
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Until You Walk the Path: Angel Readings with Anna Taylor

Until You Walk the Path, You Don’t Know Where it Goes will be hosting Anna Taylor on December 6 at 5 pm eastern. She will be doing readings as well as her Angel Therapy and her music.

Anna Taylor is an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, Theta Healing Practitioner™ and Singer. She is a sensitive intuitive who connects with the Divine (including the Angelic and Elemental realms) to lovingly guide and heal you. She offers sessions in person in West Sussex, England and also via telephone and email. For more information or to book a session please visit:

Anna's had a life - long passion for music and singing and has shared her voice internationally, with performances in London, Dublin, California and Hawaii. She is very excited to have just recorded her debut album, 'Already Here' due for release in February 2010! For more information about the songs and how you can be part of the CD please visit:

Tune at on December 6 at 5 pm eastern to listen to Anna Taylor do readings and to learn more about Angel Therapy. Those who wish to speak to Taylor or ask her questions may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is available on the show’s page. You may use Skype for free by using click to talk at the top of the page.

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