
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Free Ezine: Messages From the Universe--An Ezine of Many Voices

Messages From the Universe--An Ezine of Many Voices

Valkyrie Publishing is proud to announce the beginning of it second year publishing, Messages From the Universe. This ezine’s goal is to give a voice to diverse points of view and spiritual wisdom. However, unlike most spiritual ezines, Messages From the Universe encompasses all aspects of life, not just those who follow mystical topics. Instead of differentiating between the spiritual and the mundane, this ezine intertwines all aspects of life in a single forum.
With a rapidly growing readership, Messages From The Universe gives writers a venue to share their wisdom or challenge the status quo. There are no taboo topics except those that spread hate, bigotry or ignorance. Many spiritual ezines limit the articles to the mystical, healing or otherworldly issues. However, Messages From The Universe sees life as being interconnected. Like a stone dropped into a pond causes ripples that radiate across the surface to the shores, so does every action send out wrinkles in the universal energy. Whether on a spiritual or on a mundane level, every act affects life on some level. It is Valkyrie Publishing’s goal to show how politics, religion and metaphysics can be successfully intertwined in a single medium.
To have this free ezine delivered to your email address on a monthly bases go to and join this Yahoo group. Current and past issues are available at

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