attachments. The simple fact is that no matter how you feel about a person, you cannot save them from themselves. You cannot change their behavior, only the way you react to it.
Karmic Healing Weave
What you will need:
The will to heal and move forward from your heart
White yarn
Nine nails, preferably finishing nails or other with very small heads
A block of wood
A hammer
Draw a circle around the block of wood and find the center. In the center, drive the first nail in far enough for it to be secure. Just above put the second at the edge of the circle. Below it, drive the third also at the edge of the circle. Do the same on both the left and right of center. The next four nails are driven in between the first four at the rim of the circle. When you are finished there will be one in the center and eight around in a circle. Eight is the not only the number of energy but that of karma in action. This formation represents you and your karmic attachments.
Cut a length of yarn that will be long enough to create the weave. Loosely tie a knot around the center nail. It should be snug enough not to spin, but loose enough to fit over the head of the nail. Guide the yard to the top nail and tie a knot, keeping in mind that the weave will be removed at the end. Return the yarn to the center nail and tie another knot. Repeat the procedure on the bottom, both sides and moving clockwise connect the last four nails to the center one.
Loop the yard and form a knot around the top spoke close to the center nail and say, “I forgive you and release you to your karmic justice.” Continue knotting around the circle, making sure the knots are snug but not tight until you have used all the yard. Each time a knot is made, repeat, “I forgive you and release you to your karmic justice.” The last knot must be tight and secure. It is the period at the end of your karmic sentence. Cut off any yard that is hanging over.
Take the weave off the form and light the candle. Focusing on the flame and say:
“With this flame I do burn away all the negatively which connects me to others.
With a forgiving heart, I release them to their karmic justice.
With (or without, if you which every you choose) grace, I severe the ties that bind us and block you from sensing me, seeing me, finding me or harming me. In my reality, you no longer exist in any shape or form. I accept only the karmic debt that I owe and am willing to pay it in full. For what I am owed, I ask that it be paid in full to the Powers of Justice in whatever way they see fit. From my heart, I forgive, release and move on.”
For the next lunar month, once a day light a candle and say, “From my heart, I forgive, release and move on.”
More Wiccan and Pagan rituals are available in the “Out of the Shadows and Into the Light.” This ebook of Shadows is only available at www.theresachaze.com. The download is $5.00 through paypal.
All relationships are connections between individuals. Some are karmic, while others are current issues. However, these bonds are not always positive, nor are they solely between individuals but groups as well. Bigotry has been passed on from generation to generation for no other reason than it has always been that way. This engrained behavior creates unwanted ties and karmic imbalance. It is only by stepping back to see the larger picture that healing and forgiveness can be achieve, thereby breaking the cycle.
Karmic relationships are not necessarily negative. Many souls will incarnate together in order to help each other grow and learn. These relationships are blessing of healing and support. However, those of karmic debt are the continuation of pass issues, where one or both failed to learn from the situation or behavior. These reoccurring relationships will be ongoing until one or both grow through and let go of the past. It is only by releasing your end of the karmic tie though forgiveness that your soul will be freed and be able to move on to the next challenge.
One only has watch the news or read the newspapers to find cases of stalking or racial bigotry. It is very easy to fall into the tit for tat mentality. However, in reality no one every gets even. Each side merely binds itself to that which they hate, creating an unending dance of pain, fear and resentment. Giving in to the anger and fear is easy. When it is all their fault, you absolve yourself of responsibility and create a victim role for yourself. However, no matter what the conflict, who started or who kept it going, there are always more than one side and more than one person responsible. That doesn’t mean that innocent people are not injured. But it always takes two to keep it going. Even when you are harmed through no fault of your own, how you react will determine the end result. By playing the victim, you only increase the likelihood that you will continue in that role. However, if you refuse to relinquish your power and self-determination, you will change the path of the relationship as well as the end result. If you don’t play the game, you can’t get caught up in the fall out. This doesn’t mean being a doormat. Simple stated it means if you don’t get emotionally involved or allow the behavior of another to affect yourself image, they cannot control your destiny. If you do not accept the challenge, there is nothing they can do.
