
Friday, May 30, 2008

African American Women Win Nothing With Obama

African American Women Win Nothing With Obama

Father Michael Pfleger is just the newest example of how Obama judgment should be called into question. His sexist and racist comments were not taken out of context. There is no reasonable context that would justify them; the comments were hate filled not only of women but also indiscriminately of all white people. There are good and bad--wise and ignorant people in all religions, genders, and ethic backgrounds. To paint with broad strokes only reflects badly back on the speaker and has nothing to do with the subject of the discourse. Everyone sees the world through their own personal experience; our past colors the way we see the present and the future, leaving us all to see the world subjectively and in many cases unrealistically.

When I first saw Obama at the Democratic convention, I thought he was amazing. His speech showed a wise soul who wanted to be a positive force in the world. That person started the campaign; however, it has been a long time, since I saw him. He quickly changed into just another member of the good old boys club. The day after the West Virginia elections only confirmed how much he has changed. Showing up in Michigan with John Edwards was not a coincidence. It was a planned event to upstage Clinton's big win. It was their way of putting that uppity woman back in her place. Immediately, the media and the DNC jumped on Obama's bandwagon discounting both West Virginia and Kentucky’s over whelming support for Clinton and once again demanding that she concede the nomination. They continue to claim that Obama is the nominee without considering that the voters refuse to follow their lead.

While in previous elections DNC focused on the popular vote instead of the delegates, during the nomination process they have done just the opposite. The numbers have been manipulated on both sides, but none as great as those involving the popular vote. Michigan and Florida votes have been cast aside solely because of who would benefit from them. If Obama had been the beneficiary, there simply would never have been a question of those votes being included. Nor would the DNC or the media have started calling for the Obama to step aside when there was only a 26 delegate difference as the did to Clinton. Their gender bias has revealed how little respect there is for women. If the situation had been reverse, there would have been riots in the streets with claims of racial bigotry. Yet when it comes to gender, women are expected to shut up and do what they are told. How shocked they must have been when Clinton said no and to continued to fight. How dare that uppity woman!

What confuses me even more are the African American women who are Obama’s staunch supporters as if they will actually win something if he becomes President. No matter what color skin or ethic background, all women are seen the same. In 1870 15th Amendment to the Constitution granted voting rights to African American males only. African American women like all the other women didn’t get the right to make a difference until August 26, 1920 with the 19th Amendment. It took another fifty years for woman to achieve full citizenship under the constitution. So why are African American women celebrating Obama? They will gain nothing by his winning. However, since women’s glass ceiling is lower, Clinton’s winning will smash both and African American women will win twice.

Guilt by associate is not valid measuring stick in a single case. Everyone makes mistakes in their associations. It is not the individuals that need to be focused on, but the growing list of long term close associations that promote hatred, bigotry and fear among people. Pfleger is just the newest and clearest example of Obama mindset. His mocking of Clinton exposed is racism and gender hatred. It was more than a personal attack on Clinton, but an attack on women. He degraded all women without exception. Yet you see women in the congregation cheering him on. There is no all of anything when it comes to people. Whites are no more all bigots any more than African Americans are all the negative stereotypes. Any student of history will tell you that white women were just as much property of their husbands as the slave field hands. With very few exceptions, they had not rights, no voice and whatever property they did hold going into the marriage immediately became their husbands. Just because the bird lives in a pretty cage doesn’t mean it has any freedom.

Pfleger claimed that Clinton felt entitled to the nomination because she was white and President Clinton’s wife. He totally discounted her decades of service, her education and experience. She never claimed she entitled or guaranteed anything. It was the media who claimed that she was going to be the sure winner. Never once did she try to pervert the process by declaring herself the winner--unlike Obama has already done. She has worked hard both on the campaign and with her Senatorial duties. While Obama is to busy campaigning to grace the Senate with his presence, Clinton has found a way to do both. But then again most women learned how to multi-task before there was such a word.

As an individual, I will not vote for Obama. The great man I saw and would have voted for a few years ago, no longer exists. Nor will I vote for McCain. He is equally bigoted against women. I will either write in Clinton or not vote for a President.

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  1. I wonder if there's more yet to the popular vote story. MI and FL are just the beginning: No caucus state is included at all! I believe that means 11 states completely disenfranchised, all of which played by the rules. In my state (Iowa) popular vote isn't even tabulated! The popular vote neglects hundreds of thousands of voters, mostly in caucus states where the Clinton campaign didn't do as well as it did in primaries - thus, the p.v. stacks the deck in Hillary's favor.
    While I understand the frustration of MI and FL, I sure hope the DNC won't be swayed by the popular vote - for that would take my vote away, just because I made it in a caucus rather than a voting booth.

  2. At least your voice was heard. Michigan and Florida's voters were not. The DNC wants our votes in November, while refusing to allow the voters to participate in the selection process.

    If your state has a caucus and doesn't keep track of the the popular vote, then you need to make changes in your state. Caucus have a tentancy to be ineffectual anyway. They don't take into account that people don't always live a 9-5. The second and third shifters, who have to be at work, can't participate in the process, which affects the participating demographics. Caucuses primarily exclude blue collar workers, while giving greater access to white collar.

    If the voting process was standardized for all 50 states the voting process would be more balanced.
