
Sunday, June 22, 2014


I have two huge favors to ask.  Below is the link to Never Can Say Good-bye-when love and hate survive death.IMDB page. Along the right hand side part way down is a place where you can like it and share.  Would you please follow this link  and the link beneath it to my page to like and then share on your page? You don't need to have an IMDB account.   By getting the status up it will show an interest.  Would you also ask your contacts to the the same?
Thank you.

My page
  " Instant Karma is going to get you."
                                       John Lennon
Have you ever met someone and suddenly  felt love or hate? Yet you couldn't remember  them.  Would you want to  remember? Would you want to know if it could save  your life?

Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal thriller  feature film--If you were given a second chance, would you choose love...or revenge?

Courage isn't the lack of fear, but the ability to set it aside and  focus on what is truly important


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