
Saturday, October 27, 2018

Sometimes Shit Just Happens

Something shit happens that is totally beyond our control.   However, it is within our power to create a positive or negative situation, depending on how we react.   My kitchen faucet suddenly decided to fail. I had replaced it less than six months early.  Anyone who has changed them out knows it's not it's not complicated, but working around and under the sink is awkward.  It can be more than a little frustrating.  I buy the new one, but I can't find the right tool that would have made it a little easier.  So I make do.  After three hours of bumping elbows, scraping knuckles, and a lot of swearing,  it's installed, but the connection to the sprayer leaks.  The harder I try, the more frustrated I become.  Since it only leaks when the water is in use, I take a break. A couple of hours later, I try again.  But instead of making it better, it's worse.  But giving up is no longer an option.  I take everything apart and start over.  Instead, of attaching the sprayer I use the plug.  It would have been nice to have the sprayer, but not having it wasn't a big deal.  It was simply easier.    After a little work, the second time worked. The faucet worked!

So I am cleaning up the mess and the broom breaks. Here I'm standing in the middle of my kitchen with a broom handle in my hand and the bristle part laying on the floor.  If it had a tongue it would have been sticking out at me.  It would have been easy to have a tantrum—to rage against the unfairness.  It would have been justified after what happened to the sink.  But all I could think was—oh crap!  Deal with it at that moment would have just been pointless because it would have just added to the frustration and stress level.  I set it aside and finished cleaning up the best I could.   The next day I kept coming back to it.  The handle and bristles were perfect except for the fact that they were no longer connected.  The tape didn't work.  There are some things that even duck tape can't fix.  The second try was more successful.  I drilled three holes through the plastic casing of the bristles into the handle and used wood screws to reattach the handle. The concept worked.  The practical application had a few flaws.  The sweeping loosened the screws.   Plan C was a modification of plan B.  I drilled two more holes.  This time all the way through both. Instead of screws, I used bolts with nuts.  The combination kept the handle from moving and thus prevent it from working its way loose.  The finished product looks a little strange, but it is sturdier than before.

The moral to this adventure is how we react determines the outcome of a challenge.  At each step, I had a choice.  I could get mad and give up or I could step back and seek alternative solutions.  By refusing to give up, I proved that when we step back and keep a clear head, we can find alternative solutions that actually improve a situation.   We just have to choose to be open to not only thinking outside the box but also ripping it apart to makes something completely new. 

Imprisoned in her family's home, the spirit of a murdered child waits for her parents to free her. But they have reincarnated as has her killer. Randi must bring them back together so that they can forgive themselves and make amends. If she succeeds, they will all heal and she will be freed to also reincarnate. If she fails, their need for revenge will damn them all.

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