
Monday, December 31, 2018

Ritual of Protection

This coming year will be one of challenges as the light confronts and defeats the shadows. Trying to match negativity--anger, guilt, and fear with more of the same only empowers the shadows. Only light, truth, and love can bring about the needed change.

In order to keep your light bright and strong, you will need to practice self-care, patience, and ask for help when it is needed. Part of this self-care is having a strong defense system, which includes a deflection shield that banishes negativity either into to void or to the Divine as you know it (Powers of Justice) to be dealt with appropriately.

Endless light shield
Creating a shield of light is usually done with some form of fire, usually a candle. No matter how vigilant the candle eventually burns out. However, creating a spiritual candle solves this issue by creating a perpetual candle of seamless protection.

Create your sacred circle, calling in your guardians/guides, the Divine as you know she/he/it or the universal energy, and the elements. Visualize a rainbow candle with a loving flame. Ask all you have called to bless the candle so that the flame remains endlessly bright and seamless to deflect all that is negative both the seen and the unseen, both the direct and the indirect into the void or to the Bringers of Justice to be dealt with appropriately. Visualize walking into the center of the flame and say:

Forever candle your flame remains bright
creating a shield of love and light
you deflect all negativity with unending might.
Protect me now and until the end of days
with the power and might of the sun's own rays.
Within its flame I am blessed
safe and secure no matter what shadow does test.
When the darkness and negativity arise
no matter how it is disguised
the flame shall recognize it and its source
and automatically deflect its course
to the Powers of Justice to be judged
with my not needing to create a grudge.
I ask the source to be healed and guided with kindness
so they can see beyond harmful blindness.
Only wounded souls hurt others
when in fact we are all sisters and brothers.
So in this spirit, I do forgive
and go forth with my own life to happily live.
So here inside I do safely remain
the flame maintained without any strain.

Thank and release all you have called. When you feel afraid or unsure, visually yourself in the middle of the flame and simply say, "I'm safe and secure."

*Note; this is for spiritual protection.  If someone is threatening or harming you seek help to deal with physical threats.

Out of the Shadows and Into the Light has more original rituals

It is available as a Kindle and in paperback on Amazon and as PDF on the author's website.


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Become the Light and heal the world

One lite candle in the darkness is surrounded by shadows. Two keeps each other warm and protected. Ten begin is a beginning. A hundred starts to chase the shadows away. A thousand light the way.

We each are a candle. But during these challenging times, we begin to feel like the single candle all alone surrounded by shadows. It's not true. But the shadows want us to believe it because that is how they create the fear, doubt, and anger that empowers them. As long as we focus on the negatives, the shadows win. Only our light can banish the negativity that surrounds and attacks our world.

What if instead of focusing on what is wrong, we focused on what is good? What if for the first minute of the new year, we let go of politics and religion to focus on loving ourselves and the world? What if we let love light shine from our hearts and each of us become a beacon. We would see each other and know we are not alone.

That's what I'm asking. For the first minute of the new year, we focus on love and let our lights shine brightly. After the minute or however long you choose, then send love and light to air, water, and earth to heal them and all those they touch. Sharing our love and light empowers everyone and diminishes none. We are the light the chases the shadows away and heals the world. Please join me in this quest. Share this message and help the light chase away the shadows.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Out of the Shadows and Into the Light: A Book of Shadows for the Modern Day World

A review by CATE CAVANAGH 

Out of the Shadows And Into the Light is Theresa Chaze's personal book of shadows. I have read many books of shadow over the years and find Theresa's book the most comprehensive and educational thus far. For the beginner, it is a beautiful step by step manual which not only explains the religion of Wicca in the simplest terms but also presents guidance in the making of such items as holy water. How an altar is put together along with a comprehensive yet simple explanation of the elements is beautifully rendered. For the experienced or adept it is a wonderful refresher guide to keep on hand for those times when simpler magic is desired. She also gives guidance as to when to call upon older powers and offers cautionary advice as to when not to call upon them and when to call upon them.

Although it is important to understand the proper way in which to call deities and entities into the circle equally important is how to thoroughly release them which Theresa also provides. Integral to magic is the consecration of the circle and again, Theresa provides clear and concise instruction on the effective manner in which to achieve this.

The beginner may not have knowledge of holy days and what they embody and represent. In the section on Sabbaths and holy days, each of these are simply explained so that observances can be properly held. As she does this she correlates them with how society celebrations reflect original Pagan roots.

Rarely seen in the books of shadow that I have read is a listing of the esbats or days of monthly full moons as well as a break down of how to use full moon energy successfully. She also explains how to observe the new moon in ritual and what it represents when working magic on a new moon.

