
Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fans of fantasy will enjoy Awakening The Dragon.

By Debra Gaynor "Debra Gaynor" (Hawesville, KY USA)

Book One of the Dragon Clan Trilogy
Theresa Chaze
Valkyrie Publishing, 2008
Reviewed by Debra Gaynor for, 10/08
4 Star

Very entertaining...
Rachel felt as though the cottage was calling to her. It was lonely. The church people wanted to burn it down, because a witch once lived in it. They now target Rachel for her beliefs and practices. When she attempts to open a new book story she becomes the mark of bigotry.

This is not the type of book I normally read. Once I began, I could not put it down. There is a strength and yet innocence in Rachel. From the beginning, I sensed she had a secret. I wanted to see romance between Kevin and Rachel. Kevin is a wounded character. While this book is a fantasy and very entertaining, it also has an agenda, to teach the dangers of bigotry, close mindedness, and lack of love for people that are different. Awakening The Dragon would make an excellent movie. Fans of fantasy will enjoy Awakening The Dragon.

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