
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tarot Energy Reading for the Week of January 27, 2008

Tarot Energy Reading for the Week of January 27, 2008

The energy we will al be challenge for the week of January 27 is represented by the knight of swords. This week will be of good intentions gone bad. Works and deeds will be misunderstood and misrepresented. The more we attempt to clarify our meaning, the worse the situation will become. Many people are going through the stress of healing old wounds and facing previous challenges; instead of seeing life clearly, they are perceiving life in general through their own distorted filters. However, those who choose to have the patience and courage to lift their own veils will find the support they had been praying for. This week the louder people talk and the more attack others, the more defensive and insecure they actually feel. When we condemn others for being different than ourselves or for being unique, it reveals more about ourselves than about the other. Yet when we show compassion and respect, even if we do not understand or accept the other’s view, we open ourselves for the same courtesy to be shown to us.

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