
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Only the Russian People Can Stop Putin

 The escalation of the bombing of civilians Putin is attempting to provoke the other nations into attacking as a way to shore up and solidify his support in Russia. He used the false flag of Nazism to create an external enemy. Many Russians blame the hardships they experience during WW II and the Cold War that followed not on their leaders, but the Nazis that ignited the war.

Putin needs the west to set up the no-fly zone. It would be a lose-lose for the other nations. The goal is to force the other nations to shoot down Russian pilots. It would prove to his people that he was right about the Nazis and the attack on Ukraine was justified. If the other nations give him what he wants, the situation will escalate in Ukraine and empower the white supremacists around the world.

The simple fact is only the Russians can stop him and the war. But they need to be shown not just told what Putin is doing. He isn't providing aid and comfort to Ukraine. He is bombing cities. He is murdering civilians. He is deliberately sending Russian soldiers to die for no reason other than his own self, ego driven need for power. The best way for the west to stop him is to circumvent his media blackout and propaganda campaigns to show the Russians the truth. Only they can hold him accountable. Only they can save Ukraine--and the world from the white supremacy of people like Putin.

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