
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lebanon IN: Good Luck Ritual Leads to Sore Foot

According to many news sources, a woman in Lebanon, Indiana accidentally stabbed herself in the foot during a good luck ritual. Was it a mistake? Yes. Was it embarrassing, probably. Did it hurt? Most definitely. Was it worth a news release? Are you kidding? With the economy, the war and the elections, why should a careless mistake make news on AP, UP, NPR and other media?

Katerine Gunther was completing a gratitude ritual for her good luck in a local cemetery. She intended to drive her sword into the ground to complete the ritual; she missed the ground and found her foot. Friends took her to the local hospital, where she was treated.

“It's like all you can do is laugh at it now, all you can do when something like this happens is make the best out of it," Gunther said from her hospital room. "It wasn't the first time I performed the ritual, but it was the first time I put a sword through my foot.”

WTHR-TV of Indianapolis, IN reported that the Boone County prosecutors were reviewing evidence collected by police to determine if Katherine and her friends should face any charges in connection with the stabbing. Why? It was an accident. Gunther did it to herself. Other than snickering at the situation of the good luck ritual gone bad, why is the law involved at all? Is the bigotry on the part of the WTHR, the prosecutors or a combination of the two?

AP reported that no charges were filed, but that police warned the group that being in the cemetery after the posted hours was considered trespassing. The article further explained, “Wicca is a nature-based religion based on respect for the earth, nature and the cycle of the seasons.” A simply, yet reasonable description.

Two questions remain: Why all the coverage of a simple oops, when there is religious bigotry happening in the military as the Christians continue attempting to force their religion down others throats? Why the difference in the content between the local and national stories? Could the later be the actual story? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:21 PM

    It's standard procedure for emergency rooms to notify the police when a victim of a weapon wound is brought in, to determine whether an assault or some other crime was committed. Granted, in our modern world a weapon wound is usually caused by a gun or a smaller blade, but sword wounds still count. I'm sure the ER personel we only doing their job in telling the police, as the police were only doing their job in investigating.

    And news services have been carrying silly stories right alongside the serious stories ever since news services were invented, but I'm sure your question was rhetorical. >8)
