
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wiccan Book of Shadows: Truth about Wiccan and Rituals for Modern Life

To watch the Video go to

Written by a Wiccan Priestess and Ordained Minister, Out of the Shadows and Into the Light is a modern day Book of Shadows. The rituals are not based on one tradition, but are written to be inclusive. In addition, it gives a brief explanation of what Wiccans and to some extent Paganism believes.

There are chapters on the basics:

Building an alter
Holy water

The general topics include rituals of:


Within these chapters, there are rituals to invoke the Harpies, break karmic ties, and healing issues with prosperity. There are also essays on praying for peace, raising your Kundalini, working with the elementals and being more aware of what you are manifesting.

Unlike many Book of Shadows, Out of the Shadow and Into the Light has information that will be valuable no matter how much experience the person has. It opens the door for you to walk through to find you best and highest self.

Available as an ebook at the author's site at or as a Kindle click here to go to the page

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Katie Romano Gives Free Psychic Readings on Spiritual Radio Show

Katie Romano, an intuitive,PR/Marketing representative and writer, will be joining me. We will be talking about her work in Florida and she will be doing readings. Her site address is

Days of Our Lives Fans Speak Out

An Opportunity for Days of Our Lives Fans to Speak Out
With the firing of Days most popular actors and the decay in the storylines, I want to give the fans of Days an opportunity to speak out. What would you like to say to Ken Corday or Dena Higley? What would you like to tell Dee and Drake? Call in and send a message to them or anyone involved with the show. Join me on my radio show 2pm Eastern at Monday December 29.

If you would like to participate in the chat room, you will have to set up a free account.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Free Intuitive Readings

My guest on Sunday On Until you walk the path, you won't know where it goes will be Katie Romano. She is an intuitive and writer/PR specialist. We will be talking about her work in Florida and she will be doing readings.

The show will air 5 pm eastern time at

Please join us. In order to participate in the chat room, you will have to sign up for a free membership.

The First Step in Manifesting is Knowing

The First Step in Manifesting is Knowing

Recently I asked what I wanted from my life, what did successful mean to me? I needed to think about it for a while. Being a Gemini, there is so much that I wanted for myself and others-eye, there be one of the rubs. For as much as I may want the world to be peacefully wonderful, it is not my right or responsibility to make it so. With so much diversity of paths and soul challenges, there is no one quick fix solution--no magic wand or one path that wouldn't interfere with free will, which is the very definition of evil. As a spiritual being, I can share healing light and show the path to wisdom, but that is as far as it goes. So instead I focused on closer to home.

To be spiritually successful, I would need to be learning from and releasing old issues, while gaining new wisdom and a new understanding not only of myself, but of others as well. Everyone we meet whether in person or on the net is both a teacher and a student, just as I am for them. However, I have learned that the best teachers are those that teach by example--through their choices and their challenges rather than by just speaking their truth. They walk the walk and don't mind sharing the lessons along the way. Sometimes, I am successful at this, other times not so much. I would give my self a C+ or a B- on this level. There have been times when I simply couldn't find the right words or the correct way of finding the answers or the core issues the first time around.

Personally, success is more complicated because it is two fold--the inner and outer. The inner is how I see myself. To be honest it hasn't always been in a positive light. I internalized the outer world by seeing myself through others bigotries and personal issues. I tried to force myself to fit the cookie cutter mold, which simply wasn't me. The harder I tried, the more I disliked myself. When I released that misconception and focused on my inner light, the healing began. Although, it is not totally complete, I can honestly say that I not only love myself, but that I respect and trust me as well. It's this faith that is being reflected outward into and onto others, which brings us to the outer aspect. This is also very difficult to explain. My self image doesn't come from others, but it is reinforced by the people I draw into my life for they are a reflection of how I see me. In the past, I drew in people who used and abused me because I didn't feel worthy of love. Now, I am finding that the people in my life are some of the most caring and sharing people I've ever met. They freely offer comfort and support in whatever way they are able to give, while allowing me to do the same. To me, that is the very definition of major success.

Professional success is the easiest one to answer. I have known for a very long time what I wanted to be when I grew up--a writer. However, it is only in answering this question that I crystallized what I wanted that path to look like. For me professional success would be described as being a prosperous, creative writer of novels, screenplays and articles who is completely financially debt free even after repairing my home, adding on the garage, greenhouse and the alternative energy sources so I live off the grid, with a steady income over 7,000.00 a month. For months, I thought being the head writer of Days of Our Lives, would be the ultimate definition of achievement. I would still love the gig and would be very good at it, but it’s not my right or responsibility to bully my way in and change the dynamic. There are undercurrents and eddies at play on personal and professional levels that I can‘t change; I was merely supposed show that it didn’t have to be that way. Ken Corday is just going to have come to the realization that his parents did love him in his own way. Successful also means that my writing affects others by giving them the opportunities to be entertained and to think about life a little differently. Through my writing, I would like to show others that we can come together in peace if we treat each other with respect, forgiveness, and tolerance. We can’t have lasting peace without respecting and accepting our differences, while forgiving mistakes. I can’t change the world, but I can clean up it up around me. As for the last part I would grade myself with a B+ or an A-; however, the first part is in the process of being. Unless we have a clear destination, it is difficult to arrive at our goal. Now that I have that, success is just a moment away.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

