
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Under the Eightball: One Woman's Stuggle with a Mysterious Disease

Until You Walk the Path, You Don’t Know Where it Goes will be hosting Timothy Grey on March 14 at 5 pm eastern.

Timothy Grey Began filmmaking in 2001 with his first independent production VOW.  The film was released regionally.  Oscar winning director Michael Moore said "Timothy Grey's VOW is both disturbing and entertaining and a wonderful contribution to independent film."  

In 2004 Grey started production on his second narrative, Lower the Sun.  A vampire tale loosely based on the Gilgamesh epic.  The film remains unfinished. In 2008 Timothy Grey with Breanne Russell began production on their first documentary Under The Eightball.  The film was released in 2009 to rave reviews in the LA Times, Village Voice, NY Times, and Variety. The film is currently entering the Festival Circuit as well as a screening/speaking tour with the filmmakers.

Under the Eightball is a film about one woman's struggle with a mysterious disease and her family's desperate attempt to save her life. This documentary ventures further than merely a disease, it examines the systemic failures of our health care, insurance, and pharmaceutical industries. The audience becomes witness to an ambivalent medical community who's attitude can only be described as a tragic failure.  This is a cautionary tale --- warning the viewer that this story is not the exception but one that is all too common.  A truth that lives in our cities, on our streets, in our homes. The victims are our neighbors, friends, parents, siblings and children. The victims are us...

Tune at on March 14 at 5 pm eastern to learn more about documentary film making from Timothy Grey as well as how his spiritual helped inspire him.  Those who wish to talk to Timothy may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is available on the show’s page.

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