
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Misinformation about Wolves in the Media, Entertainment Industry, and Government Policies

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes is hosting animal activist Justin Forte on January 5 at 1 pm eastern as he talks about how the entertainment industry affects wildlife and how they are perceived.

Forte have had a passion for wolves since he was child. He became a wolf advocate since the age of 16 by volunteering at Wolf Mountain Sanctuary helping care for the wolves there and speaking out against the killing of wolves in the name of special hunting interests. He wants to make people aware of the dictatorship that hunting interests have over the rest of the public, the dirty politics that lead to a budget bill rider that has made wolves exempt from ESA protections. He is also asking for help in reversing the budget rider so the torture and slaughter that is currently going on can be stopped.

Wolf Mountain Sanctuary’s website

Tune into at 1 pm eastern to listen to Justin Forte and learn more about wolves and the misconceptions that are being spread . The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to participate. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

The show will be available in the archives at

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