Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Women's Issues: Uppity Women Unite Make All the Votes Count
Once again, political pundits and ranking members of the Democratic Party are telling Senator Clinton to drop out of the Presidential race. They keep pointing to the numbers, stating that she can reach the magic number to win the nomination, while ignoring the fact that neither can Obama. According the math, neither of them will have enough votes without the Super Delegates to achieve the magic number of 2024. Currently, Clinton has won, 253½ and Obama has won, 415½; there is only 162 separation in the pledged delegate count with 566 in eleven states yet to vote. Obama’s win in the remaining states is far from a sure thing. If the situations were reversed, these same so called leaders wouldn’t be telling Obama to concede; they would be too afraid of being called a racist. Yet they feel it is perfectly reasonable to ask a woman to step aside--for the good of the party. They are shocked that this uppity woman isn't backing down.
In the last week, Obama’s comments at a California fundraiser revealed his true character.
“Our challenge is to get people persuaded that we can make progress when there’s not evidence of that in their daily lives,” he said. “You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate and they have not.
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
His response to criticisms has been has been typical to his past reactions. First denial, followed by a shallow explanation and sarcastic retorts attacking those who criticized him, all of which was followed by a half heart apology. In this case, it is easy to see why he discounts the rural and small town voter. Living most if not all his life in urban area, he has no concept of any other way of life. He is an urbanite who doesn’t have a clue to what it means to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. He sees the people who live in small towns as uneducated hicks who can be talked down on or around. Small towns are not made up of local yokels who consist of high school dropouts, trailer parks and small minded bigots. This is so far from the truth, that the statement only reveals Obama’s ignorance and bigotry.
Not only are we made up of a cross section of cultures and religions, but also many of the well educated people have sought refuge from the dirt, crime and over crowding of the big cities in the smaller towns. The guns that we own are for hunting, not for trophies or for drive by shootings like the big cities boys, but to provide meat for the family. Hunting is not a sport for us. We don’t clip wings or fence in game. We go out in the woods where the odds are even for both sides. All of what is killed is used. We don’t just mount the head and call ourselves big time hunters.
Unlike the corporate farms, family own farms are going green not only for energy sources but also with agriculture and the raising of livestock. Many families still have their own gardens in the summer and preserve the harvests in the fall. We don’t use artificial fertilizers in our gardens; we spread our cow and horse manure on the fields instead of serving it up at fancy fundraisers.
News flash, the internet has opened many new employment and business opportunities. Many of the top ten corporations have started telecommuting programs. It is a more cost efficient and effective way of doing business. No longer to employees have to be located in the same area as the main office to be employed. It saves energy and increases productivity. We can have the good jobs and still live in our small towns.
In many ways we are more self sufficient than urban dwellers not only out of necessity but because that is who we are. When the snowfalls, we drive through feet; a couple of inches are enough to reek havoc the city. In most cases, we walk or bike instead of drive. Neighbors not only know each other’s names but also have created bonds of friendship. We don’t have elaborate parties with over priced designer dresses; we have barbeques in the back yard not because we don’t like sit down dinners, but because we better ways to spend five grand than on a single dress. Although we have our own issues, for the most part we are well-educated people who are doing the best to provide for our families.
Obama, the Democratic Party leaders and political pundit have made in more than clear that they aren’t in having all the votes count, only those that are in Obama favor. Michigan and Florida votes were excluded from the process, while they would prefer for the remaining state votes not to have a choice between candidates. By pressuring Clinton to step down before everyone has an opportunity to vote, they are usurping the voters’ rights. As it stands now the race is so close that every vote counts and should could count. By trying to remove Clinton from the race, you are telling millions of voters that there isn’t room in the process from them or their needs. Party leaders are so despite to win the White House that they are forgetting that the primary goal is to serve the pubic--in short to represent, all of the people, not just those who voted at the beginning of the primary. By usurping the voters’ choices, they are opening the door for Senator McCain and helping him through it.
Just so you know Obama, most of us don’t have a clue how to play the banjo, but I’m beginning to wonder about you. Congratulations on joining the Good Ole Boy’s club. I’m sure it’s making you Mother’s soul proud to see you become what she disliked most about society. Have a good look in the mirror. Just in the short time, you have been running for the Presidency, you have already become that which you intended to fight against.
Technorati Tags:
2008 Presidental election, Clinton, Obama, feminism, Feminized Values, guest blogger, politics, Democrats, real clear politics, cnn politics, American Politics, real politics, women in politics, hilary clinton campaign, hilary rodham clinton, hilary clinton for president, barack obama, obama girl, facts about barack obama, obama for president, Theresa Chaze, Katherine Adam, Charles Derber, democratic candidates for 2008 elections, republican elections 2008 whos running for president, 2008 us democratic party elections results, feminism, modern feminism, liberal feminism, definition of feminism, politics of feminism, the view politics feminism, Michigan Voters, Theresa Chaze, uppity women, gender bias, gender bigotry,
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