Until You Walk the Path, You Don’t Know where it Goes will be hosting medium and Shamanic Healer Derrick Whiteskycloud on April 4 at 5pm eastern.
Derrick is a Psychic/Medium, that makes himself available to the Spirit world to receive messages from those who have passed over to the other side. With the assistance of his spirit guide White Bear, he uses this gift to prove to all that life does exist after death.
As a Shamanic Healer Whiteskycloud teaches how to see through animal eyes, hear through animal ears. He educates others how to experience life though the senses thereby bringing humans back into balance with Earth Mother. He also instructs how the animals can become our teachers, our friends, and our companions. By listing to the wisdom they share, they show us the true feelings of life itself. They restore our forgotten past by searching into cultures, dreams, and the realities of truth and peace within. We have separated ourselves from the elements and from the Earth Mother. Using intellect with the rhythm of the drum, the heart beat of the Earth Mother, is to walk in balance.
Derrick Whiteskycloud's website address is http://www.whiteskycloud.com/
Tune at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theresachaze on April 4 at 5:00 pm eastern to learn more about Shamanic healing and receive a reading from medium Derrick Whiteskycloud. The phone lines and chat will be available for those who wish to ask Whiteskycloud questions. The phone number is (347) 324-3745. The interactive chat room is available on the show’s page
Derrick Whiteskycloud's website address is http://www.whiteskycloud.com/
$100 an hour?
may i suggest this website first.
never pay to pray
in fact there is already a thread on him
I would not knowingly have help spread misinformation. I would very much like to the New Age Fraud Organization to appear on Until You Walk The Path, You Don't Know Where it Goes. I have sent an email to them with my contact information.
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