
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Wiccan and Paganism; Mainstream in America

News Reports in national/global press about the Wiccan Religion & Paganism
in the Mainstream in America.

New York Times:
On Religion: Paganism, Just Another Religion for Military and Academia
includes photos and interviews with Circle Sanctuary high priestess Selena
Fox and Pagan Studies scholar Dr. Michael York.

ABC News:
Real Witches Practice Samhain: Wicca on the Rise in U.S.
More Americans Are Wiccan, and Will Celebrate Samhain, Not Halloween,
includes interviews with Patti Wigington of About.Com: Paganism/Wicca, Don
Lewis of Witch School, and Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary.

And Happy Halloween and Thanks to Barry Lynn and Americans United for
Separation of Church and State for publicly pointing out that Halloween in
America today is secular and is distinct from Samhain, the religious holiday
celebrated by Wiccans, Druids, and other Pagans.

Halloween in the Public Schools: It's Not So Scary

NETWORK: post these links to blogs, e-lists, websites, Facebook, Twitter,
other social networking sites.
Share good words about the need for equal rights in society for Pagans and
about this and other positive coverage of the Craft and Paganism at this
Samhain time.

Thank you!

Samhain Blessings!

Circle Times: Saturday, October 31, 2009

Alternative programming to NCIS: The newest military series Operation Home Base

Operation Home Base: A proposal
Theresa Chaze

Seeing the need, a small group creates grass roots organization called Operation Home Base to help those in the military and their dependants to meet the basic needs of life. Existing on donations of time, money and resources, they frequently have to dip into their own savings to keep the lights on. Coming from diverse backgrounds, personalities, and motivations, they put their differences aside and combine their talents to create a bridge between civilians and the military.

After months of trying to close them down, a representative from government offers OHB unlimited resources. The only catch is that along with the money and influence, they must accept the Government’s Advocate as the new head of their organization. Is it a honest humanitarian offer or are they once again trying to hide something? And if so, what?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for this post! Religious tolerance is one of the major themes in my life, as I'm raising children in a suburban setting - not always easy.

    I often blog about this topic (the West Memphis Three is one I tend to concentrate on), and I'm finding your pages a source of information to disseminate more facts about what is happening in our world.

    Anyway, I'm glad I found you!

