
Monday, June 13, 2022

Pride Month: Change Impossible to I'm Possible


Another investor for the studio and the projects fell through. To be honest, I'm getting discouraged. It seems that it is easier to start a career than it is to restart one. I refuse to give up, which means the only thing left is to succeed. But I need your help.

The shorts Completely Loyal to Me and Showtime were going to relaunch my career by showing what I can produce. Due to circumstances beyond my control, Loyal to Me was filmed but never made it through post-production. I have repeatedly asked about Showtime but have yet to get an answer. I suspect the same thing happened. Loyal to Me has the lowest budget. It’s a dark comedy feature film that combines the suspense of Hitchcock with the slapstick of the Keystone cops.

In the 1950s appearances were more important than reality. People had to hide who they were to be accepted and safe. But that wasn't easy. Secrets were hard to keep. McCarthyism had neighbors spying on each other. Those who were different, even in private, were ostracized, especially women and the LBGTQ community. Women were supposed to be daughters, wives, and mothers. If they did work, it was only in secondary jobs, which had little pay and no power. They were expected to quit once they married. Men were the heads of the households, who made all decisions and controlled all the money. To have any power, women had to manipulate and lie. However, the LGBTQ community had it much worse. To even be suspected of being gay, could be a death sentence. Discrimination was rampant as was the brutality that more often than not went unpunished. They were considered mentally ill and a threat to society, especially to children. They were laughed at and scorned. Most stayed in the closet. They hid behind relationships with those of the opposite sex and by showing aggressive disdain toward those who were perceived as gay. These factors set the stage for the murder, blackmail, and revenge of Completely Loyal to Me.

"And thus, like the wounded oyster, he mends his shell with pearl"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Romancing their way into fortunes, Margaret and George meet their counterparts only to learn the tragic reality of a cliché.

Margaret and George were a team, who used their considerable charms to romance others out of their fortunes. Margaret marries Samuel to inherit his millions only to learn after his untimely death that the terms of his will bound her to the estate and Samuel's manservant, William James. Changing their strategy, Margaret and George get married. Instead of traveling the world to find new marks, they use the mansion to lure. them into their web. William James reluctantly agrees to help. When he meets Lennetta and Gary, William James realized that he has found who he had been seeking. Manipulating the meeting of the couples, he moves forward with each believing that he is their ally. It is only when their cons come to fruition that they realize he has another agenda.


Although I will continue to seek funding for the studio, I’m also going to try to fund the individual projects. I’ve been making contacts for product placement, but that takes time. I’ve also considered doing a crowdfunding campaign. But that takes a great deal of time and energy more often than not it yields very little money of which the platform and PayPal take a percentage. So, I’ve decided to ask for your support to produce Completely Loyal to Me. I have put a donation button on the webpage. If you have the will and the means please support our efforts to bring Completely Loyal to Me to screen. The only incentive I have to offer is that of an electronic copy once it is finished. It could take up to six months for you to receive it. Even if you are unable to donate, please share my request and website so the six degrees of separation will bring miracles into our lives.
Thank you.

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