
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ostara: Free Wiccan/Pagan Ritual

Ostara Ritual

Whether you call the celebration Ostara, Passover, Easter or one of the many other names it is known by, the spring Equinox is a time of renewal and fresh beginnings. Based on the harvest season, Ostara is the time for Wiccans and Pagans to bless the field and the seeds. Although most no longer so closely to the land, it is still a time for planting seeds for the future.

This ritual is designed to help you attract you needs, desires or goals. Remember that no matter how much you desire something or someone, free will is still the highest law; to infringe upon another is to create a negative backlash for yourself.

What you will need:
A black two hour candle
A white two hour candle

On this day of equal dark and light
I call upon the earthly might.
With the help of the Goddesses and Gods of old
So I ask that a new future may unfold.

(Light the black candle)

I gratefully release the (poverty, loneliness, illness, etc) need
And ask that it leave with grace and speed.

(Light the white candle)

As I light this candle of pure hope and love
So I ask for blessings from above.
Opening my life to (prosperity, love, healing, etc) starting today
Ask that it arrive with out delay.
With gratitude and love from my from my soul and heart
So now a new future I do chart.
The worn path that I have always taken
I now gratefully forsaken.
With faith and trust, I change my course
And do so without remorse.
Within the dreams of this night,
So am I shown the path which is right.
As my eyes are opened to the new way,
I claim (prosperity, love, healing etc) on this day.

Let both candles burn out and release the need to control way what you ask for arrives. The key is to remember to you will receive what you expect. The Divine provides us with whatever we have the courage to ask for and are open enough to receive.

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