
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Earth Day With Circle Sanctuary

Earth Day Festival
Saturday, April 17, 2010
10 am - 6 pm
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
near Barneveld, Wisconsin

Celebrate Nature and the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with environmental
workshops & activities, including tree-planting, raptor birds encounters,
Earth Day ritual, restorative prairie burn, Nature walks, and more.

Presenters include:
* Vickie Jordan, raptor educator from Dodgeville, Wisconsin
* Karl Schroeder, horticulturalist teaching about Tamaracks & guiding tree
planting at the new Tamarack grove at Brigid's Spring
* Florence Edwards-Miller, environmentalist talking on Bluebird preservation
* Reed Cockrell, naturalist & prairie restoration coordinator, Circle
Sanctuary Nature Preserve
* Selena Fox, founder & executive director of Circle Sanctuary Nature
Preserve and director of Circle Sanctuary's green cemetery, Circle Cemetery.

Free & open to the public.

Although pre-registration is not required, it is appreciated -- RSVPing will
help us with planning. Email: or call (608)

Details about schedule & activities:

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