2008 Christ Light 2012 Soul Vision

NEW VIDEO in High Resolution at DVD 10 - Higher Light Human mental activity includes from the lowest to highest ranges: from Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta to Gamma brain waves. Higher vibrations beyond the Theta dream state of Fourth Dimensional psychic consciousness allows the Human Light Body to manifest multi-dimensionally which activates physical centers of the brain in order to experience and utilize the information available in the higher dimensions. Humans operate multi-Dimensionally using abilities such as intuition, telepathy, remote viewing, clairvoyance, remembrance, channeling, telekinesis and direct insight. They can experience the past, future and leave their body and travel while being grounded in the Third Dimension. The Wiki Website at is our home where we share and express our desires and are building the GoldRing Media Group - Welcome

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Firebrand Literary Agent Looking for Clients

We want to read your first chapter.

Our usual, query-based submission system will be closed for a short period starting on the 15th of December (don’t worry, any query that was already in our system will be answered even while the system is “down”). And then—beginning on December 15 and ending on January 15—we will be accepting sample chapters via a unique email address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

We pledge to review all samples by the end of January, and will respond to those that we are interested in no later than Feburary 1.

Who should submit?

We’re looking for talented authors—with completed books—who are interested in working closely with an agent before and after a publishing deal is done. If you’re interested in revising your manuscript, partnering with an agent, and marketing your book—you’ve come to the right place.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve queried Firebrand before—all that matters is that you are ready to submit the best material you have to offer. We're only considering ONE manuscript from each author, so please don't overload us with multiple submissions as we'd like to give equal consideration to each person.

Instructions on What & How to Submit:

1. Paste the first chapter or twenty pages (which ever is less) of your most polished work into a new word document. On a cover page provide the title of your work, the market, the word count of the entire manuscript, and your name, phone number, and email address.
2. Email this material as a word document attachment to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it between December 15 and midnight January 15.
3. If we like what we read, you WILL hear from us by February 1.

If you don’t hear from us, we are sorry to say that have we passed on your manuscript. You should feel free to query us after Query Holiday with other works, through our normal website submission system guidelines. Happy holidays!

P.S. We will look at picture book manuscripts - if you are an author/illustrator, please include a URL directing us to your website portfolio at the end of your manuscript. All other instructions apply (including the one that says only one manuscript per person), thanks!

GoldRing Wayshower Guidance

The Teachers of Light ask of you to choose to Provide and Radiate Light. As you give your Light in its trillions of forms you manifest the journey with us. As you are the Family of Light we are your Teachers. No greater are we than you and the Children of Light are coming to you, you are their Wayshowers.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Looking for an agent or someone connected to Daytime TV

I am looking for an agent to represent my scripts and to help me get a writing gig. In addition, I have three novels that I would like to sell the rights too or be contracted to write the script. Nearly all my work is set in Michigan, which gives them an added selling point in today's financial climate. The State of Michigan is giving film makers incentives to film within the state.

Winning the 2006 International Gloria Film Festival, Never Can Say Good-bye is a paranormal romance that connects the present with the logging industry of the 1900. To help a friend, Elizabeth agrees to teach a writing course at a small college. She expects to find a sleepy town with a long history, but instead she finds herself dealing with violently jealous wife and the past mistakes she is only beginning to remember. Arriving in town, she finds it uncomfortably familiar. As the controlling President of the college, Judy Olson, shows her around, Elizabeth begins to realize that she has made a mistake and begins looking for excuses to leave. After meeting the famous historian, Michael Scott and his irrational wife, Shane, Elizabeth finds the past becoming more real than the present as the death of a small boy decades earlier reignites an old treachery, which could destroy the entire town. When love leads to vengeance, it is best to say good-bye.

Eye of Ra is an occult horror film that is based on Egyptian mythology. When Isis stole power from Ra, she initiated a guardian who not only had the strength to be the focal point for this great power, but who also had the ability to protect its secrets from those who would abuse them. Jealous of her grandmother and daughters’ spiritual gifts, Sandra takes her youngest daughter, Rikki and disappears. Seeking power, she searches the world for the Eye of Ra; when she finds it, it is Rikki not her that the Guardian chooses. Enraged, Sandra makes a pact with the Dark Ones; if they help her destroy her own daughter, she will use the Eye in their name. Sandra attacks in the middle of the initiation ceremony. The Priestess is killed before it can be completed. Barely escaping with her life, Rikki returns to the small town of her birth. Her physical wounds have heals, but the guilt and self-doubt keeps her from seeing the truth of her life. Sandra follows Rikki to finish what she started, bringing the evil of the Dark Ones with her, and a small northern Michigan town learns the black secret that had been buried among them for generations.

