
Friday, November 04, 2011

Interview with Spiritual Advisor and Healer Apache Daklugie Running-Hawk

Until You Walk The Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes will be hosting the spiritual adviser Apache Daklugie Running-Hawk on November 4 at 1 pm eastern as he shares his wisdom.

As a Native American of the 4 Directions Spiritual Adviser, Apache also teaches many different cultures and explain to them about of 4-legged brothers and sisters such as the horse, mountain lion, wolf. He also speaks of our 2-winged wind brothers and sisters to hawk, eagle, condor, and raven. I also explain of our blue water creatures of all types that live within their own world as we do. But it seems as humans, we always have to invade the privacy of wildlife and bring destruction. He speaks of this as did my grandfathers and grandfathers before them. This was passed on to him by his father Edgar R-H Daklugie. He always looked at it this way: the sky is blue, the ocean is blue, but when you get close to either one there's a little cloud of dirtiness or a little green of algae. Up close it may no longer be as beautiful or blue as it once was. He speaks these words with a true heart, never rehearsed.
As Leonard Peltier in the 70s, Apache’s thoughts are to reunite indigenous people... even the people that love the Native American way and are not Native. He believes that we should never discriminate, backbite, or worry. Instead we should be happy. . We must all stand together, no matter what color you are.

1st Nations 4 Directions Fellowship website

Tune into November 4 at 1 pm eastern as Apache Daklugie Running-Hawk describes we can come together as spiritual brothers and sister . The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to participate. The phone number is (347) 838-9927.

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