
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Nate Hardy Discusses Online Marketing Course for Authors

Until You Walk the Path, You Won’t know where it goes will be hosting Nate Hardy on May 31, 2009 as he discusses his upcoming marketing course for writers.

With 20 years experience in marketing and publishing, Nate Hardy is the founder of Plus Sign Productions Business & Life Coaching. He works psychology, inspiration, and motivational theory into his marketing teaching. Prior to launching his company, he helped a start-up pre-IPO corporation grow to a $20+ million consultancy in 4 years. He manages several websites on subject areas he coaches--business, human behavior, inspiration, and motivation--gaining a Google PageRank of 4 in only a few short months. He will be conducting an online marketing course for writers, starting Monday June 1, 2009.

A member of the Marketing Research Association, American Marketing Association, Philadelphia area Chamber of Commerce, and other business and journalism associations, he has authored papers for the leading publications and organizations of the industry. He is a former Tribune newspaper journalist and award-winning published writer of over 100 fiction and nonfiction works, including comic strips and a weekly automotive review column. He served as an assistant editor, advertising manager, and in other capacities for various publishers.

In addition, he serves as Chair of Internet Activities for Pennwriters--a writer's organization that now spans across countries. He manages online programs and marketing for Pennwriters, including its online courses service, social networking sites, and "Pennwriters Presents"--a weekly question & answer program he hosts of Guest Star authors, editors, and agents as a free member service.

PROJECT: OPTIMIZE YOUR MARKETING: EASY NEW WAYS FOR WRITERS TO WIN SALES (Online Course fro Writers) INSTRUCTOR: Nate Hardy, Marketing Coach DATE: June 1 - 25, 2009 COST: $30  (This course is also offered FREE! See website for details)REGISTER:
Until You Walk the Path, You Don't Know Where it Goes

Date / Time: 5/31/2009 5:00 PM eastern
Call-in Number: (347) 324-3745
Both the chat room and Skype phone calls will be available.

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