Theresa makes it very clear that Wicca is against harming anyone or forcing one's will on another that is, of course with the exception of self-defense. When necessary to defend oneself, Theresa explains how to do it without invoking the Rule of Three which would bring upon the worker three times the harm placed on another. She divides self-defense into two categories. One is a response to an attack that has already begun and the secondly, preventative measures. In the one case the maldoer's energy is reflected back and in the latter cleansing shields and reinforcing one's own energy is acceptable. Included in this subject are justice rituals for situations that are overwhelming. So important is this section Theresa gives actual rituals for whatever situation you may actually encounter.

The section I particularly enjoyed was Theresa's section on Dragons and dragon magic! This is the first book of shadows I read that actually addressed this topic! Once again Theresa wonderfully explains the magic of dragons and how to work with them. She details the different types of dragons as well as making this easily read section comprehensive in scope.

The section on prosperity is rich with the philosophy of magical thinking on the topic. It clearly outlines what and how to think and also offers some prosperity rituals that can get those bills paid. As Theresa points out prosperity is a state of mind, not a fist full of dollars. And herein lies the philosophy.

Of importance is the lesson on love rituals and what and how to work them with no consequence. What is wonderful about Theresa's book of shadows is the practical and cautionary approach to magic throughout.

From understanding Wicca to doing altar work to spells that cover just about every need we might have Theresa's knowledge and sharing of this knowledge is a gift to be gratefully accepted. There is nothing that has not been covered in this gem of a book! Out of the Shadows and Into the Light is a book of shadows that outshines many of the popular ones on the market. I highly recommend it.  

Available on Amazon as a Kindle and in paperback. Click here to go to the page

PDF with extras available on the author's website Click here to go the website.

With the Goddess' blessing, Sarah created a sacred space near the intersection of three minor ley lines. Everyone was welcome to come for healing and comfort. She was beloved by most for her kind and generous heart. But it ended in the dark of night. Most people thought it was an accident. Many suspected it was murder, but placed the blame where it did not belong. One knew for certain that Sarah died for greed disguised as religion. The cottage closes itself off to the world, allowing only a very select few to enter but only for short periods of time. It patiently waits for its new mistress to arrive to release the truth and finally give Sarah justice.

But Kevin will not wait. The secret, which killed his father and tarnished his reputation even into death, is slowly eating him alive. His father's death was listed as a suicide. People speculated that guilt forced him to pull the trigger. But the source of the guilt was for what he failed to do rather than what he caused to happen. Sitting in the light of the full moon, Kevin must face the same decisions. Will he destroy himself by silently allowing a murderer to go unpunished? Or will he expose her no matter what it cost? Kevin prays to the Goddess. But his prayer isn't for justice; it is vengeance.

Rachael also prays to the Goddess and she is given the means to create a spiritual bookstore, which will be a gathering place for people to learn and heal, She asks the Goddess to send her to where 
she would dthe most good only for the dart to land on the one place she doesn't want to go. Accepting on faith that there is a reason, she packs up her furkids and moves to Coyote Springs. She arrives only to become the newest target of religious extremists and the catalyst in exposing a murderer. As they surround her new home intent on killing the new witch and burning down the evidence of Sarah's murder, Rachael must prematurely awaken her dragon spirit. As the flames from within threaten to force her from this life, the flames from without threaten to kill her and those she loves

Cheyenne and Celeste came to Coyote Springs to use their psychic gifts to find a missing child. They find the girl and made a new friend, Jane. Tired of rootless life, Cheyenne prays for a safe, stable home. With Jane's help, she finds an abandoned farm and decides to stay. Reluctantly, Celeste also remains. The threesome creates a spiritual retreat that grows out of their shared wisdom, respect and sense of family. Cheyenne is happy for the first time since she awoke broken and bloody beneath the blinding desert sun. Celeste had saved her then, but soon after Dominic appears on their doorstep, Celeste once again turns to the dark arts. Instead of a savior, she becomes vicious enemy with knowledge of all her strengths and weaknesses. With the dragons' aid, she was barely able to ward off their initial attack. But with each dark soul Celeste and Dominic bind to them, their malevolence grows until they will not settle for less than destroying Cheyenne and all she loves. How do you protect yourself from someone knows exactly how to steal your soul?

Combining two concepts, Never Can Say Good-bye creates an innovative spin on the ghostly genre. With a tagline, “When love is forever, death is only the beginning,” it is comparable to Ghost and The Others.

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have reincarnated as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.






Monday, October 29, 2018

Are we there yet?