Whether it is a positive or negative connection depends solely on those involved. Positive relationships, those that bring out the best of both, should be encouraged. However, those that are one sided or bring harm, need to be severed. One-sided relations are those that are not mutual; if the connecting bridge was built solely on one side, the relationship is not healthy and infringes on the other's free will. By forcing one's energy, attention or presence on another is an act of black magic and will have the appropriate consequences. Anytime you usurp another’s free will, you do more damage to yourself. Many think that loving another gives them free access to the other person. If the feeling is not shared, you cannot and will not be able to build a relationship. You cannot force another to love you. Attempting to do so will only create resentment and push them further away. The reverse is also true; hating another doesn’t bring positive blessings into your life. Like attracts alike; by sending out negative energy you will only attract those of who are on the same emotional and spiritual wavelength. It will only serve to reinforce your own believes and behaviors, thereby engraining them more deeply into your soul and making change that much more difficult. When you live in this mind set from lifetime to lifetime, your karmic debt increases as do the negative karmic bonds that you will eventually have to answer for.
The increasing bigotry and violence is more than just result of the uncertain economic and politic times; it is the coming due of many karmic bills and the balancing of the scales. Each of us are being challenge in the way, which will give us the greatest spiritual growth, and healing in the shortest amount of time. No longer do we have the luxury of putting off to tomorrow our challenges; finals have come early and there is no skipping school.
Yet even those who have done the spiritual work are finding that they are confronted with negative behaviors that are beyond their means to heal or release. It is not that they haven’t put in the effort, but that there are lingering karmic ties, which keep them from fully moving forward. It is only by severing these links that you will be able to move on. Giving in to the anger, fear or playing the victim, only makes the connection stronger and harder to break. However, if you emotional step back and objectively see the situation for what it is, you reclaim your power and ability to make positive changes. The question you must ask yourself is, “what do I want to achieve? By changing your focus from the challenge to the outcome, you refocus your energy to achieve the outcome you seek No matter what anyone else does, you are able to take back your power and retain control over you own destiny.
Karmic debt is a little different. It is past behavior. The results of which cannot be changed. However, this doesn’t mean that the connections are permanent or that you will be forced to be stuck if the other soul refuses to learn. There are ways to severe the ties and free yourself from others without having to directly confront them. The following ritual will help sever those ties; however, be warned that not only will it bring down the balancing on the other person but it will also calculate your karmic score as well. Yet if you have done the heart work of cleansing, healing and forgiving, there should be a positive balance. Even if there are still issues of your own to work through, the healing will be easier without the drag of someone who has locked their spiritual breaks. When the Titanic sank, it broke in two. If the break had been clean, the aft end would have slowly sank, giving the rescue ships more time to arrive. However, since it was still attached to the bow, it was dragged under just as quickly as the front of the ship. This analogy could be made of many spiritual attachments. The simple fact is that no matter how you feel about a person, you cannot save them from themselves. You cannot change their behavior, only the way you react to it.
Karmic Healing Weave
What you will need:
The will to heal and move forward from your heart
White yarn
Nine nails, preferably finishing nails or other with very small heads
A block of wood
A hammer
Draw a circle around the block of wood and find the center. In the center, drive the first nail in far enough for it to be secure. Just above put the second at the edge of the circle. Below it, drive the third also at the edge of the circle. Do the same on both the left and right of center. The next four nails are driven in between the first four at the rim of the circle. When you are finished there will be one in the center and eight around in a circle. Eight is the not only the number of energy but that of karma in action. This formation represents you and your karmic attachments.
Cut a length of yarn that will be long enough to create the weave. Loosely tie a knot around the center nail. It should be snug enough not to spin, but loose enough to fit over the head of the nail. Guide the yard to the top nail and tie a knot, keeping in mind that the weave will be removed at the end. Return the yarn to the center nail and tie another knot. Repeat the procedure on the bottom, both sides and moving clockwise connect the last four nails to the center one.
Loop the yard and form a knot around the top spoke close to the center nail and say, “I forgive you and release you to your karmic justice.” Continue knotting around the circle, making sure the knots are snug but not tight until you have used all the yard. Each time a knot is made, repeat, “I forgive you and release you to your karmic justice.” The last knot must be tight and secure. It is the period at the end of your karmic sentence. Cut off any yard that is hanging over.
Take the weave off the form and light the candle. Focusing on the flame and say:
“With this flame I do burn away all the negatively which connects me to others.
With a forgiving heart, I release them to their karmic justice.
With (or without, if you which every you choose) grace, I severe the ties that bind us and block you from sensing me, seeing me, finding me or harming me. In my reality, you no longer exist in any shape or form. I accept only the karmic debt that I owe and am willing to pay it in full. For what I am owed, I ask that it be paid in full to the Powers of Justice in whatever way they see fit. From my heart, I forgive, release and move on.”
For the next lunar month, once a day light a candle and say, “From my heart, I forgive, release and move on.”
More Wiccan and Pagan rituals are available in the “Out of the Shadows and Into the Light.” This ebook of Shadows is only available at www.theresachaze.com. The download is $5.00 through paypal.