
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

VA Whistle Blower: Was it worth it?

Bobby Kilgore, the co-host of Horses and Heroes, interviewed Jeannette Taper on the Internet radio show, Until you walk the path, You don't know where it goes. They talked about her experiences working at the VA as well as sharing her reasons for becoming a whistle blower. Towards the end of the show, there is contact information for the VA, including Robert McDonald, the VA, and the news networks.

Horses and Heroes combines the concepts a talk show with that of a documentary, by intertwining the spontaneity of a talk show with the scripted informational aspects of a documentary. It will utilize both interviews and practical demonstrations of horse therapy to give the audience a full understanding of how and why working with the horses help veterans heal. Although Equine Therapy will be the stage, the primary focus will be on the eight veterans as they sharing what they experienced while they served our country and how those events had a lasting effect on their lives as well as on those who love them.

Horses and Heroes is not about pointing fingers or creating a political firestorm. It is a documentary series, which will help military personnel and veterans find a new way to cope with the physical and emotional challenges brought into their lives by war. Equine Therapy does not involve drugs nor lying on a couch and spilling their guts to a therapist. What it does do is help them find new ways to see and react to their emotional triggers. It helps their bodies remember how it used to work. It can't replace what was lost, but it can give them the confidence to see that they are more than the sum of their body parts. Horses and Heroes will give veterans and military personnel the information they need to find alternative healing solutions, which can help lower the suicide rate.

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