We have all have either been or been in a car with an annoying kid in the backseat, who chanted “are we there yet?” for the entire trip. By the end of the trip, the rest of the people in the car are looking for large pieces of duct tape. The constant nagging and focusing on the destination took the fun out of the trip for everyone. 

But how many of us, when it comes to our goals and dreams, are the same bratty kid?  We are so intent on the achieving it that we put on blinders.  We may be more focused and disciplined, yet in the process, we limit our options.  In the military, they call it target blindness. Pilots become so fixated on the target that they can't see the obstacles and fly right into them.  However, it's not just the fun of the journey, but other opportunities and solutions that we can no longer see.  By taking a broader and wider perspective we open our mind to more constructive alternatives that could actually be more beneficial in achieving our goals.

I have been returning to the film and television industries as a writer and producer.  I have been away for a long time, so I've had to make new contacts.  As the Executive Producer finding the resources as well as the cast and crew are major parts of the job, especially when it comes to funding.  Along this journey back, I've met some amazing people.  I was also able to update my skills.  Yet at the end of the day, the funding or lack thereof would determine if the day was successful.  Even though I had made some amazing contacts, including with those in the industry that I greatly admire and who are well respected, how I graded the day depended on that one criterion.  I was the annoying the kid in the back seat. 

So how did I change it? Simple. I took a step back and looked at the whole picture. When I did I started to see my own pattern of behavior, but I also started to see how the individual pieces were fitting together to create a mosaic of talents and resources. In doing so, it took the pressure of me to do it all myself, which reduced my stress and gave me a fresh perspective. I was able to see the open doors that I previously overlooked.  Amazing things have been happening since. I'm enjoying this leg of the journey.  We aren't quite there yet, but soon we will be and then the next leg of amazing adventure will begin.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sometimes Shit Just Happens

Something shit happens that is totally beyond our control.   However, it is within our power to create a positive or negative situation, depending on how we react.   My kitchen faucet suddenly decided to fail. I had replaced it less than six months early.  Anyone who has changed them out knows it's not it's not complicated, but working around and under the sink is awkward.  It can be more than a little frustrating.  I buy the new one, but I can't find the right tool that would have made it a little easier.  So I make do.  After three hours of bumping elbows, scraping knuckles, and a lot of swearing,  it's installed, but the connection to the sprayer leaks.  The harder I try, the more frustrated I become.  Since it only leaks when the water is in use, I take a break. A couple of hours later, I try again.  But instead of making it better, it's worse.  But giving up is no longer an option.  I take everything apart and start over.  Instead, of attaching the sprayer I use the plug.  It would have been nice to have the sprayer, but not having it wasn't a big deal.  It was simply easier.    After a little work, the second time worked. The faucet worked!

So I am cleaning up the mess and the broom breaks. Here I'm standing in the middle of my kitchen with a broom handle in my hand and the bristle part laying on the floor.  If it had a tongue it would have been sticking out at me.  It would have been easy to have a tantrum—to rage against the unfairness.  It would have been justified after what happened to the sink.  But all I could think was—oh crap!  Deal with it at that moment would have just been pointless because it would have just added to the frustration and stress level.  I set it aside and finished cleaning up the best I could.   The next day I kept coming back to it.  The handle and bristles were perfect except for the fact that they were no longer connected.  The tape didn't work.  There are some things that even duck tape can't fix.  The second try was more successful.  I drilled three holes through the plastic casing of the bristles into the handle and used wood screws to reattach the handle. The concept worked.  The practical application had a few flaws.  The sweeping loosened the screws.   Plan C was a modification of plan B.  I drilled two more holes.  This time all the way through both. Instead of screws, I used bolts with nuts.  The combination kept the handle from moving and thus prevent it from working its way loose.  The finished product looks a little strange, but it is sturdier than before.

The moral to this adventure is how we react determines the outcome of a challenge.  At each step, I had a choice.  I could get mad and give up or I could step back and seek alternative solutions.  By refusing to give up, I proved that when we step back and keep a clear head, we can find alternative solutions that actually improve a situation.   We just have to choose to be open to not only thinking outside the box but also ripping it apart to makes something completely new. 

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have reincarnated as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Veterans can’t go back and make a brand new start, but they can start from now and make a brand new end.

Originally, Horses and Heroes was to be an episode in our series about horses, Spirit of a Nation. However, when I started doing the research, I quickly learned that there were many diverse veterans' stories to be told and a greater need for them to be shared than what one episode could contain. I decided to set Spirit of the Nation aside and develop it at a later date.

