
Sunday, August 29, 2010

What Can be Done to Save Our Soaps

Until You Walk the Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes will be hosting one of the event coordinators of the “Save Our Soaps Rally”, Sue O'Konis on August 29 at 5 pm eastern.

The cancellation of Guiding Light and As the World Turns has caused the fans to band together. Originally, Sue O’Knois and other created websites, mailings and rallies to save their favor soaps. However, they quickly learned the entire genre was in danger of disappearing from their screens. Instead of giving up, they have expanded their efforts.

Tune in at on August 29 at 5:00 pm eastern to learn what Sue O’Knois and the others at “Save Our Soaps 2010” The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to ask questions or share ideas. The phone number to call is (347) 324-3745 or Skype is available by using the click to talk on the show page.. The interactive chat room is also available.

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