
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Until You Walk the Path: Alan and Marylou Falstreau

Until You Walk the Path, You Won’t Know Where it Goes is proud to host Alan and Marylou Falstreau on July 12 5pm eastern at or at

It began May 2008 when Alan Falstreau left his home to take his walk early in the morning. With his notebook and his heart wide open, he would aimlessly wander down to the harbor. Observing the nature, he began to write. The words came easily, becoming messages of hope and healing. His wife and artist, Marylou incorporated his messages into her work. By combining their gifts, they created their book, It’s the Stories You Tell That Color Your Life.

Tune at on July 12 at 5 pm eastern to listen to Alan and Marylou Falstreau talk about they combine their talents to create an amazing book of healing and spiritual inspiration. Those who wish to speak to Alan and Marylou Falstreau may call in at (347) 324-3745. Free phone calls through Skype as well as an interactive chat room will be available on the show’s page.

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