Horses and Heroes is a Reality TV series, which combines the highly effective Peer Support Therapy with Equine Therapy. Unlike most in the genre, it will focus on healing and positive growth rather than endorsing bad behavior. Each season will bring together veterans from WWII to the current conflicts. They will be sharing their challenges and supporting each other as they find new solutions to their physical and emotional challenges. They know the talk because they have walked the walk. They see the dodges and will be able to call each other on them. Sparks may fly. Tempers may flare, especially when they force each other to face their ghosts. But there will also be laughter and fun as they rebuild the comradery, which kept them safe and strong. The snarkiness and practical jokes between the branches don't simply end. There is always room for just one more. When it airs, it will reach into the homes of the veterans, who need to hear that they are not alone, and give them information as well as permission they need to also heal. They will help each other find their way back to the world. Veterans can’t go back and make a brand new start, but they can start from now and make a brand new end.

Additionally, veterans will be hired for jobs both in front of and behind the cameras. There are already many veterans in the industry. They will be given priority for the jobs. But we will also be doing the necessary training that veterans will need for new careers.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

New Chapter

Many people rush to evaluate their performance at the end of the chapters of their lives. However, that is where the testing takes place. The evaluations or the grading needs to take place at the beginning of the new chapter. Rushing to judgment distorts the results with false positives or negatives. There needs to be time and space to gain perspective. The new chapters begin by setting the stage for what comes next. What is the new challenge? Once the agenda has been set, you have to format the plan of attack so to speak. What worked or didn't work last time. What lessons were learn? Which weren't? Those that weren't why what needs to be done differently and how does it apply to the challenges of the new chapter.
I've started the new chapter. The last couple of weeks I have been evaluating--sorting through the data, lessons, and results. Most of the challenges of the last chapter have been met; a few are being carried forward but in a new context. I've learned a great deal about leadership along the way, what to do, but more importantly what not to do.
Leadership is a balancing act.
Flexibility and schedule. Those that strictly adhere to the agenda miss opportunities. Sometimes you need to pivot to take the scenic route to get to your destination. It might be longer in distance, but shorter in time. Plus, you never know what bonus points you will earn along the way.
Compassion and discipline. A leader who bullies to get the job done isn't truly a leader but merely a bully with power. Sometimes you have to reshuffle to find the good fit. Sometimes you have to put in the extra effort. Sometimes the best you can do for everyone do is bless and let go. Those who put profits over people find that they lack the good of both. Treat your workers like people and everyone wins.
Teams need balance, which means every member has to be grounded and centered. Trade school and a targeted education are great for teaching the skills, but they fail to create a grounded and centered person that are necessary for success. The arts, math, sciences, and other required subjects of a college or university are necessary because they create multi-fascet people. Diverse knowledge and training uplifts and adds dimension a person. Life experience is also a necessary element to a well-rounded individual, especially for leaders Those who haven't had to fight to survive by living paycheck to paycheck don't have the empathy to be a strong leader.
You can't teach what you don't know.. Good leaders have a working knowledge of every aspect of the job, but they hired the right people to do it and get out of the way.
Stress kills productivity and profitability. Stress happens because unexpected shit happens. How you react to it determines the end result. Running around screaming and pointing fingers only makes the situation more difficult. Identify the challenge, the solution, fix it, and only then do you look for reasons it happened, which will lead to preventative measures. Laying blame at the beginning terminates the creative solution process.
A little gratitude goes a long way.
My new chapter has begun.

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have reincarnated as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together, so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.

Horses and Heroes is a Reality TV series, which combines the highly effective Peer Support Therapy with Equine Therapy. Unlike most in the genre, it will focus on healing and positive growth rather than endorsing bad behavior. Each season will bring together veterans from WWII to the current conflicts. They will be sharing their challenges and supporting each other as they find new solutions to their physical and emotional challenges. They know the talk because they have walked the walk. They see the dodges and will be able to call each other on them. Sparks may fly. Tempers may flare, especially when they force each other to face their ghosts. But there will also be laughter and fun as they rebuild the comradery, which kept them safe and strong. The snarkiness and practical jokes between the branches don't simply end. There is always room for just one more. This interaction will help them rebuild that sense of brother and sisterhood they depended on while serving, which will help them reclaim their civilian lives. When it airs, it will reach into the homes of the veterans, who need to hear that they are not alone, and give them information as well as permission they need to also heal. They will help each other find their way back to the world. Veterans can’t go back and make a brand new start, but they can start from now and make a brand new end.

With the tagline, “When a mother eats her own, no one is safe,” Eye of Ra compares to The Exorcist and Amityville Horror.