Awakening the Dragon -- Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy ( -- is a story of magic, suspense and karmic justice combined in a tale of horror. Rachael moves to Coyote Springs to find a home and open her bookstore. Instead, she becomes the catalyst in exposing a murder and the target of a violent cult. She is forced to awaken her dragon spirit prematurely to save herself and all she loves. Will she be able to control the power of the dragon as it rises giving her the power to save all she loves or will the flames from within destroy her?

In Dragon Domain -- Book Two of the Dragon Clan Trilogy ( -- Cheyenne and Celeste came to Coyote Springs to save a child; instead, Cheyenne found a home. With the help of their new friend, Jane, they created a spiritual sanctuary. But when Celeste stopped running, her past caught up with her. Dominic arrived with promises of love and passion. Instead of love, he reawakened Celeste’s dark side, turning her against those she loved the most. With the aid of the dragons, Cheyenne was barely able to ward off their first attack. With each soul they bound to them, Celeste and Dominic’s greed and hatred grew until they would not settle for less than totally destroying Cheyenne and all she loves. How do you protect yourself from someone who knows how to steal your soul?

Nict For Ure Selfe (Not for Ourselves) a paranormal suspense novelette that ties the present with the past as karma awakens an old blood feud. Alyssa attends a local Pagan festival, only become the target of the local deputy's bigotry and hatred. Unable to understand way she was singled out, she performs a ritual asking Bridget for her help. Instead of gaining wisdom, her spirit is transported back to a time before the Celtic Goddesses and Gods gave way to the Christos and when clan traditions could mean life or death. The book trailer can be viewed at

In addition, I have been writing alternative universe storylines for the soap opera, Days of Our Lives and posting them on the NBC boards. Starting out as a protest to the bad writing, my script has received more favorable reviews from the fans than what is been aired. I have applied for the gig, but I need someone to represent me to the producers.

I need an agent who has the ability to knock door of hinges--metaphorically speaking--and let some fresh energy into the industry. If you are such a person, please call me at 231-943-3298.

Free Yule Ritual

You will need two candles, one used and the other new. The color doesn't matter.

At the beginning light the used one and say:

On this day of the longest night
let us take the time to see our own light.
Turning to the past so we many learn
the source of our fears and what makes our passion burn.
Forgiveness and healing we do seek
so those lessons will be complete.
As the flame of the past burns down and out
we ignite present free of doubt.
As this new flame burns proud and bright
we see our blessings come into our sight.
With love and hope springing from our hearts and souls
we share our blessing and help others achieve their goals.
As we give to others free of ties that bind
so shall we be blessed with miracles in kind.
For a gifts given to others in the name of the love
are returned to us three fold as grace from above.
For the blessings I have been given in this past year
I gratefully say thank you for the laughter and the tears.

(Light the new candle from the old)

So now from the old flame I light the new
and the wick represents of my life renewed.
As this new flame burns hot and bright
so ends this darkest night.
As the new dawn does break,
so do my new possibilities do awake.

Let the candle burn out on their own and be open to new opportunities as well as special intuitions which will show you the way.

Caylee Anthony

I saw on the news that the remains were identified as Caylee. The strange thing is that the feeling I'm getting is that the information is based on a lie. I still don't think that she is dead, but is being used as a pawn as is her mother.

To the people who have her, I ask that you bring her to a very public media event and prove that she isn't dead. In doing so, you will discredit every person who has been targeting you along with all the evidence they have against you. You don't have to do it for Caylee or Casey; if you must, do it to spite those who have make it their life's mission to make your life hell. You produce her in a public place and you will disgrace and expose them. If you do it right, you can even prove they are responsible for Anita's death.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Until You have walked the path, you won't know where it goes with Guest Cate Cavanagh

Here is the direct link

Author and spiritual guide Cate Cavanagh will be joing me We wil be talking about her writing both the fiction and healing. In addition, we will be speaking about Voodoo. We will also be leading a Yule Ritual. To particpate in the ritual you will need an open mind and two candles--one new and the other used.

How I Got Started in Entity Removal

How I Got Started in Entity Removal
Sherrie Adkins-Mountain Hawk Lady

There are a lot of different entities around. Some are demonic, some are angelic, and there are all flavors in between! Some folks have a lot of hubris, and think summoning entities is a way to give them more power for their magick. Summoning is best left to those who know what they are doing, and how to get rid of what they called up. I do not recommend it for someone just starting out in the use of magick. There have been some cases where the person called up something they couldn't handle and it ate them!

The first time I got involved with dismissing a demonic entity was in the late Seventies in San Francisco. I had read a short novella by Fritz Lieber about a stone formation called the "Bishop's Chair" in a park in San Francisco. Later, I got to know Fritz and he said he based the story on a strange happening of his own with that formation. I thought that was interesting but didn't worry about what had caused his experience with it.

