
Friday, October 02, 2009

Become a Successful Entrepreneurs Using the Law of Attraction

Until You Walk the Path, You Don't Know Where it Goes will be hosting Ray Higdon on October 4 at 5 pm eastern. Ray will be explaining how the Law of Attraction can be used to bring abundance into a person's life.

Ray Higdon, the Founder of the Forever Wealth Club, an educational organization designed for Entrerprenuers, is continuously invited to speak around the country about “What it Takes to be an Entrepreneur”, “How to Market Your Business” and “Living the Law of Attraction.” Ray is passionate about helping others live their life purpose and can often be found speaking at high schools to seniors about how they can start early on the path to success.

As Co-Owner of Unlimited Potential Marketing, Ray Higdon and his Partner Brad Dohack provide the training, materials, and technology to help businesses of all sizes dominate on the Internet. What makes Unlimited Potential Marketing unique is that the Unlimited Team is able to offer an integrative approach to Marketing and Sales that encompasses what’s going on both on and off line.

Tune at on October 4 at 5 pm eastern to learn more about to become an entrepreneur by using the Law of Attraction.  Those who wish to speak to Ray Higdon may call in at (347) 324-3745 or participate in the interactive chat room, which is  available on the show’s page.

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