
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Finding the courage to face your fears and achieve your dreams

A Butterfly is Born as a Caterpillar Dies tells the tale of how a caterpillar grows as she faces her fears and the anger that springs from them. Each time she encounters something new or frightening, her first instinct is to run away or hide. Yet with the help of others and her own inner strength, she finds the courage to face both the unknown and her own anger. When she does, she releases her fears and finds out just how amazing she can be.
From childhood through the end of life, change is inevitable. How we choose to react will open or close doors. But not always in the ways we expect or want. Even when we chose to make the changes, the excitement intertwines with apprehension as we walk through the threshold into unknown. Some people we meet will help and support you. Some will challenge you. But each of them will play an important role in helping you learn and grow. Chose to have the courage to believe in yourself and the tomorrows as they appear before you. When you make that conscious choice, who and what you need will appear in your life to help you meet your challenges and achieve your dreams. You are here at this perfect time and the perfect place for the perfect reason. When you listen to your heart and ignore your fears you will see the path before you and be able to understand the challenges in your life.
Available on Amazon as a Kindle and in paperback.

Horses and Heroes is a Reality TV series, which combines the highly effective Peer Support Therapy with Equine Therapy. Unlike most in the genre, it will focus on healing and positive growth rather than endorsing bad behavior. Each season will bring together veterans from WWII to the current conflicts. They will be sharing their challenges and supporting each other as they find new solutions to their physical and emotional challenges. They know the talk, because they have walked the walk. They see the dodges and will be able to call each other on them. Sparks may fly. Tempers may flare, especially when they force each other to face their ghosts. But there will also be laughter and fun as they rebuild the comradery, which kept them safe and strong. The snarkiness and practical jokes between the branches doesn't simply end. There is always room for just one more. This interaction will help them rebuild that sense of brother and sisterhood they depended on while serving, which will help them reclaim their civilian lives. When it airs, it will reach into the homes of the veterans, who need to hear that they are not alone, and give them information as well as permission they need to also heal. They will help each other find their way back to the world. Veterans can’t go back and make a brand new start; but they can start from now and make a brand new end.


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