Then, my friend Carol was almost killed by an entity. She was coming down the backstairs at her apartment building, and the step she'd just stepped onto vanished! She went through the stairs and fell two stories down onto some concrete rubble. As she fell, she called on me and the rest of the psychic family in SF! That helped her brake her fall enough that she went down in slow motion and landed lightly. She ripped her palm on a nail on the way down, but that was her only injury.

She went on to run the craft sale for her coop that day, then called me in the afternoon. I went over and picked her up, and made her go to the hospital ER for her palm! By then, it was too late to stitch it, so they trimmed off the triangle shaped piece of skin and flesh, gave her a tetanus shot, and bandaged her hand.

I took her home and looked at the staircase. The board was entirely gone! We never found even a splinter of it. Then I stood on her back balcony and looked out over the vista. About the time I realized I was looking at the backside of the park and in a direct line with the Bishop's Chair, I realized something really nasty was looking back at me! It hated humans, especially women, and it was coldly angry Carol had escaped with her life. It was manifesting as a black roiling boil of clouds over the stones.

I knew that I couldn't handle it on my own and called some ladies I knew. Kellan and Sunny came over. Sunny was a witch and a Shoshoni trained medicine woman. She took one look, got white in the face, and ran back inside, saying she couldn't begin to deal with it! Well, Kellan and I were both warriors from a couple of old schools, and also had the Celtic mule stubbornness, and we weren't going to back down. Kellan had her ceremonial knife with her, and I borrowed a Chicago Cutlery boning knife from Carol. We fought the thing back into its lair, and put a temporary seal on it.

Spirit told both of us it would take twelve women to permanently seal it away from our plane. It was a demon to us, but probably a jolly good fella to it's own kind. I called it a kraken because it was a wind demon that looked like a giant squid. We were also told that in the early Thirties, someone guy on drugs had opened the portal to the kraken's plane and conjured it through the open gate. It was not amused and killed him first! We never found out why it hated women so much. It hated being here, but couldn't get back to it's own plane without a lot of help.

Kellan and Sunny had trained with Z. Budapest, and knew some women who might be willing to help. I had some friends who were psychic but not trained, who wanted to help, so on the next full moon, we met and we fought! It wanted to eat us all, and we wanted it gone! We managed to get the gate open and shove it through! Then used a Seal of a Star of David in a circle to seal the gate. Then, one woman said we should rotate it in time so no one could ever get it open again, and we did it. Then we partied to celebrate!

Next morning, I walked out to the balcony and there was sunlight over the Bishop's Chair! That was so rare that Herb Caan commented on it in his column in the paper next day! I never saw the black cloud formation over the Bishop's Chair again.

Some years later, I was telling this story at a meeting of my Moonstone Circle. Scotty, my then boyfriend, exclaimed, "You're the one that got rid of that demon! Did you know it had been killing women for over forty years?" He knew of it from some of his Ren Faire friends who were also into Wicca. The police thought it was a serial killer at work! For over forty years, every year there would be at least one and sometimes two or three women found dead, suffocated, and lying on the sidewalk near the backside of the park. The local witches knew it was a demon, but no one knew how to get rid of it. Then, one day, it was gone and the killing stopped!

Most of the women who were in that circle were also members of Michael's Legion of Light. Our knives turned into Swords of Light as we fought, and the Light from those swords is what drove the demon back into it's home dimension.

Oh, and the knife I borrowed from Carol was useless from then on. After I used it to fight the demon, it wouldn't hold an edge!

Love, Sherrie Mountain Hawk Lady

Sherrie can be emailed at

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seven Root Causes of Disease--Energy Therapies

today we are exploring the primary fear, soul issue and the challenge of the associated experiences. live readings during the show.

dicussion on all matters Clairvoyant, Tarot, Aura Reading, and Energy Therapy

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Days of Our Lives: Fans Missing the Good Old Days

My alternative Days of Our Lives storylines are being continued on my Days of Our Lives blog at along with articles about Days and soap operas. Please pop on over and catch up. Don't forget to vote in my polls.

Theresa Chaze's New Internet Radio Show

Theresa Chaze's New Internet Radio Show
Until You have walked the path, you won't know where it goes is my new internet radio show. There isn't a set discussion topic and you never know who you will meet. Spirituality, writing, or anything else that gains my attention. You are welcome to ask questions or just tell me what you think.

The first show will be Sunday December 14 at 6 pm eastern. The address is

You will have to create an account to participate, but it is free.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Caylee Anthony is Not Dead

Caylee Anthony is not dead. Those are not her remains that were found. The body they found was planted two weeks ago as way to force Casey into turning evidence the police thinks she has on a the drug dealers she had been working with.

The babysitter was the one who took the child and gave her to the people who have her now. She was killed three days later and put in the Casey's truck as a warning. The police know all this. They have been leaking misinformation all along in order to make Casey "crack." The media is had been doing a hell of a job helping them.

