Wiccans and Pagans: It is time to Step Of the Shadows And Make Your Vote Count
Theresa Chaze
I posted a political piece on my page at a Wiccan and Pagan Networking site. The first comment was made by someone who didn't give a damn. Being politically and socially active isn't optional; it is a responsibility that we all share. After the past seven years of the whittling away of civil liberties, corporate greed, and government spying on the citizens of this country, we don't have the luxury of not giving a damn. Unless we are willing to get involved and hold our representatives responsible for their actions, they will continue to be public masters instead of public servants. In addition, the religious zealots will continue to be the only source of information about who we are and what we do. What each of us must ask ourselves is do you want the Pat Robertsons, the Pat Buchanans or an other right wing religious extremists disseminating information about us and our religious practices? Unless we step up to the podium and speak our truths that is all the society will know about us.
In the past seven years, the only people who are better off are those in the upper 10% economic bracket. They are the ones who received the big tax breaks. The oil, drug and insurance companies make record breaking profits on the backs of workers whose wages remained stagnant, while their benefits shrank. The cost of living has risen to the point that people are losing their homes. No matter how hard people work, they simple are unable to provide for their families. Soldiers who are returning home from an unnecessary war aren’t being provided the necessary medical, emotional and physical care needed to heal from the damage done to them by extended and repeated tours. Civil liberties both on the local and national levels have been usurped in the name of national security when in most cases those involve have done nothing wrong outside of being different or unique. From law enforcement abusing their authority to telephone companies spying on the government’s behavior, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are no longer guaranteed.
Recently the Livingston Parish Council in Louisiana tried to enforce the archaic fortunetelling ordinance. It was only after the Wiccan minister, Cliff Eakin, challenged the ordinance in federal court that the Parish Council decided to review their decision. Last Samhain, a witch being hung in effigy was considered a Halloween decoration, while empty nooses hung on a tree caused national controversy. At Yule, the city of Green Bay, WI opened it holiday display to other religions, yet the fair mindedness was short lived. The pentacle wreath was deliberately destroyed and was not allowed to be replaced, yet the nativity scene remained. In his State of the Union speech, Bush once again reaffirmed his commitment to the faith-based initiatives and support for religious schools at public expense; to date the only benefactors of those programs have been Christian.
Becoming political doesn’t mean that you aren’t spiritual. Protecting the environment, each other, and working towards peace is spirituality in action. It is walking the walk, instead of just talking the talk. Speaking out and being socially active does more than bring about positive change, it openly confronts the bigotry and misunderstandings that the small minds continue to spread. If all the public hears about how two girls were killed by a ritual gone bad or how a Wiccan couple lured teenage girls into their homes with sex and drugs, the stereotyping will only continue. The general public will never know the good we do in the world. If we don’t step up and out of the broom closet. We don’t have to march on city hall or protest in the streets to make a difference. However, if both as individuals or as groups, we openly volunteer for community service, become involved with charity events, run for political office or the many other socially positive options available, we will disprove the lies and build strong bridges. The more involved we become the clearly others will be able to se us for the people we are, instead of the lies that continue to be spread. Change will happen when we the people decide to make them happen. As long as we hid in the shadows, the world will not be able to see our light.
Technorati Tags:
Wiccan, Pagan, Election 2008, vote, change, getting involved, socially active, Obama, Edwards, Clinton,
I agree: we need to be aware and vote. It ~doesn't~ mean we're not spiritual -- the oaths many of us have taken to protect our Mother and each other can be fulfilled by responsible political action as well as by magical means! Remember, too, that voting in this country is still a private thing: people only know that you voted, and who or what for, if you tell 'em. If you consider it nobody's business but your own, so mote it be. Theresa's right, though -- it is our duty to vote, because that's one of the ways the magic of citizenship works!
Ashleen O'Gaea