
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Attend Virtual Facebook Event to learn why love can be a blessing or a curse

If you have been following my postings, you know that we are producing a paranormal thriller called Never Can Say Good-bye.  We have been very  blessed to have so many talented people like Stanley Livingston, Bill Hayes, Kimberly Estrada, Lillian Lamour, John Thomassen, Conrad Goode, and Sean Harmon agree to join our team.  

We are hosting a virtual Facebook event to promote not only Never Can Say Good-bye, but Indie films as a whole.  The event is totally virtual.  You don't have to go any where.  We are not asking you to contribute (But if offered, we will accept your financial support.  We're independent not crazy.).  What we are asking is that you endorse Never Can Say Good-bye by saying that you are attending our event and asking to make the same request of your friends, family, and on your social networking sites.  

It's easy to shock people with graphic sex and violence. It more of a challenge to get them to walk down the garden path with characters they not only like, but with whom they can also identify with.  If can get the audience emotionally involved with the characters, you have a hit.  Never Can Say Good-bye has already captured the love of our talent, who believe in the project enough to sign on with us at this stage of development.  We are asking you to enable us to charm the audiences the same way.  The goal is to prove to investors and distributors that there is a market for a ghost story that is based on suspense and character development. By saying yes to attending the event, you help investors and distributors to also say yes.  Please go to and just say yes.

To learn more about Never Can Say Good-bye as well as watch our videos and listen to some of our music please go to our website at!page2/cjg9

Love can be a blessing or the curse that destroys an entire town.

Have you ever met someone and suddenly felt love or hate? Did you wonder why? What if you had forgotten the reason? Would you want to remember if it could save you life?
Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller-horror that combines a traditional ghost story with unique twists.

#NeverCanSayGoodbye #StanleyLivingston #LillianLamour #BillHayes #KimberlyEstrada #ConradGoode #SeanHarmon #JohnThomassen #PamWenzel #TheresaChaze #killerghost #haunting #paranormal

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