The body that was found is male, closer to four years old and Latino He died by strangulation. The bone in the neck that starts with an “h” is broken. There are also three other broken bones--two in the arms and one leg. This child suffered long term abuse. The name I’m getting starts with F. I’m not sure if it’s a first or last. The boy died about 13 months ago.

I'm getting something like Macomb, Macon and Georgia. I have felt for a long time that Caylee was in Georgia. For a while she was in the northern part. However, both Macomb and Macon are in the center.

The family she is with is the sister of the man Casey was carrying drugs for. Casey used her party girl image to carry drugs/money into and out of clubs. Casey also had a sexual relationship with one of the primary dealers. He is the one who got her the job as mule. The police have been monitoring the Casey and her employers but they were unable to get hard evidence. They put the word out that they had turned one of the mules and implied that Casey was the one, which is why Caylee was taken.

The name Karen G comes to mind. She is 23 years old, brown hair brown eyes. She works as a temp as secretary for an insurance company. Last summer she miscarried her third pregnancy. She recently moved to a new town. Although she talks about her daughter, she tells her co-works that she can’t show them pictures because they were lost in a fire. She also claims that her daughter has respiratory issues due to the same fire which is why she is kept at home. Her younger sisters Ann or Amy is helping take care of Caylee. They are hoping that as Caylee ages her appearance will change enough so that people will not recognize her.

One thing I forgot to add is that Caylee knew the babysitter as Anita. That is why she didn't recognize her legal name. Anita is dead. She was killed protecting Caylee.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Where Viewers go Advertisers Follow

Where Viewers go Advertisers Follow

Technology has given the big networks, ABC, NBC, and CBS a wake up call. During the early years there was little competition or diversity in television programming. Coverage was limited. A lucky viewer had access to the three networks and the PBS station. Viewers at few options and little control over what they watched. Modern technology in the form of cable, satellite and the internet revolutionized the television industry, changing the balance of power; however, there are still network executive who don't realize that ship has sail. They were left waiting on the docks, wondering what happened to their revenues.

Broadcast transmitters had limited range and were easily obstructed. Signals were transmitted by line of sight or by occasionally being bounced of the atmosphere. Taller broadcast towers or home antennas received better reception from greater distances. Over air signals simply didn’t travel well. Back then the mail man might deliver in rain, sleet or hail, but most viewers saw mostly snow on their screens. Satellite technology and later cable not only expanded a station’s coverage area, but it also made the signal stronger and more reliable. Computers and the internet built an entertainment highway that carried traffic both ways. No longer were viewers limited to just receiving; instead, they have become active participates not long by voicing their opinions but in creating their news and entertainment as well

The three big networks originally had more control over the content and availability. With the limited access, the network executives knew they had a captive audience. The viewer had few options: ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS or nothing. With the pie sliced four ways, with PBS stations receiving the smallest piece, the networks were insured a steady income. Using their own measuring sticks, the network execs control which programs were aired and when. News, entertainment and sports programming was decided not on quality, but on sponsorship. The networks had a monopoly and they liked it that way.

Technology was a double-edged sword for the networks. It increased the quality of their signal, thereby increasing the number of their affiliates and revenues. However, it also further divided the advertising dollars and viewers. Revenues dropped. In the 80’s and 90’s, the response was to invest in quality programming. The networks that kept their production standards set high both on and off the screen kept their audience; those who chose to cut costs and lower their standards also saw their profit margin decline.

In the early years, the networks were known for their big-named stars and elaborate specials, while the independents stations were left with sloppy-second programming and cheaply produced shows. Now, the networks are the one who are unwilling to pay for quality entertainment. Cheesy reality and talk shows have become the main course on the networks’ buffet. Instead, well thought out entertainment with professional talent, they chose to air every day people humiliating themselves--The Gong Show goes prime time. The cheaper the better--quality be damned has become the motto. Yet, quality entertainment is available; it is now found on the independent stations and cable networks. Big named stars in well written series have move quickly to the networks that are willing to pay for them, taking with them both the viewers and the advertising dollars. The original networks still have control over their programming, but the viewers have control over the remote. With the hundreds of channels at their fingertip, they don’t have to settle for the updated version of the Gong Show. There is quality entertainment, news, and sports just a click away.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Norman the Druid and His Missing Cauldron: Animation

The Goddesses, Brigit and Danu charged Norman the Druid to protect Woobia and the Norther Shore. They sent the dragons to give him a magic cauldron through which he could call the winds and raise the seas. One morning, he awoke to find the cauldron gone and the invaders' sails on the horizon. He must find his cauldron, so that he can call the storms to repel the people of the north.

It's an experiment into animation.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Proposition 8--The Musical

I could find the code to embed the video. But here is the link

Bigotry is bigotry no matter how it is dressed up. It is time for us all to work together to restore civil rights not only to gay, but to every miniority.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Finding the Balance Between Greed and Martyrdom.

