Until You Walk the Path, You Don’t Know Where it Goes is proud to host Richard Hatch on January 24 at 5 pm eastern. We will be talking about Richard’s amazing career and life.
Internationally Known Actor, Teacher, Author, Speaker and Golden Globe nominee Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica) classic and the re-imagined version with Edward Olmost and Mary Mcdonald, where he plays vice president Tom Zarek, is coming to Denver to teach and present “THE ART AND CRAFT OF ACTING” workshops along with his up close and personal “EVERYTHING YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT SHOW BUSINESS” seminar. Richard teaches actors of all levels and experience to act and audition with power and authority, and to give the performance of their life when it counts. The new and re-imagined Battlestar series has been critically acclaimed with Newsweek and Time magazine calling it the best drama on TV period. Richard will also share his insights, wisdom and revelations from his 40 year journey through Hollywood and beyond; beginning as a shy, inhibited young boy to making millions and achieving international fame.
When not acting, Richard lectures and conducts workshops on such topics as acting, unleashing your power and creative vision, moving from fear to self mastery, becoming a powerful communicator and success strategies for business and life throughout the country. He has taught and lectured at The Learning Annex, The Learning Tree University, UCLA Extension, Orange Coast College, Maui Community College, The Whole Life Expo, The Universal Lightworkers Conference, Windstar, AMGEN, Rocketdyne, and Mensa, as well as privately for groups and individuals throughout the world.
Tune at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theresachaze on January 24 at 5:00 pm eastern to listen to Richard Hatch talk about his amazing career and life. Those who wish to ask Richard questions may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is available on the show’s page
Until You Walk the Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes is an interactive internet radio show, which takes a broader look at the topic of spirituality. Instead of focusing on the religious aspects of life, it delves into how our spirits inspire us to be our best and highest selves. The goal is to give a venue to those who wish to share their inspiration, their wisdom and their courage. By sharing our experiences, we not only give encouragement others to reach for their dreams, but to also help them to be achieved.
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