Katherine was born with the power to control the elements. Her whistle called the winds. Her tears refreshed the earth. She was able to see into the realms where fools and angels fear to tread. Her daughter, Sandra, was born with gifts that were complementary—or they should have been. Sandra had the ability to nurture and heal. Her gifts gave her the ability to see and heal others' pain. She could foresee their destinies and give them the courage to embrace their futures Yet, it was not enough. Sandra wanted more direct control over the world and the realms beyond. When her daughters' developed the gifts she craved, Sandra's envy turned to hatred. When a voice from the dark void reached out and asked, “What would you do to have their power. Sandra replied, “Whatever it takes.”

Kidnapped as a child, Rikki is forced to defend her life from her envious mother, who is more than willing to kill to steal her spiritual gifts. When Rikki escapes, Sandra turns her attention to others, who are more vulnerable. Can Rikki find the strength and courage to once again face her mother and stop her or will Sandra use Rikki's guilt to weaken her to the point that she is unable to save herself or anyone else?

A scripted television series, Operation Home Base combines the best of MASH, The Waltons, and NCIS to create a family of man drama about forgiveness and second chances.

A medic in the U.S Army, Martin Flying Crow returned from Vietnam a wounded soul, who was haunted by the ghosts and the guilt of his own actions. He quickly learned that there were more like him than the nation wanted to acknowledge. Unable to heal his own wounds, Flying Crow vowed to help other veterans find the peace he never expected to find for himself. Through a series of coincidences, several others joined his crusade and expanded it. Through their combined efforts, Operation Home Bases legally becomes a non-profit organization that moves out of Martin's garage and into an old shop. When Pat Bogley asks them to learn the truth of his son's disappearance while on a routine patrol in Afghanistan, their inquiries led them dangerously close to exposing a truth that many powerful people at home and abroad would do whatever it takes to keep hidden. When slander and threats do not deter Operation Home Base, Valhalla is created to offer unlimited financial and logistical support. Valhalla's generous offer will either be the carrot to divert the investigation or the stick to destroy Operation Home Base from the inside out.

The second-year slate would include the second seasons of both televisions series, plus the following features.

Riding Fences: Western

When his mother dies while Tom is away at college, his grief turns to rage and he turns his back on his father and brother. He only returns decades later when he is given the opportunity for revenge. By the time he learns the truth, it may be already too late to undo the damage his has done to their family's heritage ranch.

Swamp Rats: Drama Thriller

They rode together. They fought together. They played together. They were the Swamp Rats until a lie ripped them apart. When the doctor gave him the long face, Willie realizes that he has little time to prevent the truth from going to the grave with him. In an attempt make it right, he tricks the Swamp Rats into riding together again. Willie hopes there is enough of their old friendship left to save two old friends and a daughter that one of them never knew he had.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Press Releases: What you don't want you to know can hurt you

Having a provocative opening to your press release will only catch your readers attention for a moment. Press releases need to be more than just the who, what, where, when, and why. They must capture the reader attention in the first paragraph, while still providing all the necessary information.

No matter what venue for which it has been written, a press release must pack a great deal of information in short, quick to read pieces that are tightly formatted. The first paragraph attracts and catches the readers attention by setting the stage. The second paragraph goes into detail about the what it is and why it is important or unique. The third focuses on the who is involved and why they a credible. The fourth summarized the release, hitting the high points, while reinforcing the who, what, where, when, and why.

However, misleading or poorly structured releases will garner negative reactions from readers. At best, they won't finish reading it. At worse, it will leave the reader with a negative option of the message, making release totally counterproductive. Correct spelling and grammar prove professionalism and give credibility as does the correct usage of words not only for definition but also for basic context.

Catchy phrases and intriguing opening paragraphs will attract readers, but it takes a well-crafted press release to keep their attention. Keep it simple. Keep it concise. Keep it professional.

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have moved on to new lives as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together, so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.

Veterans can't go back and make a brand new start but they can start from now and make a brand new end. The unscripted television series will help veterans develop new coping skills for their physical and emotional challenges. Each season eight veterans will share their stories while they go through a combination of equine therapy and peer support therapy.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Alternative Healing for PTSD and TBI

Horses and Heroes is an unscripted television series that will focus on healing and positive forward movement. With the help of Equine Therapy and Peer Support Therapy, every season eight veterans will be brought together to share their experiences and help each other heal through their core issues. We are seeking equity investors and a cross-branding partner to produce the first season.
The series will reach out to the 22 million veterans in the United States to give them alternative healing and coping options for their physical and emotional challenges. Secondarily, the production company will be hiring veterans for both in front of and behind the cameras. There are already many veterans working in the entertainment industry. Cosmos Productions will be giving veterans the training and experience they need to start new careers.

Visit the website to learn about our team and what we are offering a cross-branding partner by clicking here

#veterans #productplacement #socialresponsibie #marketing #realitytelevision