Finding the Balance Between Greed and Martyrdom.

Several years ago, I was on the road driving to an appointment. The day was sunny and clear. The traffic was light. Like most people, I find driving relaxing and my mind wandered; it didn‘t go to any particular topic, but just skimmed over what I had to accomplish that day and the current topics. I stopped at a red light. While I was waiting for the light to change, I heard, “If sacrifice yourself, the evil will end.” Being an intuitive, I’m used to picking up on stray thoughts or the presence of those from other realms. Honestly, for a few moments, I did consider it. Think about it. Being able to cure all the world’s ills just by jumping from one life to the next. The light turned green. I had to wait for several cars coming from the other direction. Down the road, the next car was turning into a drive; behind it looked clear. I started to turn. Suddenly, another car appeared behind the one turning. Again, I heard the question. This time I said “no” and slammed on the breaks. The car pasted and I heard laughing.

With the ascension process rapidly gaining speed and intensity, many are finding that fear has become their biggest challenge. However, it is being expressed in diverse and sometimes extreme manors. Both greed and martyrdom spring from the same emotionally well--fear. As strange as it may seem, they are also ego based challenges for the soul who has yet to grow through or learn how create balance.

Greed stems from being afraid of being without or loosing what she or he has. Having things or manipulating others doesn’t make one powerful or secure. In fact, excess of both only increases the fear level. When a person’s security is based outside her or himself instead of being centered from within, she or he will tightly hold onto the things and people in their lives, choking not only what already have, but also future possibilities.

Martyrdom springs from two ego extremes--self doubt and self aggrandizement. If the gift is not given freely and for no other reason than to be of service, the gift is ego driven. Sacrifice is not the path to enlightenment or redemption. Forgiveness, wisdom and love can’t be bought or bartered. All three come from the learning process that comes from experiencing all the lessons the universe has to offer. It is through this process that the soul gains understanding of how to trust and share without the need to control.

If I had sacrificed myself, it would have been in vain; no one person can safe the world. Each and every soul that incarnates has lessons and challenges of its own, which are as diverse and complicated as there are stars in all the universes. There is no one size fits all solution since there isn’t a single issue, but an infinite number. The person or soul who thinks they can fix all the woes of the world places an unnecessary and unattainable challenge in their path. Free will is the highest law in all the universes that not even the Ultimate Source of all things will break. In order for one to fix the ills of the world, it would have to take absolute control on every level, thereby interfering not only with free will, but also intruding on every challenge and lesson. To have a perfect world, one would have to force perfection on everyone. Even if one had such power, absolute power corrupts absolutely. So that even the best of intentions would bring about disastrous results. No matter what the intention, using evil methods only creates more evil.

It’s no one soul’s right or responsibility to heal the world’s ills; each of us need only to do our best to heal ourselves and freely help those who come into our life. True power and security comes from within. Indeed, the most powerful person is the one who knows and understand her or himself. In Xena, there was a piece of wisdom that was a major signpost in my life--”To control others is to have power; to control yourself is to know the way.” Living life with an open hand and doing one’s best is the path to not only to achieving balance but also a major step in releasing fear. Both of which are part of the ascension process.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

What the Fans on the NBC Boards Think of Day of Our Lives

What the Fans on the NBC Boards Think of Day of Our Lives
Although there are many fan message boards for Days of our Lives. The most active one is on the NBC home site. It has one of the most diverse viewer demographics. However, one theme has been increasingly prevailant--the fans are not happy with the direction the executive producers and writers are taking Days. There have been more than one thread asking for the firing of both.

On more than one occasion, ideas that were presented on the board appeared a few weeks later on the screen; credit was never given to the posters, but it has happened consistently enough to prove that either the executive producers or the writing staff had been checking in. It is too bad that while they are swiping plot points and ideas from the fans, they don't take the time to listen to what the fans want and need. If they did, the fans would be staying instead changing the channel and ratings would be increasing instead of falling.

The viewers want:
Deidre and Drake to stay; many viewer have already stated that the actors last air date will be the last time they will watch Days.

The vets to be actively involved with storylines, not just show up occasionally to prop up the newbies.

An end to endless and continuing triangles. Enough already. Triangles are a good short term plot point, but nothing more.

New writers. The replacement need to not only know the show's history, but be able to write for vets without gutting and recreating them, created interesting new characters, and write storylines that are based on romance, suspense, drama and humor.

They were disappointed that Thanksgiving was ignored and afraid the same will happen with Christmas. Both holidays were always very special for the fans.

The following are quotes taken from the different threads.

