
Saturday, April 25, 2020

How Humor and Comedy relieve Stress

Messages from the universe will be hosting comedian, author, and life guide Fran Capo on April 25, 2020 a 3 pm eastern at as she speaks about her current work and how humor helps people through challenging times. During the live show, listeners may call (845) 241-9942 to speak with her.

Fran Capo is a 9- time Guinness Book World Record holder, most known as the World’s Fastest Talking Woman at 603.32 WPM. She’s a comedienne, actress, 21-time author, ordained minister, consultant, spokesperson, motivational speaker, producer and adventurer who has dived with sharks, eaten fire, bungee jumped, climbed Kilimanjaro and gone down to the Titanic. She’s appeared on 450 TV and 4500 radio shows including Dr. Oz and Larry King Live. She is the radio host of “Fran’s World”, CBS’s “Live it Up” adventure correspondent, performs a one-woman show, “Love, Laughter, and Light” and has entertained our troops on every continent. During her Tedx talk entitled,“How a World Record Mindset can help you accomplish anything” she broke a world record live on the stage. She is presently working on her film, “Sensei and the Goldman”, training for her trek to Vietnam and doing “Cuppa Capo Live on FB every Monday and Friday at 11 am est during the Coronastaycation mandate.

Cuppa Capo live every Monday & Wed 11 AM Eastern / 8 AM Pacific


To learn more about Fran Capo and how humor can help you through your life's challenges tune into
on Saturday, April 25, 2020, at 3 pm eastern.

Horses and Heroes will tell veterans' stories as they work together t find new coping skills for their physical and emotional challenges. Veterans will be given priority for jobs both in front of and behind the cameras. Go to the website to learn more.

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