
Friday, February 03, 2023

Ghostly romance will lead to forgiveness or revenge


Never Can Say Good-bye tells the parallel storylines of the past and the present as the reincarnated souls are forced to decide between forgiveness and seeking the revenge they were denied in the past.


Amanda talks on the phone.  Michael nervously paces.  He touches the repaired damage on the grand piano.    



    I already asked him. She doesn't let people get close to her.  

Amanda watches Michael.  He stares up at Sara Jane's portrait.

                AMANDA (CONT.)

    Daniel, I have to call you back.

She hangs up the phone.


        (without turning around)

    The memories are getting more intense.


    I knew they would.


    I have to know the whole truth. 


    You will when it is time.


        (touching the piano)

     This is Sara Jane's.

Amanda nods.

                MICHAEL (CONT.)

    She loved music. 


    Both her and Mother. It was their secret language. They were so close.  Sometimes I would get               jealous. They would always just seem to know and find a way to include me.  They'd make up a silly     rhythm...

Amanda becomes momentarily lost in the pleasant memory.


    She loved the guitar I bought her.

        (indicating the piano)

    But this was special to her.


    It was a gift from Mother.  Father was furious when she took it with her.  But it was hers to take. 



    Where is she?


    It's not my place to interfere.   


    Where is Sara Jane?


    I can't answer that.



    Can't or won't?


    Sara Jane might not be ready to deal with the past.  I'm not even sure you are.


    What if she can't forgive me?  What if she can't love me again. She begged. I couldn't let her leave.  


    Could you now, if it was best for her?


    I don't know.


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