
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Interview with Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley

Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley will be appearing on Until You Walk the Path on March 11, 2009 at 8 pm eastern.

Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley are writers, authors, spiritual teachers and intuitives who have both survived near-death experiences. As Dannion's first New York Times bestseller, Saved by the Light, was being published and made into the most successful made-for-television movie of all time (by the Fox Network), Kathryn was busy leaving her own footprint in the literary world as the author of Jewels for the Soul: Spiritual Reflections for the Heart and Soul. At the same time, she was a cutting edge journalist with the very popular column, "Conversations with Kathryn" where she dedicated her interviews to the global/spiritual views of the world’s leaders in the consciousness movement. Later Kathryn produced, and co-hosted, a radio show designed around those interviews. It was during that time that she conducted a telephone interview with Dannion. They now refer to that interview as their “date with destiny” as it led to Dannion marrying Kathryn, a mother of six children, in June of 2000.

Dannion will be talking about:
The new book and our tours to Mexico in search of the truth regarding 2012, the blue/gray place, the four-fold path and lessons from heaven. He will also be doing psychic readings on air.

The show address is

Date / Time: 3/11/2009 8:00 PM eastern

Call-in Number: (347) 324-3745

The chat room will also be available as will calls through Skype.

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