
Thursday, January 24, 2013

No Label: No Budget No Pay--Making Congress Work

Due to illness the show has been rescheduled to January29, 2013
Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes will be chatting with Michigan's No Label leader, Jill Rahrig on January 29, 2013 at 1 pm eastern as she talks about the No Labels movement.

No Labels is a growing citizens’ movement of Democrats, Republicans and everything in between dedicated to promoting a new politics of problem solving. No Labels' Five Leadership Principles include:

1. Tell citizens the full truth about our national challenges
2. Govern for the future - not the next election
3. Put Country ahead of Party
4. Be responsible and accountable
5. Work together.

The No Labels' website

Tune into on January 29, 2013 at 1 pm eastern to listen to to learn more about No Labels and holding our politicians responsible for working together. The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to ask questions. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

The interview will be available in the archives at

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