The First Step in Manifesting is Knowing
Recently I asked what I wanted from my life, what did successful mean to me? I needed to think about it for a while. Being a Gemini, there is so much that I wanted for myself and others-eye, there be one of the rubs. For as much as I may want the world to be peacefully wonderful, it is not my right or responsibility to make it so. With so much diversity of paths and soul challenges, there is no one quick fix solution--no magic wand or one path that wouldn't interfere with free will, which is the very definition of evil. As a spiritual being, I can share healing light and show the path to wisdom, but that is as far as it goes. So instead I focused on closer to home.
To be spiritually successful, I would need to be learning from and releasing old issues, while gaining new wisdom and a new understanding not only of myself, but of others as well. Everyone we meet whether in person or on the net is both a teacher and a student, just as I am for them. However, I have learned that the best teachers are those that teach by example--through their choices and their challenges rather than by just speaking their truth. They walk the walk and don't mind sharing the lessons along the way. Sometimes, I am successful at this, other times not so much. I would give my self a C+ or a B- on this level. There have been times when I simply couldn't find the right words or the correct way of finding the answers or the core issues the first time around.
Personally, success is more complicated because it is two fold--the inner and outer. The inner is how I see myself. To be honest it hasn't always been in a positive light. I internalized the outer world by seeing myself through others bigotries and personal issues. I tried to force myself to fit the cookie cutter mold, which simply wasn't me. The harder I tried, the more I disliked myself. When I released that misconception and focused on my inner light, the healing began. Although, it is not totally complete, I can honestly say that I not only love myself, but that I respect and trust me as well. It's this faith that is being reflected outward into and onto others, which brings us to the outer aspect. This is also very difficult to explain. My self image doesn't come from others, but it is reinforced by the people I draw into my life for they are a reflection of how I see me. In the past, I drew in people who used and abused me because I didn't feel worthy of love. Now, I am finding that the people in my life are some of the most caring and sharing people I've ever met. They freely offer comfort and support in whatever way they are able to give, while allowing me to do the same. To me, that is the very definition of major success.
Professional success is the easiest one to answer. I have known for a very long time what I wanted to be when I grew up--a writer. However, it is only in answering this question that I crystallized what I wanted that path to look like. For me professional success would be described as being a prosperous, creative writer of novels, screenplays and articles who is completely financially debt free even after repairing my home, adding on the garage, greenhouse and the alternative energy sources so I live off the grid, with a steady income over 7,000.00 a month. For months, I thought being the head writer of Days of Our Lives, would be the ultimate definition of achievement. I would still love the gig and would be very good at it, but it’s not my right or responsibility to bully my way in and change the dynamic. There are undercurrents and eddies at play on personal and professional levels that I can‘t change; I was merely supposed show that it didn’t have to be that way. Ken Corday is just going to have come to the realization that his parents did love him in his own way. Successful also means that my writing affects others by giving them the opportunities to be entertained and to think about life a little differently. Through my writing, I would like to show others that we can come together in peace if we treat each other with respect, forgiveness, and tolerance. We can’t have lasting peace without respecting and accepting our differences, while forgiving mistakes. I can’t change the world, but I can clean up it up around me. As for the last part I would grade myself with a B+ or an A-; however, the first part is in the process of being. Unless we have a clear destination, it is difficult to arrive at our goal. Now that I have that, success is just a moment away.
Very good post, Tir! It's funny how life is. I always wanted to be a writer and pursued it years and years later only to find I liked publicity better, but it's funny how one thing leads to the other which makes you think that just maybe you're on the right path after all.
ReplyDeleteEvery time I thought about giving up, something or someone would appear in my life to give me hope. If we hang in there, amazing miracles can happen.
ReplyDeleteWhen one door closes another opens. I at times have trouble with pinpointed what I want manifested in my life. I know my goals but at times traveling the road and focusing on how to get there is very difficult.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Tir. You hit the nail on the head.