
Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Five Tips to Successfully Networking and Connecting

Networking remains an essential element in all marketing and promotional campaigns. Without this ever-expanding web, individuals, companies, and organizations will become stagnant. However, without developing a proper strategy, it's like throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks. It wastes time and energy. In many cases, it's counter-productive. However, following the five rules of connecting will turn networking events into positive experiences that generate leads instead of just a stack of business cards.

Get to know the others as people first. Whether the person is a potential customer, employer, or colleague, she or he exists outside work. Focusing solely on business makes for limited and awkward conversations.

Find common ground. Sharing what you are passionate about both in work and in your life adds dimension to the conversations. Finding the balance between over-sharing and being a walking-talking resume will build relationships that last.

Help without expectation. The help we receive back isn't always returned by the same people we assisted. However, if see our support of others as balloons we release rather than a debt to be repaid, we find that who and what we need finds us in unexpected ways.

Accept help when it is offered. No matter how strong, talented, or innovative we are, there will be times and situations in which we will need help. It doesn't make you a lesser person, but one who is wise enough to know that life sometimes has limitations that need to be respected. Not everyone is perfect at everything or sometimes life throws a curveball at us that we need help catching.

Be true to your word. If you can, do. If you can't, say so. If the situation changes, be straightforward and honest about status modification. Most people would rather know ahead of time, rather than be shocked or disappointed later.

Network or connecting events can be best described as a very elaborate and complicated piece of machinery. When the gears are aligned and balanced, the machine produces amazing results. However, when the gears go out of sync or are placed incorrectly, the machine loses its ability to function. Each person that attends the event is a gear. How they interact with the other members will determine how much benefit they will receive by attending.


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