With the show only having an eighteen month contract, I'm wondering if the scribes have any real intention of "wowing" the viewers. So far, they have failed miserably. I seriously hope that they check out these message boards to see how disheartened DAYS fans truly are. Unfortunately, the show has landed itself in the same position that PASSIONS was in not too long ago. PASSIONS received a couple of one year extensions for their contracts. But, sadly, that show has bit the dust. I shudder to think what these short contract deals mean for DAYS. It's not too promising. So, my BIG question for the scribes is what will you do to truly turn the show around? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty much fed up with triangles, dead babies, lifeless characters, and the departures of vets such as Dee/Drake. For the past couple of years or so, I've done more groaning/complaining than anything else when posting about the show. I can remember when Salem was a happy place filled with love and adventure galore. It's now a shadow of its former self. The scribes are going to have to come up with something super tremendous to keep me coming back for more. I don't have any faith, however, that they will be able to deliver.


Okay, if DOOL continue to replace popular actors with other unknown actors. They might as well cancel the show. Enough already!!!

Oh, Marlena is probable gone too, the way things look we will have the stupid young group and that is it.

Why am I not surprised? Ken Corday has no desire to preserve his parents legacy! Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable! I do feel the end is near for our beloved show. Yes I know that we're thinking 18 months... but at this rate it's going to be a pathetic 18 months.

I'm sending you a big hug, Hartleyfan. My six year old says that hugs always make you feel better. I think in this case, though, it's going to take more than a hug to make any of us feel better.

So Corday gets rid of John Black yet we are still stuck with Melanie, Max, Nicole and Daniel? Why don't they just cancel the show right now! Higley and Corday obviously don't care about the show or the fans who have remained loyal. Screw them!! Just cancel the show already! Obviously, TIIC don't care about the actors or the fans. If they did, they wouldn't be firing beloved vets and bringing on more pointless newbies.

I am really hoping that this is a rumor. I don't want to see John go.

Max could go back into racing, and be on the circuit... Melonie could go anywhere but Salem... Nick is going to jail so he is already out, Chelsea and Stephanie could go back to college and do it abroad... not in Salem.

Dr. Dan could just go... Roman hardly is on and has no storyline, as much as I love Roman, send him off to some training class or something. What on earth are they doing with Victor and Stefano? If they aren't going to use them for their evilness then why have them at all.

Lexie and Theo could go some where to get theo help... they have nothing to add to the show.

There are so many little characters that don't really need to be there that you could explain away that they could keep the majors.

Why are we spending so much time on Trent's murder? No offense, but some college professor should take a back seat to the Mayor's murder and they haven't done anything on finding the killer of the Mayor... We have had to deal with Trent for what 3 months after his murder... just get this over with... and lets just get rid of Melonie.

I guess Ken doesn't remember last time he decided to fire Drake? The fans went berserk. If the actors and actresses who have been on the show the longest continue to leave, they won't get to finish out their new extension. Half of the viewers will be gone. They say that they want to make room for other stories, what the heck does that mean? That they think whoever is leftover when they finish their massacre will be more important? The vets are important and they aren't on enough, and that's the reason they are in the spot they are in now. The fans would have been loving this John storyline and viewing in drones had they handled it right. They let Drake tell us about all of the stuff coming up for him in this story and they let him go!?

And not just that. Had they given the rest of the vets stories or at least given us some real stories and not this dribble we have now of slow and boring storylines, they wouldn't have to let anyone go. New people are nice, but don't sacrifice the proven formula for a new one!

I'm furious that they are just letting their talent out the door. They are really proving that they don't know what they Hell they are doing. We might as well accept cancellation and let it go.

And you know, I said before that I wouldn't stop watching. But if none of the characters I know are on the show, what's the point in watching? So im starting to rethink that. Good job Ken!

If this is indeed a fact, I can definitely guarantee to NBC that me and many of the loyal viewers who have remained, will be gone forever. I have already talked to some of these people and we are in total agreement......NO JOHN means NO VIEWERS. The show has been totally horrible but we have hung on for the last year for a glimpse of the old John returning to reunite with Marlena. Enough is enough!!

I loved that S/L! It was creative and innovative. I would be open to bringing her back....oh if only it were up to me. I also like Sheri Anderson as HW. I don't like the direction "Hackley" is taking the's lame, predictable and what she thinks is interesting... which is not what the fans find interesting.
Twisted fate

Are you happy with Days and the storylines
Definitely yes. [ 2 ] [4.08%]
yes [ 5 ] [10.20%]
Sometimes [ 10 ] [20.41%]
I'm hanging in there hoping it will get better [ 14 ] [28.57%]
not really [ 0 ] [0.00%]
Definitely no [ 9 ] [18.37%]
I fast forward through most the show. [ 4 ] [8.16%]
If I miss it, it doesn't matter. [ 2 ] [4.08%]
I have given up and am moving on to another soap. [ 1 ] [2.04%]
The best years are over all that's left is to turn off the stage lights. [ 2 ] [4.08%]

If you could have five minutes with the Executive Producers, What would you say to them?
Good job [ 1 ] [2.04%]
What are you doing? [ 15 ] [30.61%]
I have a few ideas to make things better. [ 17 ] [34.69%]
Why do you work on Days if you hate your job [ 4 ] [8.16%]
Your fired [ 12 ] [24.49%]

Honestly, I think I could have voted ALL of these:

I'm hanging in there hoping it will get better
not really
Definitely no
I fast forward through most the show.
If I miss it, it doesn't matter.
I have given up and am moving on to another soap.
The best years are over all that's left is to turn off the stage lights.

