
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Product Placement an Inexpensive Way to Market

No Where Else Like It is a specialized marketing campaign, which cross brands Michigan based products or services with the paranormal thriller Never Can Say Good-bye. The campaign is designed to feature Michigan products and services within the film itself as well as featuring their parent company in the promotional and marketing campaigns from the start of pre-production through the theatrical release. The No Where Else Like It campaign will also feature the uniqueness of Michigan within videos that will be produced by the cast and crew. These videos will be distributed via the Internet, placed on the official and personal websites, and with the DVD/download load release.

Product placement in films and television is not a new concept. However, it is one that is ever changing. In the early years of television, advertisers sponsored individual shows. The program quality and the product reputation were intertwined. Throughout the decades single sponsorship no longer exists. It has been replaced by commercial breaks, which makes the advertising completely separate from the entertainment. Although initially the change has made it less costly for advertisers, it also limits the ad's effectiveness to a single airing. If the audience missed it too bad so sad, but the networks are more than willing to sell you more air time. The simple fact is that people need to see a message at least three times before the message sticks with them enough to prompt them into action.

However, product placement has not disappeared; it has been transformed. Instead of sponsoring the entire project, sponsors pay for or do in kind exchanges to have their products or services are embedded in films and television programs as part of the action or the sets. Once embedded the product placement becomes permanent. Unlike other forms of advertising, this form of marketing has a one time fee, yet a nearly unlimited reach and exposure potential. Each time the project is viewed, the embedded products will once again be marketed without any extra cost to the sponsors.

Never Can Say Good-bye will be making full use of traditional product placement for their production needs. We will be looking to do in kind exchanges for

A large hotel: as a location and for lodging for cast and crew
Vehicles as locations and transporation
Air Travel for cast and crew
Brewery/bar as a location
Large auditoriums for meet and greets with cast and crew
Digital video equipment and ghost hunting gear as props

Sponsors' product, service or company name would be shown in at least three scenes. They would be given non speaking roles as an extra, invited to the wrap party and the Michigan premiere. They would be thanked in the credits. But more importantly their logo with an active link will be attached to nearly all our online marketing and they would be listed as sponsors at our live events.

In addition, the No Where Else Like It campaign, which will show the uniqueness of Michigan with videos produced by the production team will be sponsored by Michigan corporations and businesses. These videos would be part of the marketing campaigns both online and with most other venues. Sponsors would act as host and guide for the cast and crew as they explore the state. Videos would include:

* Local festivals
* Sleep Bear Dunes
* The Manitou Islands
* Interlochen Arts Academy
* Avalanche Preserve
*Mackinaw Island and bridge
* Snowflake Campground
* National Shrine of the Cross in the Woods in Indian River
*looking for Petoskey stones
* Sault Locks
* Henry Ford Museum, including the revitalization of the Detroit area
* Michigan State campus
* Pictured Rocks, Tahquamenon Falls

During the production, the cast and crew will be holding meet and greets with the public in the areas where we will be filming. Sponsors would also be included in these events as well as the hosting location. The public would be able to ask questions and have their picture taken with the stars of Never Can Say Good-bye. These events will be recorded and released online through sites such as YouTube, Facebook and other social networking sties. Additionally, real time streaming events will be scheduled online, which will give the domestic and foreign audience opportunities to speak with the cast and crew.

Never Can Say Good-bye will be an opportunity to market products and services not only nationally, but also internationally through theatrical release, DVD/downloads, pay per view, and broadcast network release. Once embedded, the products or services will always be there at no additional cost.

Before you discount your ability to financially be part of our team ask yourself how much is exposure to a world of new customers worth? In addition, marketing expenses are both state and federal tax deductible as a business expense. Those who mitigate our production costs might also be able to claim a deduction under Section 181 of the federal tax code, which is a deduction equal to 100% of the investment in the production. You would need to speak with your tax professional to get the full details of how this incentive would apply to your company.

Also ask yourself when was the last time you walked out of a movie satisfied? 

For more information go to 


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great idea. The new world of social media makes it possible and so far reaching.
