Saturday, December 26, 2009
Until You Walk the Path: Phil Kiver
Until You Walk the Path, You Don’t Know Where it Goes will host Army Veteran and outspoken Conservative speaker Phil Kiver on December 27 at 5 pm eastern.
The writer, Phil Kiver is a former Army soldier and since his service has been a lot like Forest Gump---if there is anything going on in politics or about the war, he has been there--front and center. He was at the Bush ranch confronting Cindy Sheehan, he shows up at political rallies and dinners, on national television, radio shows and in print because of his uncanny ability to be in the middle of the action. He is outspoken, has experienced the war first hand and isn't afraid to mix his impeccable knowledge of history with his analysis of our current situation. You will see him at ball games, floating down the river in an inner tube, talking to veteran's groups, taking his daughter Hero to the park, books in hand ready for a signing. He throws himself into the limelight because of his convictions and overwhelming desire to make a difference. He is an author (182 Days in Iraq and Iraq in Pictures) and has become a well known, outspoken Conservative personality.
Phil Kiver recently spoke at the Ronald Reagan Library, at several Tea Party Rallies, and was the featured 9-11 speaker at Library of Congress in recent years. He just came back from his last trip to Iraq and has been traveling the country giving speeches. Look for him, he is everywhere. He will get you thinking, make you mad and make you laugh all during the same 10 minute conversation.
Tune at on December 27 at 5 pm eastern to learn more about Phil Kiver‘s experiences in Iraq, his book and his perspective as a Conservative. Those who wish to ask Phil Kiver questions may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is available on the show’s page
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