And I would tell them to get back to using their "main" characters in storylines where everyone is involved, like they did in the 80s. It's time to get back to basics and stop pandering to the younger demographic already.

There is so much more than I could possible list here. However, what the fans want is very clear to anyone who is open enough to see it. Most fans believe that Days will be cancelled before the contract ends and at this point they don't care. The show they have loved and have been loyal too for decades doesn't exist any more. But it doesn't have to be. Change can be wonderful, but so can keeping to tradition. Two generations have grown up with Days; many of the vets feel like family. It doesn't have to end. There are still many viewers and fan who desperately want to be loyal, including me; we just want our show back--the one that was based on romance, suspense, drama and humor--not just shallow soft porn. We are a demographic that can be very profitable to any network that choices to give us back Our Days.

So Mr Fairfield, Connecticut are you willing to step up to the plate and make your voice heard. You can make the necessary changes. The power is within you to save Days. It's a good business, good karma and just a plain out and out good deed--And if you decided to take up this challenge, remember, me for the head writer gig. I would very much like the opportunity to brink back the good old Days.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Viewers control the Television Industry, Networks Listen or Lose

Viewers control the Television Industry, Networks Listen or Lose

On the surface, the television industry seems complicated; however, in many ways it is just like every other industry. In order to be successful, a business not only has to provide a product or service that customers want to buy, it also needs to provide the highest quality for the value. Broadcast television is no different except that it has two customers bases instead of one. No longer limited to two or three stations, the competition for both viewers and advertisers has not only raised the stakes, but has also shifted the power away from the networks and bestowed on the viewers

Unlike most industries, broadcast television has a dual flow of both product and customers. Both viewers and advertisers can be considered clients. Whereas the viewer seeks entertainment and information, the advertisers search for exposure for their products or services. Television sells entertainment to the viewers and viewers to the advertisers.

Whether over the air or through cable, broadcasting attracts viewers with entertainment, news and sports. Although the viewers don't lay down cash for the programming, they do pay for the entertainment by watching the commercials. By investing their time, attention and loyalty to a program or actor, the viewer becomes not only a client, but also a product the broadcast industry sells the advertisers. TV shows that respect the viewers by providing quality entertainment or accurate facts in the case of news programs will be the one to garter the viewers’ loyalty and increase their viewers. Advertisers will compete for the limited air time during these programs, thereby increasing the revenues of the networks. However, the reverse is also true; unpopular programming will not only lack viewers, but will also have to fight for sponsors by lowering the commercial rates.

Technical advances in cable and satellite dishes have increased the number of available channels, not only increasing the competition for viewers, but also diversifying the programs available. No longer limited to their local stations or the three big networks, the viewers are the ones who control the remote and decide which programs will succeed. Independent stations and new networks have shattered the monopoly of the elitist network and program executives. If the viewers don’t like what they are seeing, they simply change the channel to another one of the hundreds available; they are not bound to watch any program or event

This symbiotic relationship between viewers and advertisers gives them control over what is produced and broadcast. Viewers won't watch programming they don't like; advertisers won't buy time on shows the viewers don't like; therefore, it is the viewers who control the success or failure of a program, not the executive producers, writers, or network management. No matter what the industry insiders want or what agenda they try to push, if the viewers aren’t interested, they will not watch. Those in the industry who provide what the viewers want will be successful; those who chose to ignore the viewers’ wishes will soon find themselves on the outside, looking in at those execs, producers and writers who do fulfill the viewers needs and expectations.


Days of Our Lives: 12-1-08

Monday, December 1, 2008
Days of Our Lives 12-2-08
Days of Our Lives

Alternative Storyline for Days of Our Lives
Here is the next installment of my alternative storylines for Days of Our Lives.

This is what I previously posted on the NBC Days boards

The newest entry is at

The last three entries aren't in the proper format; I'll fix it later.

If you like what you are reading, please leave me a comment here or on the NBC message boards. Or better yet contact the executive producers at

Gary Tomlin or Ken Corday
Corday Productions
3400 W. Olive Avenue
suite 170 Burbank CA


Never Can Say Good-bye-Paranormal Romance

Never Can Say Good-bye-Paranormal Romance
Never Can Say Good-bye: parnormal-romance screenplay. To help a friend, Elizabeth agrees to teach a writing course at a small college. She expects to find a sleeply town with a long history, but instead she finds herself dealing with violently jealous wife and the past mistakes she is only beginning to remember.

To read an excerpt of this awared winning screen play go to