Tarot Energy Reading for April 2008
Theresa Chaze
This month the increasing energy will cause many to draw a line in the sand that will be deeper and more resolved than ever before. No longer willing to follow others expectations and rules, they have taken back their power and have started demanding their due. They have claimed their right of free will and have accepted the responsibility for charting their own course in life. No longer satisfied by the Grand Design or being told to wait for their needs to be met, they have rallied their power and have chosen to manifest on their own. No longer led around by the promised carrot, they have banded together as one time enemies see the puppet strings that have manipulated them, not for their good or the spiritual growth of the whole, but to satisfy the ego driven personal agendas of those who had been assigned to guide and protect. However, these guides and protectors have forgotten their role, claiming mastership over those they were assigned to serve. Their actions have not gone unnoticed by those beyond this realm. With the New Moon, the accounting has begun; balance will be restored. The New Age has begun nearly four years early.
The energy that will be brought in from the past is Justice. The long hidden truths will be revealed in such a way that they cannot be denied or excused. The middle of the month a single event will start a cascade that eventually will become an avalanche. Those that hide behind their false authority will find the spotlight shining hotly on them; they will no longer be able to lurk in the shadows as the light will follow them no matter where they run. Ghosts will awaken and join in the hunt for justice, bringing with them the destruction of those who had come to power through deceit and theft. Justice for one will lead to the revelation for three other as well as those far beyond. Those who must took fear in others for respect find that they no longer have the ability to have either. Even a rabbit will turn and fight when it is given no other option.
The month of April is represented by the Knight of pentacles. With the frustration, confusion and uncertainty, many will find themselves stuck--unable to motivate themselves to keep moving forward. However, if they refused to look at the big picture and instead focus on the tasks at hand they will renew their sense of purpose and find their strength of will rapidly returning. Like a house that hasn’t been cleaned in ages, to look at the task at a whole, it would be daunting; yet if you focus on one room at a time, the task unfurls itself with ease and grace. So shall we look at this month. As each revelation shakes our infrastructure, if we address each individually, while waiting for the end of the month for the full accounting, we will avoid the much of the paralyzing negative backlash.
The energy that we will take out of April is the nine of wands. This card talks about a new strength and wisdom that will clarify future goals and past mistakes. It is an awakening of personal responsibility and free will. No longer willing to merely exist in their own lives, more people will find their voices and the willing to use them. Simple and easy answers will no longer be good enough. Not only will the masses demand details, but also expect to be told the long range consequences of every possible path. “Because I said so” is not a viable answer to any question. Specific facts and details will have to be given along with the reasoning behind them. There will be a major breaking away from traditions, as once again individualism will be celebrated. However, unlike the seventies, it will not result in a “me only” viewpoint. But that of individuals banning together to restore civil liberties and civil rights. Groups who were in conflict before suddenly find they have common ground and a common enemy.
The challenge we will all face is the four of swords. Many will feel isolated from their dreams and society as whole. It is a time to rest, recuperate and rethink. The long dark night of the soul is over. The dawn is breaking. However, before over reacting, each of us need to stand back and find perspective giving the sunlight the time to drive away the shadows. If we act too quickly, before giving ourselves time to gain objectivity, we become that which we wish to destroy. Do the research. Get the facts. Find the truth. Face the fears. In doing so, not only will the foundation be restored, but also it will be made whole.
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