
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Tarot Energy Reading Week March 1-7, 2009

Tarot Energy Reading Week March 1-7, 2009

The energy for the week of March 1-7 will be that of completion. The last minor details of the challenges from the past have been met and the loose ends tied up. This week will be the brief instant between the old challenge and the new. It is a time of satisfaction for some, while regret for others. Which emotion each will feel will depend solely on their perspective and how willing they are to release the negative behaviors of the past.

The energy from the past we are bringing into this week is the six of swords. It is a time be open to change, healing and release. The universe has pushed play on the old tapes as each of us are once given the choice how will are to respond to them. If we sing the same old songs, we will get the same old messages. However, if instead we choose to listen the positive music that is playing in the back ground, soon it will drown out the tears and become the new lyrics of our life. No matter what the genre, music contains energy vibrations that are able to heal or hurt. This week pay close attention to the music that stirs your soul for it will show you the way to your new path.

The energy of this week is represented by the five of pentacles. In the Connelly books, the poem for this card is--Head so low, you cannot see just how good life can be. For this week this card is saying that you will see what you expect. If you expect hope, the messengers and omens of hope will find you. If you expect to experience despair, then heartache you will find. Those who have the courage to speak their truth will find they have more power to create change than they imagined. Facing fear brings clarity of thought, vision and will. For those who need confirmation of their inner power need only to look for the clear blue vision of the unusual, like a blue butterfly suddenly appearing in your life for one brief moment only to be gone the next. Seeing is to believe, but only for those who have eyes who are willing to see. You can be the miracle in another’s life by stepping forward and speaking out.

Justice is what we will be taking out of this week as karmic debts are called for payment and karmic rewards are paid… By Friday, there will be a major balancing of the scales that will help many regain their faith in the judicial system as well as the fairness of the universe. Three karmic debts will be called for payment in a very public manor. Yet it will be only be the beginning. By the end of Saturday there will be many others who will be bargaining to save themselves by sacrificing others. By the first light of Sunday and the new week, many blessings will have been bestowed and miracles will have manifested.

Two cards wanted to contribute the spot of describing the energy we will all be challenges with. The High Priestess says there is much going on that we cannot see, understand or sense. It is time to have faith and allow the future to unfold in its own time. Blessings and change will happen it the proper time and in the proper way. The World reminds us that we have to power to choose our direction, but not the way it is presented. We may ask for a new job or for love, but we can’t control the specifics of place or person. The two cards together remind us that life is an equal partnership between us and the Divine. When we work together miracles become the norm not the exception.

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