
Thursday, May 08, 2008

Six Common Sense Book Promotional Ideas

Six Common Sense Book Promotional Ideas
Theresa Chaze

Book Promotion doesn't have to be expensive or complicated in order to be effective. More often than not, it is the simple ideas that are the most successful, yet they are frequently over looked by authors.

* Talk about you work. Don’t be shy. You know it the best. You don’t need to stand on street corners with a bullhorn. Talk to people you meet waiting in line. Striking up conversations and offering a promotional bookmarker or post card are good ways to make it easier for people to remember your book and how to find it.

* Create a Blog for both on and off topic subjects. Not only is this a good venue to talk about you book but to help other authors as well. By interviewing other writers or inviting them the guest blog, you diversify your audience base. In addition, leaving clever, on-topic comments on others’ blogs could attract the attention of the host blogger and of those who comment after.

* Write articles on related topics. No book is written in a vacuum. There is always a back story to the process both in the research and the creation. Sharing the information not only is great way to promote you book, but it also gives the author additional credibility. By making the articles SEO, you will increase its rankings in the search engines. There are also many sites on the net that accept press releases and articles. Although they don’t pay for the piece, they disseminate them to a variety of sites and blogs, which makes the information available to a wider audience.

* Talk to bookstores in your area about doing reading from your book in association to a book signing. Many bookstores aren’t willing to just host a signing; however, if it can be tied into a theme they are already promoting or connected to an author event, they will be more open be becoming a host. In addition, most bookstores have a local artist section. Walking the front door may be enough for the owner to find a little room for the book.

* Ask your friends to write reviews and talk about your book. Word of mouth is still the best form of advertising. The more people who read your work, the more people who will want to read you work. The movie 6 Degrees of separation is based on the theory that everyone is with six contacts of meeting the person that they need or want to meet. By tapping into this special resources, friends and family are able to be actively supportive.

* Placing promotional material such bookmarkers, flyers and post cards in places that are easily accessible to the public can create interest if done properly. Seeding bookmarkers or post cards in genre relevant books taps into the existing readership. However, be reasonable; don’t blanket the bookshelves. The same could be said of flyers. Although they don’t necessarily have to be limited to bookstores, they do need to be presented in a responsible and professional way; blanketing a wall will only waste the paper and will not be any more effective than a single flyer properly placed. Any bulletin board can be a mini billboard especially in situations where the public is inactive for a period time such as in laundry mates, elevators, bus stops--anywhere they are kept waiting for an event, person or thing.

From Blank Page to Book Shelves--How to Successfully Write and Market Your Book contains more marketing and promotional tips, including how to correctly use SEO keywords. It is available as an Amazon Kindle book and on the Theresa Chaze’s website at Those that buy the ebook from the Chaze will also receive a copy of her 345 page PDF listing of over 2000 independent bookstores for free.

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